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Midsummer CawnivalはDon't Starve Togetherにて導入されたイベントです。開催日は2021年は6月3日~7月6日(PT)です。[1][2][3]2022年は6月2日からとなっています。[4]
このイベントは夏至祭をモチーフにしたものとなっており、冬に行われるWinter's Feastのように夏に行われる季節限定イベントとなっています。[5]また、このイベントは毎年6月に行われる「Klei Fest」というイベントと同時に開催されます。Klei Festはゲーム開発元であるKlei Entertainmentの大型イベントであり、この期間中はKleiが開発した他のゲームでも同様のイベントやアップデートが行われる他、ゲームの大特価セールが行われます。[6][7]
Corvus Goodfeather
“He is like ringmaster, but more birdy.”
“How do you do, Mr. Raven?”
“There's just somethin' about him I don't trust...”
“Just look at him, strutting around like he owns the place.”
“He must be the leader öf the ravens.”
“That's the biggest crow we've ever seen!”
“He's a bit odd, but so is everything around here, non?”
“That's one fancy crow.”
“How now, spirit? Whither wonder you?”
“Ooooh, is fancy Birdfolk.”
“Woah! A real bird man!”
“Hello there, Goodfeather. How long has it been?”
Corvus Goodfeather(コーバス・グッドフェザー)はゲーム開始時に華やかな門の周辺をうろついているモブです。近くに立つと画面左側のクラフトタブ一覧にCawnival Creation(カーカーニバルの製作)フィルターが表示され、そこからカーカーニバルの苗木を購入することができます。
Cawnival Creation Filter
Cawnival Tree
“It's a scientifically proven fact that birds love trees.”
–Wilson, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“Why don't I just burn it and call it a day?”
–Willow, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“Will make nice tree for birds.”
–Wolfgang, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“Perhaps I might enjoy its shade one day.”
–Wendy, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
–WX-78, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“What an intriguing specimen... I can't quite pinpoint the subspecies.”
–Wickerbottom, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“The one thing birds are good for, planting trees.”
–Woodie, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“It's so... ugh... whimsical.”
–Maxwell, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“Perhaps it will grow as tall as Yggdrasil.”
–Wigfrid, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“We need to find a good planting spot.”
–Webber, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“This tree has a certain je ne sais quoi.”
–Warly, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“New friend!”
–Wormwood, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“Gotta set the foundations for the Cawnival.”
–Winona, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“Now if I were a crow, where would I think it should go?”
–Wortox, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“Never see tree like that, florp.”
–Wurt, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“I'm good at planting trees, we did it all the time in the Pioneers!”
–Walter, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“I hope it doesn't take too long to grow.”
–Wanda, when examining a Cawnival Sapling
“It doesn't really scream "Cawnival" yet, does it?”
–Wilson, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“Hm, the ground around it does looks kind of empty...”
–Willow, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“Hm... this place looks bare to Wolfgang...”
–Wolfgang, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“Abigail thinks it needs some decorations around it.”
–Wendy, when examining a Cawnival Tree
–WX-78, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“It seems customary to place decorations around it.”
–Wickerbottom, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“If I can't chop it down, might as well pretty it up, eh?”
–Woodie, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“It's about as festive as I like it. Which is not at all.”
–Maxwell, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“Methinks these grounds are in need of adornment.”
–Wigfrid, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“It would look better with more decorations around.”
–Webber, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“Hm, it's looking a bit bland around here.”
–Warly, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“Make fancy?”
–Wormwood, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“Hm... this area could stand to be gussied up a bit.”
–Winona, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“This place could use some sprucing up, don't you think?”
–Wortox, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“Need more fun stuff around!”
–Wurt, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“Maybe if we decorate around it, more birds will come!”
–Walter, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“It could use a little something or other.”
–Wanda, when examining a Cawnival Tree
“A little birdy told me it could use some more decorations around here.”
–Wilson, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“I think those weird birds like the decorations."”
–Willow, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“Wolfgang can make it even more beautiful!”
–Wolfgang, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“The ravens seem quite drawn to the decorations.”
–Wendy, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
–WX-78, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“Oh yes, that's coming along quite nicely!”
–Wickerbottom, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“Oh no... I think the decorations are attractin' more birds...”
–Woodie, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“The birds seem to enjoy it. Some creatures just lack any taste.”
–Maxwell, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“Make haste! The great Tree demands offerings of decorations!”
–Wigfrid, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“We're pretty sure we can fit even more decorations around it!”
–Webber, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“Having more decorations around would certainly give it some zest!”
–Warly, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“Big Tweeters like decoration”
–Wormwood, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“Lookin' pretty good... but I think we can do even better.”
–Winona, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“It's fine, but this place could use more sparkle and shine.”
–Wortox, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“Birdfolk like shiny decorations, florp.”
–Wurt, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“It's looking good, but I think we can do even better.”
–Walter, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“Putting a few more trinkets around wouldn't hurt.”
–Wanda, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 2
“This tree is caws for celebration!”
–Wilson, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“Alright, I'm bored of decorating. Moving on.”
–Willow, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“Is prettiest tree in forest!”
–Wolfgang, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“It does look quite pretty, doesn't it?”
–Wendy, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
–WX-78, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“That appears to be an acceptable level of decoration.”
–Wickerbottom, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“The tree's been decorated, but at what cost...”
–Woodie, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“I think that's about as much clutter as one could possibly throw on a tree.”
–Maxwell, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“A glorious sight to behold.”
–Wigfrid, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“It's perfect!”
–Webber, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
–Warly, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“Oooh, friend look so nice!”
–Wormwood, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“Now that's a fine lookin' tree!”
–Winona, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“Fittingly fancified for our fine feathered friends.”
–Wortox, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“All pretty!”
–Wurt, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“I've got a real talon for decorating! Get it? Because crows have talons?”
–Walter, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
“An impressive sight, if I do say so myself!”
–Wanda, when examining a Cawnival Tree Level 3
Cawnival Tree(カーカーニバルの木)はイベント限定の建造物です。ゲーム開始時に華やかな門の周辺をうろついているコーバス・グッドフェザーからカーカーニバルの苗木を購入し、地面に植えることで出現します。植えた後は周辺にカラスのヒナが降りてきます。また、調べるとベルが鳴りコーバス・グッドフェザーがやってきます。
Crow Kid
“Good day to you, small bird person.”
“I wonder where they've been hiding all this time.”
“Welcome, bird child! Enjoy carnival!”
“A murder has flown in.”
“Corvids are remarkably intelligent, I'd imagine this species is even more so.”
“I think I had a nightmare like this once...”
“Nöble ravens! Höw fare thee?”
“Are you a boy who was eaten by a crow?”
“Bonjour! And who you might be, little one?”
“Aww, hey little guy!”
“Hyuyu, so nice to see these fine folks out and about!”
“How you grow so big, flort?”
“Tiny bird men! Bird kids?”
“Look at them, so full of youthful vitality!”
Crow KidはCawnival Tree周辺に出現するモブです。Cawnival Treeの円形エリア内に置かれた装飾品の数に応じてCrow Kidも増えていきます。基本的には祭りの観客として木の周辺をうろついたり装飾についてセリフを呟いたりします。ミニゲームで遊ぶ際、近くにCrow Kidがいればゲームの様子を見に来てくれ、結果が良ければゲームが終わったときにPrize Ticketを1枚プレゼントしてくれます。
おやつのPopcornかCorny Slushを与えるとPrize Ticket1枚とCawnival Token1個をプレゼントしてくれます。一度に与えられるおやつはどちらか1個のみであり、再びおやつを与える場合は前回与えた分を食べきるまで待つ必要があります(Popcornなら1時間、Corny Slushなら12分待つ必要がある)。
モンスターおよび影の怪物(実体化してない場合も含む)が近づくとCrow Kidは一旦空へ飛んで退避します。
Crow Kidにはバニーマンやブタと同様にランダムに名前がつけられており、マウスカーソルを重ねると名前を調べることができます。
- Apollo
- Ava
- Baxter
- Becca
- Bram
- Corbett
- Demetrius
- Francis
- Helena
- Hermia
- Jet
- Korbin
- Lysander
- Merle
- Nick
- Quincy
- Robyn
- Russel
- Swift
- Symone
- Tom
A promotional image on the announcement post for the original event going live. It is also featured as a Vignette.
A promotional image used during the original live event for online stores.
A Midsummer Cawnival promotional banner.
The animated main menu featured during Midsummer Cawnival.
A promotional animation for 2021 Midsummer Cawnival.
A promotional animation for 2022 Midsummer Cawnival.
Midsummer Cawnival logo on Steam
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