“I like my noodles plain, with butter.”
“Sorry, I'm eatin' this whole thing myself.”
“It's surprisingly delicious.”
“It slays my hunger söundly!”
“Watch how fast we can slurp it up!”
“Nothin' like a pot full of pasta.”
“Oodles of fishy noodles.”
“Nuh-uh, not eating that.”
“Just about anything tastes good with pasta.”
“That should keep me fed for a good while.”
Barnacle Linguine(フジツボのリングイネ)はDon't Starve Togetherにおける「Return of Them」アップデートにて追加された調理鍋の料理です。フジツボ2つと2ポイント分の野菜類で作成できます。
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