Sea Strider Nest
“What if I just gave it a little poke?”
“Ewww look at it just dangling up there!”
“Wolfgang not like look of that...”
“Something sinister lurks above us.”
“This species seems to be both arboreal and aquatic.”
“A part of me is just dying to poke it.”
“It looks like someone's already made themselves comfortable here.”
“The nest öf the water walking beasts!”
“Oooh, can we come play in your tree house?”
“Perhaps I'll just leave that be.”
“Made house in friend”
“I'm... trying not to think about how many of those are probably dangling above us.”
“Rock-a-bye spiders, in the treetop...”
“Why Spiderfolk house in tree?”
“That must be their nest! If I could just get a closer look...”
Sea Strider Nest(シーストライダーの巣)はDon't Starve Togetherに登場するオブジェクトです。「Waterlogged」アップデートで追加されました。
巨大な木の幹から巣が垂れ下がっており、夕方になるとシーストライダーがDangling Depth Dwellerのように上から出現し、周囲を徘徊します。夜が明けるとエサを食べたり戦闘中でない場合はシーストライダー達は巣に帰ります。他にも、巨大な木の幹に船をぶつけたり、苔むした蔓からイチジクを採取したりするとその時の振動につられて巣から出てきます。
Sea Strider Nest concept art from Rhymes With Play #282.[1]