Reinforced Support Pillar
Reinforced Pillar
×40 (柱の土台を支柱に変えるときや完全に壊れた支柱を直すときに使用)
"support_pillar" "support_pillar_broken" "support_pillar_complete" "support_pillar_scaffold"
“ It fills me with confidence. ”
“ It's nice not having to worry about rocks falling on my head. ”
“ It promises protection, but for how long? ”
“ That should stabilize the cave's ceiling for now. ”
“ Tall and sturdy as a redwood. ”
“ A glöriöus mönument tö öur resilience! ”
“ It's nice to have some stability. ”
“ Thank you for your support, hyuyu! ”
“ Made with own two claws! ”
“ That's not going anywhere! ”
“ I wonder how long it will last. ”
“ I should really get around to fixing that. ”
“ I don't wanna be here when that thing finally breaks. ”
“ The cracks have started to show... ”
“ I'm afraid it will not be able to withstand these tectonic shifts forever. ”
“ It's startin' to look a little unsteady. ”
“ It's buckling under the weight. ”
“ This nöble pillar hath withstööd much för öur sakes. ”
“ Uh oh, those cracks are looking bigger... ”
“ I fear it won't be standing much longer. ”
“ Looks like it could use some repairs. ”
“ Alas and alack, the stone has a crack! ”
“ Hey, stop it! Not allowed to break, florp! ”
“ Don't worry Woby, I'm sure it'll be fine! ”
“ Everything breaks down over time. Well, most things anyway. ”
“ It's all under wraps for now. ”
“ Hmm. That looks suspiciously like work. ”
“ Do not look! Is not done yet! ”
“ What hides beneath that shroud? ”
“ Needs some more work yet, eh? ”
“ There is work to be done. For someone else. ”
“ The building hath cömmenced! ”
“ What's hiding under there? ”
“ What's cooking under there? ”
“ Looks like there's some buildin' to be done! ”
“ A pile of pillar-in-progress. ”
“ Need rocks! MORE ROCKS!! ”
“ I bet there's some interesting secrets hiding under there! ”
“ Oh! I thought that was done already. ”
“ You were once tall and strong. ”
“ I guess I'll have to keep an eye out for falling rocks again. ”
“ Nothing good can last... ”
“ It would be prudent to attempt some repairs. ”
“ Shucks, I came too late to yell "timbeerrrrr"! ”
“ It couldn't withstand the pressure. ”
“ Crumbled like a dry pastry. ”
“ I'd better roll up my sleeves and get to rebuildin'. ”
“ All that trouble for a pile of rubble. ”
“ Um. Maybe I spoke too soon... ”
“ Time has not been kind. ”
Reinforced Support Pillar(補強された支柱) はDon't Starve Together に登場する建造物です。古代の守護者 を倒した時に入手できる設計図 を読むことでPillar Scaffold(柱の土台) が構造フィルター から切り石 1個と板 2個で作成できるようになります。作成した土台に石 40個を与えると覆っている布がとれて補強された支柱となります。
地下 に支柱を建てた場合、支柱から半径10ターフ の範囲内では地震 が起きてもアイテムや大岩 といったオブジェクトが落下しなくなります。耐久値は50であり、地震1回につき耐久値が1減ります。耐久値が減るごとに支柱の見た目が少しずつ崩れたものに変化していき、完全に崩れ落ちた状態では支柱としての機能は無くなります。壊れた支柱は石を与えれば直すことができます。
ハンマー で叩くと1発につき耐久値が1減ります。すなわち耐久値MAXの状態であれば壊すのに50発叩く必要があるということになります。耐久値が減り、見た目が変化するごとに支柱から石が1個ドロップします。耐久値がゼロになった後さらにハンマーで叩くと支柱は切り石1個をドロップして完全に無くなります。解体の杖 で支柱を解体することはできません。
Reinforced Dreadstone Pillar
Dreadstone Pillar
×40 (柱の土台を支柱に変えるときや完全に壊れた支柱を直すときに使用)
"support_pillar_dreadstone" "support_pillar_dreadstone_broken" "support_pillar_dreadstone_complete" "support_pillar_dreadstone_scaffold
“ That looks dreadfully strong. ”
“ Cool. Wonder if it will burn. ”
“ Mighty pillar is mighty... and little bit scary. ”
“ Dreadful, yet comforting. ”
“ She'll take a few swings, eh, Luce? ”
“ Hope it's as strong as it looks. ”
“ 'Twöuld withstand Ragnarök. ”
“ Thanks for keeping us safe, pillar! ”
“ Looks well done to me! ”
“ Now that's one mean lookin' pillar! ”
“ What a marvel! Shame it's not marble. ”
“ Pretty pretty pillar, florp! ”
“ Absolutely indestructible! ”
“ Hmph. Time will tell. ”
“ I should really get around to fixing that. ”
“ I don't wanna be here when that thing finally breaks. ”
“ The cracks have started to show... ”
“ I'm afraid it will not be able to withstand these tectonic shifts forever. ”
“ It's startin' to look a little unsteady. ”
“ It's buckling under the weight ”
“ This nöble pillar hath withstööd much för öur sakes. ”
“ Uh oh, those cracks are looking bigger... ”
“ I fear it won't be standing much longer. ”
“ Looks like it could use some repairs. ”
“ Alas and alack, the stone has a crack! ”
“ Hey, stop it! Not allowed to break, florp! ”
“ Don't worry Woby, I'm sure it'll be fine! ”
“ Everything breaks down over time. Well, most things anyway. ”
“ It's all under wraps for now. ”
“ Hmm. That looks suspiciously like work. ”
“ Do not look! Is not done yet! ”
“ What hides beneath that shroud? ”
“ Needs some more work yet, eh? ”
“ There is work to be done. For someone else. ”
“ The building hath cömmenced! ”
“ What's hiding under there? ”
“ What's cooking under there? ”
“ Looks like there's some buildin' to be done! ”
“ A pile of pillar-in-progress. ”
“ Need rocks! MORE ROCKS!! ”
“ I bet there's some interesting secrets hiding under there! ”
“ Oh! I thought that was done already. ”
“ Somebody should really repair this. ”
“ Poor scary pillar is broke. So sad. ”
“ Eventually, we all fall. ”
“ Broken? Perhaps this material is not as indestructible as I surmised. ”
“ Well, that's all she wrote. ”
“ How the mighty have fallen. ”
“ If at first you don't succeed... ”
“ Well don't just look at it. Let's get to fixin'. ”
“ The Pillar of Dread looks rather dead, hyuyu! ”
“ Glorp! Found it like that. ”
“ How could it be so destructible? ”
“ Does anything last? ”
Reinforced Dreadstone Pillar(補強された恐怖石の柱) はDon't Starve Together に登場する建造物です。ナイトメア・ワーピッグ を倒した時に入手できる設計図 を読むことでDreadstone Pillar Scaffold(恐怖石の柱の土台) が構造フィルター から恐怖石 4個と板 2個で作成できるようになります。作成した土台に恐怖石40個を与えると覆っている布がとれて補強された恐怖石の柱となります。
地下 に支柱を建てた場合、支柱から半径10ターフ の範囲内では地震 が起きてもアイテムや大岩 といったオブジェクトが落下しなくなります。耐久値は50であり、地震1回につき耐久値が1減ります。耐久値が減るごとに支柱の見た目が少しずつ崩れたものに変化していき、完全に崩れ落ちた状態では支柱としての機能は無くなります。壊れた支柱は恐怖石を与えれば直すことができます。
耐久値が減り、見た目が欠けた状態に変化した支柱から半径壁 8個分の範囲内に近づくと正気度 が徐々に減っていくようになります。減少量は支柱に近づくほど大きくなっていき、毎分最大-10.4 の速さで減少していきます。
ブライトシェイドのスマッシャー で叩く、もしくはスキル「 ビーバー男 III」を取得したウッディ(ビーバー男状態)で攻撃すると1発につき耐久値が1減ります。すなわち耐久値MAXの状態であれば壊すのに50発叩くまたは攻撃する必要があるということになります。ハンマー では耐久値を減らすことはできません。耐久値がゼロになった後さらに叩くか攻撃すると支柱は恐怖石4個をドロップして完全に無くなります。解体の杖 で支柱を解体することはできません。
補強された支柱はWormwood、Wolfgang、Woodieのスキルアップデート にて実装されました。
Reinforced Support Pillar 45
Reinforced Support Pillar 90
Reinforced Support Pillar 45 Damaged Phase 1
Reinforced Support Pillar 90 Damaged Phase 1
Reinforced Support Pillar 45 Damaged Phase 2
Reinforced Support Pillar 90 Damaged Phase 2
Reinforced Support Pillar 45 Damaged Phase 3
Reinforced Support Pillar 90 Damaged Phase 3
Reinforced Support Pillar 45 Damaged Phase 4
Reinforced Support Pillar 90 Damaged Phase 4
Dreadstone Pillar Crafting Icon
Dreadstone Pillar 45° Damaged Phase 1
Dreadstone Pillar 90° Damaged Phase 1
Dreadstone Pillar 45° Damaged Phase 2
Dreadstone Pillar 90° Damaged Phase 2
Dreadstone Pillar 45° Damaged Phase 3
Dreadstone Pillar 90° Damaged Phase 3
Dreadstone Pillar 45° Damaged Phase 4
Dreadstone Pillar 90° Damaged Phase 4
Dreadstone Pillar 45° Scaffold
Dreadstone Pillar 90° Scaffold
Old Model of Scaffold Pillar
Old Reinforced Support Pillar
Old Reinforced Support Pillar Damage Phase 1
Old Reinforced Support Pillar Damage Phase 2
Old Reinforced Support Pillar Damage Phase 3
Unused Reinforced Support Pillar Top
Old Reinforced Support Pillar Wreckage
Old Pillar Scaffold Destruction Animation That was unused