The Altar of Gnaw
(Altar of Gnawから転送)
“We'd better start cooking some offerings.”
–Wilson, examining an empty Altar
“Don't. Look. Up.”
–Willow, examining an empty Altar
“Little stone. Wolfgang will cook for you.”
–Wolfgang, examining an empty Altar
“The monster's hunger shall never cease.”
–Wendy, examining an empty Altar
–WX-78, examining an empty Altar
“What is this "Gnaw", I wonder?”
–Wickerbottom, examining an empty Altar
“We gotta load it up with good eats.”
–Woodie, examining an empty Altar
“Best offer it something if we enjoy living.”
–Maxwell, examining an empty Altar
“The beast gröws restless when tis nöt fed.”
–Wigfrid, examining an empty Altar
“I think it's hungry.”
–Webber, examining an empty Altar
“Moss has grown over some sorta socket in the base.”
–Winona, examining an empty Altar
The Altar of Gnaw(ノウの祭壇)はDon't Starve Togetherにおけるイベント「The Gorge」に登場する建造物です。スタート地点であるMossy Gateway(苔むしたゲート)のすぐ近くにあり、ここに食べ物を置くことでノウに捧げることができます。また、ここに古代の鍵を差し込むことでゲームクリアとなります。
Mumsy making an offering on The Altar of Gnaw as seen in the Gorge cinematic.
Wickerbottom making an offering on The Altar of Gnaw as seen in the Gorge cinematic.