Offerings Filter

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登場作品:Don't Starve Together icon.png




Offerings(提供品)フィルターDon't Starve Togetherにおける旧正月イベント専用のフィルターです。古代タブにおけるAncient Pseudoscience Stationと似ており、プロトタイプを作成することはできず、このフィルターのアイテムを作る際は必ず旧正月イベント専用の祭壇の近くに立つ必要があります。


登場イベント:Map Icon Gobbler Shrine.pngYear of the GobblerMap Icon Varg Shrine.png Year of the VargPig Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Pig KingCarrat Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the CarratBeefalo Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the BeefaloCatcoon Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the CatcoonBunnyman Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Bunnyman and Dragonfly Shrine.png Year of the Dragonfly

Gobbler Shrine.png Year of the Gobbler

登場イベント:Map Icon Gobbler Shrine.pngYear of the Gobbler

Varg Shrine.png Year of the Varg

登場イベント:Map Icon Varg Shrine.pngYear of the Varg

Pig Shrine.png Year of the Pig King

登場イベント:Pig Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Pig King

Carrat Shrine.png Year of the Carrat

登場イベント:Carrat Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Carrat

Beefalo Shrine.png Year of the Beefalo

登場イベント:Beefalo Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Beefalo

Catcoon Shrine.png Year of the Catcoon

登場イベント:Carrat Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Carrat

Bunnyman Shrine.png Year of the Bunnyman

登場イベント:Bunnyman Shrine Map Icon.pngYear of the Bunnyman

Dragonfly Shrine.png Year of the Dragonfly

登場イベント:Dragonfly Shrine.pngYear of the Dragonfly

Blueprint.png ギャラリー

Don't Starve Together クラフトフィルター
通常 Wilson Filter.png Survivor ItemsTools Filter.png ToolsLight Sources Filter.png Light SourcesPrototypers & Stations Filter.png Prototypers & StationsRefined Materials Filter.png Refined MaterialsWeapons Filter.png WeaponsArmour Filter.png ArmourClothing Filter.png ClothingHealing Filter.png HealingMagic Filter.png Shadow MagicDecorations Filter.png DecorationsStructures Filter.png StructuresStorage Solutions Filter.png Storage SolutionsCooking Filter.png CookingFood & Gardening Filter.png Food & GardeningFishing Filter.png FishingSeafaring Filter.png SeafaringBeefalo Riding Filter.png Beefalo RidingWinter Items Filter.png Winter ItemsSummer Items Filter.png Summer ItemsRain Gear Filter.png Rain GearEverything Filter.png Everything
プロトタイプ作成不可 Special Event Filter.png Special EventAncient Pseudoscience Station Icon.png Ancient PseudoscienceBottle Exchange Station Icon.png Bottle ExchangeCartography Station Icon.png CartographyCawnival Creation Filter.png Cawnival CreationCelestial Station Icon.png CelestialBrightsmithy Station Icon.png BrightsmithyShadowcrafting Station Icon.png ShadowcraftingCritters Station Icon.png CrittersMad Science Station Icon.png Mad ScienceOfferings Station Icon.png OfferingsSculptures Station Icon.png SculpturesSeasonings Station Icon.png SeasoningsTrinket Trove Station Icon.png Trinket TroveWinter's Feast Cooking Station Icon.png Winter's Feast Cooking
削除された要素 Codex Umbra Station Icon.png Codex Umbra