Don't Starve Together/Version History/2021
December 17, 2021
Rev. 490729 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
Wilson’s Merrymaker beard is no longer required for his Merrymaker ensemble Reward emote. Tuned the potato sack ingredients The bell on the gym only shows for the exerciser. Fixed various skins related texture bugs. Fixed mouseover issue on Drying Racks.
December 16, 2021 - Wolfgang Character Update
Rev. 490602 (Release)
Bug FIxes:
- Winter’s Feast 2021 ornaments will drop
- Fixed a crash when wolfgang drowns when working out on the gym
Rev. 490564 (Release)
- Fixed missing skinned items on gym when it’s being used.
- Fixed an issue that caused Wolfgang to not transform properly when sleeping.
- Fixed a missing string when Wolfgang attempted to work out while hungry.
- Missing ornaments have been added to the game, and will be accessible in the next hotfix.
- A few items were missed from a couple of shop chests. We’re adding them to the chests now, and users that missed out will have the items added to their inventory. This retroactive granting of missed items will take place over the next 24 hours. We’ll also be granting some bonus Spools to the affected users as they may have lost out by weaving the items.
- Added missing Wanda Merrymaker items to shop chests.
- Added Woven variant of Wolfgang’s Riding Boots. This item will also be added to the appropriate Wolgang shop chests.
Rev. 490507 (Release)
Today we have our next character refresh! We also have some new skins and a new short, new streaming drops, and the return of Winter’s Feast!
Don't Starve Together: The Incredible Strongman Wolfgang always prided himself on his strength, but after an embarrassing mishap reveals his might to be a touch exaggerated, he finds himself eager to accept any opportunity to get stronger… no matter how dubious the source.
Here are the details:
- Instead of being directly connected to his hunger, Wolfgang’s forms are now controlled by a new Might Meter.
- Filling the Might Meter requires Wolfgang to work out using one of his new craftable items
- The meter goes down over time and the draining rate is determined by Wolfgang’s Hunger, the hungrier he is, the faster it goes down
- Wolfgang’s linear values are now constants
- Wolfgang freezes and overheats faster when in Wimpy form, but slower while Mighty
- When Mighty Wolfgang can carry heavy items faster. He does not lose Might while carrying heavy objects
- Mighty Wolfgang works faster when chopping wood, mining or hammering things
- Wolfgang is a more efficient rower when Mighty
- His speed no longer changes with his forms
- Wolfgang’s hunger and health are now at a maximum of 200 regardless of his form
- Wolfgang sanity rate changes depending on the number of friends and enemies in his company
- Deals more damage when Mighty and less when Wimpy. Also takes extra damage in Wimpy form
- Wolfgang can build a Gym Station structure
- Player will need to use the gym to gain mightiness
- Players can load the gym with different heavy items to change its effectiveness
- Consumes hunger as players work out
- Wolfgang can craft a consumable Dumbbell item to restore his Might on the go. It does not consume hunger and can be used as a weapon
A note about this refresh
When we started these character refreshes, we approached them by saying "This is what we're adding to a character to make people who like that character like them more. We made X more X-like". In this case, we knew (as many players suspected) that Wolfgang was going to need a bit of a nerf. Obviously, that's going to cause some friction, so we approached Wolfgang in a way that would focus his role and improve on the character fantasy rather than just doing what he already did but better. The result is a character that is more specialized and focused on being "The Strongman" both in and out of combat. We're still certainly keeping an eye on feedback, but we'd like you all to give it some time and let us know what you think.
New Skins!
Wolfgang Deluxe Wardrobe ($10.99): Including the new "The Incredible Strongman" skinset. The Merrymaker Survivors Chest, Part II ($9.99) includes 6 new “Merrymaker” skin sets.
New Streaming Drops!
We're offering a new set of streaming drops over on Check out this post for details.
Winter’s Feast Has Arrived!
- An Uncommon Holiday
- Winter skins have appeared to get our survivors into the winter spirit, and for a limited time, the chances of receiving a rare gift have been substantially increased!
- Festive Holiday Attire
- For the duration of the Winter's Feast event, players will have access to a free set of skins. The Yuletide Overcoat, Yuletide Frock, Jingly Tophat, Gingerbread Chest, and the Plum Pudding Cap.
New Klei Rewards!
Previous year's Winter's Feast twitch skins, the Klaus Cap, and Winter Wardrobe are coming back to the rewards page. As well as the Winter's Feast Lantern. The existing Winter's Feast Lantern is converting to Timeless, and the new Loyal variant is available on the rewards page.
Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out! Launches today!
We are over the moon (read: manic Sparkle Streaking around the studio) to announce that after two years of development, testing, and updates: Oxygen Not Included: Spaced Out! has launched! Check out the post here for details!
And last but not least
We’re getting ready to head out for holiday break soon, and then we’ll be right back to get everybody ready for The Year of the Catcoon event! Have a wonderful Winter’s Feast everyone!
December 14, 2021 - Wolfgang Character Update Beta
Rev. 490249 (Test)
- Fixed the missing potato sack when hammered
- Getting a critical hit while chopping/mining/hammering no longer results in double the loot.
Rev. 490197 (Test)
- Dumbbells re-tuned.
- Change wolfgang's sanity loss mechanic. More monsters increase the sanity loses, players and followers reduce it.
- Mighty form deals more work (1.5 times) but also does more durability on the tool (so its faster, but not more effect, so Woodie and Maxwell are still better)
- MIghty Wolfgang has a 1% chance to chop or pick a tree or boulder in 1 hit.
- Fixed the crash when wolfgang rows
- Wolfgang can enter the gym, even when danger is near.
- Fixed a mistake where the speed reduction from lifting heavy objects had been increased. Wolfgang’s speed reduction while mighty has been adjusted to compensate.
- Note for modders: Added mod release ID R19_REFRESH_WOLFGANG.
- Wolfgang can’t load a burnt Gym now.
- Strongman craft tab has a name.
- Cavein Boulders will show on the gym
- Followers count as players for Wolfgang’s sanity drain.
- Potato Sacks are hammerable.
- Fixed sliding dumbbells.
- Wolfgang won't lock into a facing certain direction when he dies on a gym
November 26, 2021
Rev. 487848 (Release)
- Mod authors: “version_compatible” from modinfo.lua has been updated to bypass the server out of date message. The server will now only announce being out of date if the current version on the server is not current and if it’s less than version_compatible. Current mods will need to be reuploaded if version_compatible is in use for the Steam Workshop to reflect the changes needed.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Boulder’s from going invisible when placed in the Pinchin' Winch.
November 24, 2021
Rev. 487518 (Release)
- Characters will now comment when the Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror arrive and fly away.
- Characters will now say something unique when attempting to give an item to a Terrarium that is missing its tree.
- Meat Bulb renamed to Lureplant.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where the Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror would not attack the player after being summoned.
- Fixed a bug where the Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror would spawn in the void.
- Fixed a crash when equipping the Shield of Terror after throwing the Boomerang.
- Fixed a crash when the Terrarium attempts to spawn the boss while there are no players in the forest world.
- Fixed a bug causing the Terrarium to be enabled during the day after loading or performing a rollback.
- Fixed a bug causing the Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror to be spawned and invincible during the day after loading or performing a rollback.
- Fixed a bug related to a living Eye of Terror or Twin of Terror being offscreen when day breaks.
- Suspicious Peepers now drop souls for Wortox, and the Twins of Terror no longer drop souls for Wortox.
- Fixed a bug preventing the Malbatross from using its swoop attack.
- Crash fix for missing pre-translated text.
- Deck Illuminator layering fix.
November 19, 2021
Rev. 486838 (Release)
- The Terrarium can no longer be given items while it is cooling down.
- The Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror no longer sleep indefinitely if put to sleep while flying away.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash when searching in the Belongings screen.
- Fixed the “used on” message for the Shellbound Deck Illuminator.
- Fixed invisible Dark Petals.
November 18, 2021 - An Eye for An Eye
Rev. 486712 (Release)
- Fixed a crash with small explosions.
- Fixed invisible Petals.
- Fixed various Wanda skins bugs.
Rev. 486561 (Release)
They sure don’t make planes of existence like they used to. One teensy little mishap has plunged the world of Terraria into rather... constant danger, and is terrarizing the Constant like nothing before! Survivors and Terrarians alike will have to keep a watchful eye out… after all, who knows what might slip through the cracks when two worlds collide?
An Eye for An Eye A crossover collaboration with Re-Logic's Terraria.
A while back during a Reddit AMA to Celebrate Terraria's 10th Anniversary, Re-Logic was asked a simple question. If they could collaborate with any other game franchise, what game would it be? To our surprise and excitement, Don't Starve Together was mentioned in response.
A short while later we reached out to see if this was something they would be interested in, and off we went. Immediately - and I mean, immediately, both teams started spitting out ideas for what we could do and quickly figured out how to work around our planned schedules to make it happen.
For both teams, we saw this opportunity not just as a fun diversion between two studios but also something we thought our fans would really get a kick out of. It was also important that these experiences be additive to our respective games and authentic to each game's design goals.
For the DST Team, we absolutely knew that if we were going to do this crossover any justice we absolutely had to bring a boss (or two?) to the Constant. And, of course, we can't miss the opportunity to put our spin on a bunch of their coolest items.
- Added the Terrarium, which can be found hidden somewhere in the world.
- Added the Eye of Terror, which can be defeated to obtain Milky Whites and the Eye Mask.
- Added the Twins of Terror, which can be defeated to obtain the Shield of Terror.
- Added new boss statues.
- Added the Suspicious Peeper and the Friendly Peeper.
- Added two new Crock Pot recipes, Frozen Banana Daiquiri and Bunny Stew.
- Added Terraria-themed World Settings and World Generation presets for the Forest and the Caves.
- Added Terraria-themed skins.
Additional Change:
- We also increased the resolution for several older items in the game.
Eye Wonder
Somewhere in the game world, survivors may come across the mysterious Terrarium setpiece which will allow players to encounter the Eye of Terror boss, (Terraria's Eye of Cthulu - as seen through the lens of the Constant) complete with its own Terraria inspired theme music.
For our seasoned survivors, the Twins of Terror can be summoned for an added challenge. Each boss has its own unique eye-catching equipment item, and we've also added new statues of these bosses to show off your triumphs.
Peep this
We've added a spect-ocular new critter for you to watch over, a new food item to fulfill your survivor's dairy needs, and we have a couple of new crockpot recipes for you to feast your eyes on as well.
Constant Style
We have introduced several Terraria item skins into Don't Starve Together as well as a 3 piece character set inspired by Terraria's traveling merchant. Exclusive to the "An Eye for an Eye" update, these skins are definitely out of this world. These item skins cannot be purchased and can only be woven with spool. I hope you have been saving up!
Get 'em while they're hot!
Of course, we can't have a bunch of new skins without giving some away, so for a limited time log in to receive the Terrarized chest with 6 free elegant skins! Yep, 6. This login bonus chest will be available for all players to claim until our next update in December.
A Note from the team at Klei:
Finally, I want to take this opportunity to thank Re-Logic. Terraria is an amazing game that so many of us, players and developers alike have drawn inspiration from. Thank you for such a great game that has given us so many hours of enjoyment.
The team over at Re-Logic have been absolutely fantastic to work with all the way through this collaboration. It can be a challenge working with new people and figuring out how to get into the groove of a new project, but with Re-Logic we all just hit the ground running and had a blast sharing designs and ideas. Every step of the way both teams shared so much enthusiasm and excitement over what each team was bringing to the update and we are so grateful for the opportunity to bring this to our players. Thank you.
The team debated long and hard about the best way to bring the gameplay dynamics of Don't Starve Together into Terraria in a fun and clever way. Rather than having a standalone "event" (as we did with Dungeon Defenders 2), we decided to utilize the World Seed functionality present in Journey's End to create a more holistic Don't Starve x Terraria experience. What awaits you should you dare to explore The Constant?
Don't Starve Inspired Shaders and Lighting
Stay in the Light! Total Darkness is Hazardous to your Health!
Feed your Hunger with Tasty Food... or Face the Consequences!
Don't Starve Inspired Worldgen
To explore this new way to play Terraria, Don't Starve Together style, simply enter "The Constant" as your world seed upon creating a new world. Good luck, Terrarians!
You can summon this terrifying foe in the cold climate of the Ice Biome. What awaits you in this fight? Well... you will have to wait and see for yourselves!
New Tools & Weapons - Including Lucy the Axe
New Pets & Summons
Chester - A Pet that Functions As a Piggy Bank
Both Teams worked hand-in-hand to put together some Steam Points Shop items as well as a handful of crossover-themed merchandise in celebration of this occasion!
Together we are worked through Klei's merchandise partners at FreshMerch on this series of crossover merchandise items, using the key art for this update! Click the images below to check out and pick up anything that catches your eye!
Check it out here:
AVAILABLE ON THE TERRARIA STEAM POINTS SHOP The Eye of Cthulhu done Don't Starve Style is here in two animated stickers and as an avatar frame! Also inspired by Terraria's many prismatic weapons, we have a prismatic avatar frame of rainbow-y goodness for you!
Get them here:
AVAILABLE ON THE DON'T STARVE TOGETHER STEAM POINTS SHOP Chester and Deerclops in pixelated form make their appearance alongside a pair of fire and water pixel animated frames!
Get them here:
October 25, 2021
Rev. 483468 (Release)
- When no admins are present on a server the game will automatically unpause.
- Fixed a bug causing the game to auto pause while two players were on the server sometimes.
- Fixed a bug causing followers to have infinite loyalty when you swapped between the caves and the forest.
- Fixed a bug that allowed Walter’s Portable Tent to be used as a Pokeball.
- Fixed a bug causing new chat messages to not appear at the bottom of the chat window if it was open.
- Fixed various texture problems with skins.
- Fixed various strings and quotes.
October 21, 2021 - October 2021 QoL Update
Rev. 483105 (Release)
- Reduced the distance that Fire Nettles will damage the player. Players can now harvest or shovel Fire Nettles without taking damage.
- Reduced the amount of damage taken when bumping into a Fire Nettle and when eating Fire Nettle Fronds.
Bug fixes:
- Fix for the console command autocomplete when using single quotes
- Fixed the missing Walter’s Buzzy Boy Cap inventory icon.
- Fixed various skins texture bugs.
- Fixed various Costume Collection strings.
- Fixed a crash when disconnecting from a server while in the lobby.
- Fixed Wurt’s tentacle warning not working correctly.
- Fixed all servers showing “Day Unknown” for the day count in the server browser.
Rev. 482709 (Release)
Hey Everybody,
Today we have a pretty great QOL update, Hallowed Nights returns, and some new spooooky skins.
As we've mentioned before, we had different plans for this month, but we needed to move things around a bit and so we rescheduled that for next month and added a bonus QOL update in its place!
Quality of Life Update!
- Server admins and local hosts can now pause the game.
- Chat now has a history of the last 100 messages and persists between the character select screen, forest, and caves.
- Added profanity filtering. This can be disablled in the options menu or configured in your Steam Community Content Preferences.
- All creatures can now be affected by buffs
- The Bee Queen Crown, Bone Armor, Bone Helm, Shadow Thurible, and Spiderhat can now be deconstructed.
- Growth Formula Starter and Composting Bin now require an Alchemy Engine to prototype.
- Reduced the ingredients for crafting the Premier Gardeneer Hat and Moon Rock Walls
- Improved the Pick/Axe's durability and damage.
- Moongleams and Infused Moon Shards now take longer to spoil.
- Mouse and Keyboard actions can now be unbound in the controls option menu.
Bug Fix Highlights!
- Fixed a bug causing mods between the server and client to desync when starting a server with a poor connection to steam.
- Fixed a bug where Wigfrid would gain inspiration twice when using ranged attacks
- Wigfrid now properly calculates inspiration based on the actual damage done. This means buffs, debuffs, and electric damage now affect her inspiration gain. The target's buffs and protective states, like a hiding Slurtle, will also affect her inspiration gain. Note: The inspiration gain rate has been adjusted to account for her natural +25% damage multiplier.
- Fixed a save/load issue with the Fire Staff and Ice Staff projectiles.
- Fixed a bug where the Winged Sail would not save/load its state when built on land.
- Fixed a bug where spiderdens on boats could grow again if you removed den decorations from them.
- Fixed the character stuttering while hopping on or off a boat while lag compensation is enabled.
- Fixed a movement speed bug when amphibious creatures are in the water and fail to jump onto a boat.
- Fixed a bug allowing the wardrobe to reskin your character to other characters skins.
- Slow-Down Rounds now work on phase 2 of the Celestial Champion.
- Fixed a bug causing retargeting (while holding F) to not take into account whether the creature is dead.
- Fixed a crash when dying from the Celestial Altar by hammering it during a moonstorm..
- Fixed a bug causing Skitter Squids to go invisible when thawing out from being frozen in the water.
You can find the full patch notes here:
Server Pausing:
- Server admins and local hosts can now pause the game.
- This can be done via a keybind that defaults to ‘P’ or when more than one player is on the server, by the “Not a pause” Pause Screen.
- When playing by yourself, on a server you locally host or are an admin for, the game can now automatically pause (“Auto-Pause”) when focus is taken away from the world.
- For example: the “Not a pause” Pause Screen, cookbook, wardrobe, map, etc.
- While other players are in the world, auto-pausing will be disabled.
- When the game is paused, you can:
- Manage your inventory
- View crafting recipes
- Look at the map
- Talk to other players via ingame chat
- Disconnect
- Servers that are paused will show up as such in the server browser, and can be filtered based on that setting.
- Worlds hosted without caves will now be paused while all players are in the lobby.
Notes for Modders:
- You can hide the darkened pause underlay via the console command:
- Profile:SetHidePauseUnderlay(true)
- You can enable and disable the Console Command Screen auto-pausing separately in the Advanced menu in settings.
- When the game is paused, you can run the command TheNet:AdvanceFrame() to make the game advance forward one Update(dt) call.
- The game now has a new update loop: StaticUpdate(dt) StaticUpdate will run regardless of the game being paused.
- Components now also have support for a OnStaticUpdate call, but this will only be executed when the game is paused, and will be skipped when the game is unpaused.
- There is a new Scheduler called staticScheduler, this Scheduler is identical to the normal scheduler, except that it runs on the StaticUpdate loop, and not the Update loop, meaning it will update while the game is paused.
- EntityScript now has a DoStaticPeriodicTask and DoStaticTaskInTime functions, these are identical to their non-static counterparts, except that because they run on StaticUpdate, they will run even when paused.
- All widgets and screens will now use DoStaticPeriodicTask and DoStaticTaskInTime by default.
- Widgets and screens also have a DoSimPeriodicTask and DoSimTaskInTime, which will pause and stop updating when the game is paused.
- Widgets and screens have a new function called UpdateWhilePaused, which is by default called with true, if called with false, DoPeriodicTask and DoTaskInTime will now point to their Sim variants instead of the Static variants.
- All widget OnUpdate(dt) calls will need to check TheNet:IsServerPaused() if their behavior should stop updating when the game is paused.
- All AnimState’s have a AnimateWhilePaused function, by default all normal in game objects won’t animate while the game is paused, and all widgets and screens will animate when paused, you can use this call AnimState:AnimateWhilePaused(animate_while_paused) to set the correct behavior for your animations.
- If your widget/screen should continue to behave normally while paused, you will need to make all the following changes to it:
- Replace any reference to scheduler with staticScheduler.
- Replace any call to GetTime with GetStaticTime.
- Replace any call to GetTick with GetStaticTick.
- If your widget/screen should pause when the game pauses, you will need to make the following changes to it:
- In your OnUpdate(dt) call, add the following to the first line in the function:
- if TheNet:IsServerPaused() then return end
- Call self:UpdateWhilePaused(false) on the widget/screen.
- Call self:UpdateWhilePaused(false) on any child widgets that need to pause when the game pauses.
- Call AnimState:AnimateWhilePaused(false) on any child widgets that have an AnimState.
- In your OnUpdate(dt) call, add the following to the first line in the function:
- If you want your screen to support autopausing, you must do the following:
- Add the following code to the constructor of your screen:
- SetAutopaused(true)
- Add/Create the following to the OnDestroy function of your screen:
- SetAutopaused(false)
- Add the following code to the constructor of your screen:
- If the top center of your screen is being used, you can move the server paused text to somewhere else by adding this function to your screen:
- function YourScreen:OffsetServerPausedWidget(serverpausewidget)
- And then call serverpausewidget:SetOffset(x, y) inside the function.
In Game Chat:
- Announcements will now show up in the chat queue instead of at the top of the screen.
- Announcements and Skin Announcements will now show up in the lobby chat window.
- Chat now has a history of the last 100 messages, and can be scrolled to view those messages.
- Chat history will persist between the character select screen, forest, and caves.
- Messages sent while a player is traveling between the caves or forest will be received when the player finishes loading.
- Added profanity filtering.
- The filtering can be toggled in the options menu via “Steam Chat Filtering”.
- The profanity filtering can also be configured with various options in your Steam Community Content Preferences. (
- Why is DST’s own text getting filtered? This would be a bug, please report the issue in the bug tracker.
- Why am I seeing some people’s chat messages filtered but not others? Steam’s default settings are to not filter messages from people on your Steam friends list.
Other Changes:
- All creatures can now be affected by buffs (eg. Warly’s spices)
- Modders: Please use the Debuff functions within entityscript.lua to apply and manage buffs and debuffs
- The Bee Queen Crown, Bone Armor, Bone Helm, Shadow Thurible, and Spiderhat can now be deconstructed.
- Growth Formula Starter and Composting Bin now require an Alchemy Engine to prototype.
- Reduced the ingredients for crafting the Premier Gardeneer Hat
- Improved the Pick/Axe’s durability and damage.
- Reduced the cost of crafting Moon Rock Walls
- Moongleams and Infused Moon Shards now take longer to spoil.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug causing mods between the server and client to desync when starting a server with a poor connection to steam.
- Added additional logging to try and discover the cause of the “workshop-xxxxxxxx” in the mods menu bug, if you encounter this bug, please post a bug report with your client_log.txt.
- Fixed a bug where Wigfrid would gain inspiration twice when using ranged attacks
- Wigfrid now properly calculates inspiration based on the actual damage done. This means buffs, debuffs, and electric damage now affect her inspiration gain. The target’s buffs and protective states, like a hiding Slurtle, will also affect her inspiration gain. Note: The inspiration gain rate has been adjusted to account for her natural +25% damage multiplier.
- Fixed a save/load issue with the Fire Staff and Ice Staff projectiles.
- Fixed a bug where the Winged Sail would not save/load its state when built on land.
- Fixed a bug where spiderdens on boats could grow again if you removed den decorations from them.
- Fixed the character stuttering while hopping on or off a boat while lag compensation is enabled.
- Fixed a movement speed bug when amphibious creatures are in the water and fail to jump onto a boat.
- Fixed a bug allowing the wardrobe to reskin your character to other characters skins.
- Slow-Down Rounds now work on phase 2 of the Celestial Champion.
- Fixed a bug causing retargeting (while holding F) to not take into account whether the creature is dead.
- Fixed a crash when dying Celestial Altar from hammering it during a moonstorm.
- Fixed a bug causing Skitter Squids to go invisible when thawing out from being frozen in the water.
Hallowed Nights Returns!
Players can once again discover tricks and treats around The Constant. Fill your candy bag to the brim and satisfy your sweet tooth with all sorts of sugary seasonal treats! The event remains largely the same as last year although we did add a treat or two.
Free spooky costumes are also available for a limited time, so enjoy them before the event ends and they go back from whence they came!
That's not all. During Hallowed Nights, logging in for the first time will earn you "The Trick or Treat Chest" containing one of 18 heirloom costume sets. More Trick or Treat Chests can be earned by using the Trade-Inn with a significantly increased chance for elegant items.
A new set of Survivors has had costumes added to the Costume Collection. The Survivors Costume Chest, Part II ($9.99usd/16 RMB).
New Streaming Drops!
We are adding the "Monstrous Horror" skin to the Nautical Collection. For more information on streaming drops and how to get them, check out the post here.
And finally
As we head towards the holidays, we have our seasonal events coming up. We also have a super-secret project that we have been super careful not to leak that we absolutely cannot reveal at the moment. We will also be doing another Costume and Art submission event later this month. In addition to that, the team is well on their way toward the Wolfgang refresh for December along with the usual Winter Festivities.
Now it's time to share our usual vague teaser for the next update. Sorry to be so cryptic this time, but who knows, maybe you can figure it out!
October 14, 2021
Rev. 482087 (Test)
- Fish Cordon Bleu and Honey Spiced Foods now properly apply to all creatures when fed to them.
- Fixed a crash when attacking with Abigail.
- Fixed a crash when burning things with the Fire Staff.
- Fixed a bug causing the Moonblind Crow and Misshapen Bird to not be able to be frozen, caught on fire or put to sleep.
October 13, 2021
Rev. 481935 (Test)
- A global change to the buff system has been made that allows every creature to get buffed from things like Warly’s spices.
- Reverted the Cookbook crafting ingredients changes
- Reduced the cost of crafting Moon Rock Walls
- Moongleams and Infused Moon Shards now take longer to spoil.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing mods between the server and client to desync when starting a server with a poor connection to steam.
- Added additional logging to try and discover the cause of the “workshop-xxxxxxxx” in the mods menu bug, if you encounter this bug, please post a bug report with your client_log.txt.
- Fixed a bug allowing the wardrobe to reskin your character to other characters skins.
- Fixed a bug causing walters slowdown rounds to not work on phase 2 of the Celestial Champion.
- Fixed a bug causing retargeting to not take into account whether the creature is dead.
- Fixed a crash when dying Celestial Altar from hammering it during a moonstorm.
- Fixed a bug causing Skitter Squids to go invisible when thawing out from being frozen in the water
October 6, 2021
Rev. 481207 (Release)
- Fixed a bug where Freeze Rounds would crash the server when extinguishing a fire
- Fixed a bug causing flying creatures in the caves to ignore the world collision after waking up from sleep.
- Fixed the character stuttering while hopping on or off a boat while lag compensation is enabled.
- Fixed a movement speed bug when amphibious creatures are in the water and fail to jump onto a boat.
- Fixed a save/load issue with the Fire Staff and Ice Staff projectiles
- Knobby trees no longer become Treeguards.
- Structures can now be built on the flooring of the Distilled Knowledge puzzle.
- Mod bug fix: The Ancient Guardian’s StateGraph’s name no longer conflicts with the Clockwork Rook’s StateGraph.
Rev. 481192 (Test)
- Fixed a bug where Freeze Rounds would crash the server when extinguishing a fire
- Fixed an auto-pause bug when using controller-style crafting
- Fixed a bug allowing the lazy forager to pick up spiders.
- Structures can now be built on the flooring of the Distilled Knowledge puzzle.
- Knobby trees no longer become Treeguards.
- Mod bug fix: The Ancient Guardian’s StateGraph’s name no longer conflicts with the Clockwork Rook’s StateGraph.
October 1, 2021
Rev. 480595 (Test)
- The Bone Armor, Bone Helm, Shadow Thurible, and Spiderhat can now be deconstructed.
- Growth Formula Starter and Composting Bin now require an Alchemy Engine to prototype.
- Tweaked the Cookbook crafting recipe to use items that can be placed in the Crockpot
- Added profanity filtering for chat.
- Filtering will also apply to naming Beefalo and writable Signs.
- Filtering can be toggled in the options menu via “Steam Chat Filtering”.
- Filtering can also be configured with various options in your Steam Community Content Preferences. (
- Why is DST’s own text getting filtered? This would be a bug, please report the issue in the bug tracker.
- Why am I seeing some people’s chat messages filtered but not others? Steam’s default settings are to not filter messages from people on your Steam friends list.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a save/load issue with the Fire Staff and Ice Staff projectiles.
- Fixed the character stuttering while hopping on or off a boat while lag compensation is enabled.
- Fixed a movement speed bug when amphibious creatures are in the water and fail to jump onto a boat.
- Fixed a bug where Wanda’s aging sound effect kept playing repeatedly if you paused the game during it.
- Fixed a bug that would immediately disconnect you from a server for idling upon joining a server.
September 28, 2021
Rev. 480303 (Test)
- Fixed a bug causing flying creatures in the caves to ignore the world collision after waking up from sleep.
- Fixed a bug where rotating the camera didn’t properly rotate objects in the world when paused.
- Fixed a bug where pausing in certain circumstances prevented you from doing actions even after unpausing.
September 27, 2021 - October 2021 QoL Beta
Rev. 480096 (Test)
We had something else we were hoping to release this month, however we're going to need a little bit more time for that, so we're throwing in a surprise QOL update. The Beta Branch is open again, this time with the October QoL changes that will be coming with Hallowed Nights next month.
The game is paused! Seriously it is! No seriously, with this update you can pause the game! It also contains many improvements to the chat, allowing you to view a recent history of messages sent in chat, along with maintaining your chat history when you go to the caves from the forest, or vice versa.
You can follow the directions here to join the beta.
Server Pausing:
- Server admins and local hosts can now pause the game.
- This can be done via a keybind that defaults to ‘P’ or when more than one player is on the server, by the “Not a pause” Pause Screen.
- When playing by yourself, on a server you locally host or are an admin for, the game can now automatically pause (“Auto-Pause”) when focus is taken away from the world.
- For example: the “Not a pause” Pause Screen, cookbook, wardrobe, map, etc.
- While other players are in the world, auto-pausing will be disabled.
- When the game is paused, you can:
- Manage your inventory
- View crafting recipes
- Look at the map
- Talk to other players via ingame chat
- Disconnect
- Servers that are paused will show up as such in the server browser, and can be filtered based on that setting.
- Worlds hosted without caves will now be paused while all players are in the lobby.
Notes for Modders:
- You can hide the darkened pause underlay via the console command:
- Profile:SetHidePauseUnderlay(true)
- You can enable and disable the Console Command Screen auto-pausing separately in the Advanced menu in settings.
- When the game is paused, you can run the command TheNet:AdvanceFrame() to make the game advance forward one Update(dt) call.
- The game now has a new update loop: StaticUpdate(dt), StaticUpdate will run regardless of the game being paused.
- Components now also have support for a OnStaticUpdate call, but this will only be executed when the game is paused, and will be skipped when the game is unpaused.
- There is a new Scheduler called staticScheduler, this Scheduler is identical to the normal scheduler, except that it runs on the StaticUpdate loop, and not the Update loop, meaning it will update while the game is paused.
- EntityScript now has a DoStaticPeriodicTask and DoStaticTaskInTime functions, these are identical to their non-static counterparts, except that because they run on StaticUpdate, they will run even when the game is paused.
- All widgets and screens will now use DoStaticPeriodicTask and DoStaticTaskInTime by default.
- Widgets and screens also have a DoSimPeriodicTask and DoSimTaskInTime, which will pause and stop updating when the game is paused.
- Widgets and screens have a new function called UpdateWhilePaused, which is by default called with true, if called with false, DoPeriodicTask and DoTaskInTime will now point to their Sim variants instead of the Static variants.
- All widget OnUpdate(dt) calls will need to check TheNet:IsServerPaused() if their behavior should stop updating when the game is paused.
- All AnimState’s have a AnimateWhilePaused function, by default all normal in game objects won’t animate while the game is paused, and all widgets and screens will animate when paused, you can use this call AnimState:AnimateWhilePaused(animate_while_paused) to set the correct behavior for your animations.
If your widget/screen should continue to behave normally while paused, you will need to make all the following changes to it:
- Replace any reference to scheduler with staticScheduler.
- Replace any call to GetTime with GetStaticTime.
- Replace any call to GetTick with GetStaticTick.
If your widget/screen should pause when the game pauses, you will need to make the following changes to it:
- If you have an OnUpdate(dt) call, add the following to the first line in the function:
- TheNet:IsServerPaused() then return end
- Call self:UpdateWhilePaused(false) on the widget/screen, and on any child widgets that need to pause when the game is paused.
- Call AnimState:AnimateWhilePaused(false) on any widgets that have an AnimState.
If you want your screen to autopause the game, you must do the following:
- Add the following code to the constructor of your screen:
- SetAutopaused(true)
- Add/Create the following to the OnDestroy function of your screen:
- SetAutopaused(false)
- If the top center of your screen is being used, you can move the server paused text to somewhere else by adding this function to your screen:
- function YourScreen:OffsetServerPausedWidget(serverpausewidget)
- And then call serverpausewidget:SetOffset(x, y) inside the function.
In Game Chat:
- Announcements and Skin Announcements will now show up in the chat queue instead of at the top of the screen.
- Announcements and Skin Announcements will now show up in the lobby chat window.
- Chat now has a history of the last 100 messages, and can be scrolled to view those messages.
- Chat history will persist between the character select screen, forest, and caves.
- Messages sent while a player is traveling between the caves or forest will be received when the player finishes loading.
Other Changes:
- The Bee Queen Crown can now be deconstructed.
- Reduced the ingredients for crafting the Premier Gardeneer Hat
- Changed the ingredients for crafting the Cookbook and it no longer requires a Science Machine to prototype.
- Improved the Pick/Axe’s durability and damage.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Wigfrid would gain inspiration twice when using ranged attacks
- Wigfrid now properly calculates inspiration based on the actual damage done. This means buffs, debuffs, and electric damage now affect her inspiration gain. The target’s buffs and protective states, like a hiding Slurtle, will also affect her inspiration gain. Note: The inspiration gain rate has been adjusted to account for her natural +25% damage multiplier.
- Fixed a bug where the Winged Sail would not save/load its state when built on land.
- Fixed a bug where spiderdens on boats could grow again if you removed den decorations from them.
September 22, 2021
Rev. 479502 (Release)
- The following creatures can now be stun locked for a number of hits: MacTusk, Wee MacTusk, No-Eye-Deer, Pigmen (all types), Merms, Bunneymen, Bee Queen, and Celestial Champion (phase 3).
- Fixed the Tail o' Three Cats not showing while equipped.
- Fixed Woodie's movement speed when transforming into a were-form while in a storm.
- Fixed a rare crash when using the Slingshot.
- Woby, while in big form, should no longer occasionally run away when Walter approaches.
- Updated various skins to match the skin tones of the character wearing it.
September 16, 2021
Rev. 478900 (Release)
- Fixed a bug where most creatures and giants could get stun-locked by long range attacks when they should not have been. This was a very invasive change, please submit bugs if any creature’s behaviors have changed too drastically.
- Fixed a player movement bug when teleporting off of boats.
- Fixed a bug in the Ancient Guardian’s AI where it would not attack anything
- Fixed a physics bug when picking oversized vegetables
- Spiders will now have the correct wetness applied to them when spawned from a Spider Den.
- Hallowed Nights trinkets will no longer spawn in the ocean
- Mounted characters will benefit from the large canopy shade.
- The Celestial Altar pieces won’t be blocked by Antlion Sinkholes now.
September 14, 2021
Rev. 478446 (Release)
- Fixed a rendering crash on pc’s with low end hardware (crashes related to when a creature dies or a tree is burnt)
- Added Wanda’s emote sounds.
- Tweaked the Ancient Fuelweaver so it should not get stunlocked by whips, including the Alarming Clock.
- Reduced the volume of the pulse sound when Wanda naturally ages one year while young and middle-aged.
- Life Giving Amulet no longer consumes durability while equipped by Wanda.
- Wanda’s Backstep and Backtrek markers will now show on top of the oasis lake and the flooring around the Ancient Gateway.
- Fixed a controller crash in the Character select screen when trying to view starting Curios for characters that don’t have any.
- The Ice Fishing Rod now applies it’s skin to bobbers and floats while fishing.
September 10, 2021
Rev. 478130 (Release)
- Added Wanda’s carol voice
- Fixed crafting structures consuming twice the resources
- Fixed Mad Scientist Lab not consuming ingredients when making potions
- Wanda now takes the correct amount of damage while freezing, overheating.
- Fixed the health, hunger, and sanity icons in the Cookbook screen
- Fixed the Time Rift exit’s mouse over name and inspect strings
September 9, 2021 - Wanda Character Update
Rev. 477964 (Release)
- Fixed crash in Shop screen due to missing art.
- Fixed a crash while crafting a Rift Watch while free crafting is enabled with mods
- Fixed a black screen when two Wanda’s use a Second Chance Watch on the same ghost.
- Fixed crafting materials not being consumed with the sculpting table and a few of the crafting recipes.
- Fixed a bug where Wanda would get the new crafting sanity bonus every time she crafted a Backtrek watch.
- Fixed a rare crash while raising an Anchor
- Added Wanda’s animated short to her compendium page.
- Fixed Essential Wanda skin name.
- Fixed weavable characters showing up when in offline mode.
- Fixed Wanda’s missing feet when wearing Free Roaming Feet.
- Fixed Wanda’s nose when yawning with the Guest of Honor skin.
Rev. 477795 (Release)
Wanda has been trying to outrun her future for longer than she can remember - but after a split-second decision left her tangled up in the Constant's timestream, it might be her past that's finally catching up to her...
Here are her details
- Wanda is a skilled clockmaker who will stop at nothing to outrun her future
- Wanda's timeline is broken, causing her to age faster than the other survivors
- Wanda's health meter has been replaced by an age meter
- In Wanda's old age, she learns how to utilize shadow magic more effectively, and relies on it to make up for her declining strength
- Wanda can craft pocket watches to:
- Restore her youth
- Manipulate her space in time
- Return fallen survivors to their point in time before death
- Rip holes through space and time
- Harness shadow magic to defend herself
Bug Fixes
- Fix a save/load issue where items sent through a wormhole could get removed from the world.
- Fixed a rare caves world generation crash.
Wanda bug fixes and changes after the Klei Ambassador build:
- Grim Galette no longer swaps Wanda’s age and sanity.
- Fixed pressing spacebar to open Gates and uncover Suspicious Dirt Piles.
- The Alarming Clock, while out of fuel, now does damage inline with most tools.
- Pocket Watches and the parts will now be stolen by Catcoons.
- The Second Chance Watch can no longer withstand the stress of being haunted by Wanda’s timeline (it will now break when haunted by Wanda).
- Increased the Second Chance Watch’s cooldown to half a day.
- The Backstep, Backtrek, and Rift Watches will now show their indicators while in a backpack.
- Fixed a bug where the Rift Watch was able to be used while on cooldown after save/loading.
- Fixed Wanda getting stuck in an unresponsive state when entering a Time Rift as a ghost.
Notes for modders:
- The rechargeable component from The Forge has been brought back to the main game.
- The eater component now has a custom_stats_mod_fn function that can be implemented. This allows for full control on modifying the benefits from the food items. (eg. giving a bonus to sanity based on the healing value).
- Added functions to easily define a character’s hunger, health, sanity badges. (CreateHungerBadge, CreateHealthBadge, CreateSanityBadge)
- Crafting inventory item products will call product.onPreBuilt before the materials are removed.
- Crafting recipes can now define the build button’s text. Set "actionstr" in the more_data table and add the string to STRINGS.UI.CRAFTING.RECIPEACTION
- Players can now be migrated to a specific point in another shard using the ms_playerdespawnandmigrate event by setting x, y, z in the data table.
- When an item with the container component is dropped or picked up, it will now send the event “onownerdropped” and “onownerputininventory” to all the items in the container
Wanda can be unlocked in the following ways:
- Wanda is available for purchase for $5.99usd in the Wanda Chest. Wanda's Guest of Honor skin set is included in this chest for free.
- Wanda Deluxe Chest ($9.99usd) With Wanda and her complete set of Guest of Honor, Triumphant, and Tinkersmith skin items
- Starter Pack 2021 ($7.99usd) including Wanda, Wilson's Snowfallen skin set, Willow's Victorian skin set, Walter's Guest of Honor skin set, Winona's Roseate skin set, the Rustic Torch, the Splumonkey Sack, and the Yawny Jammies Ensemble.
- You can weave Wanda for 2700 spool.
New Streaming Drops!
We are adding the "Skittersquid Helm" skin to the Nautical Collection. For more information on streaming drops and how to get them, check out the post here.
Coming up next!
Ok - I can't say a lot about what's coming up next. We have some pretty significant QOL stuff coming. We also have our regular Hallowed Nights event and we'll be doing another costume submission event as well.
Oh, and our next character refresh is Wolfgang coming up in December. So there's that. Which is nice. I am sure nobody is going to have an opinion on that so It's probably barely worth mentioning.
I don't have a teaser image today, because of reasons I can't say right now. But we're neck-deep in work to prepare for our busiest time of the year, so we've got a lot coming up for you over the next couple of months.
And finally, here is a link for some Klei rewards points. Use them wisely!
Have fun out there!
August 25, 2021
Rev. 475914 (Release)
Bug Fixes From 475914
- Fixed a crash when a Knobbly Tree Nut is destroyed.
- Fixed a rendering issue with nightmare fuel.
Bug Fixes From 475885
- Fixed a bug allowing more Rockjaws to be spawned on a player than intended.
- Improved the performance of the waterlogged biome when bloom is on.
- The Knobbly Tree Nut can now be destroyed by most bosses or with a hammer.
- Fixed a bug sometimes causing the player to embark past a boat and into the ocean when lag occurred(such as an autosave).
- Fixed a crash when changing characters via the celestial portal when under the effects on lunacy.
August 19, 2021
Rev. 475356 (Release)
- Waterlogged gets its own menu music.
- Added additional chances for the waterlogged biome to retrofit in if the original retrofit failed.
Bug Fixes
- Chester will no longer try to cling to you when you're on a boat.
- Riders can no longer pick up spiders by pressing the spacebar.
- Fixed a bug causing the save files to be corrupted if you had mods with non English prefab names.
- Fixed crashes related to the Steering Wheel.
August 16, 2021
Rev. 474933 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed the missing flame on burning Mossy Vine.
- Fixed various crashes in character mods.
- Fixed a bug causing colliding boats to sometimes go really fast.
- Fixed a bug causing the graphics option “Canopy Shadows” to sometimes get ignored.
- Fixed a bug causing the Midsummer Cawnival to not work when the event was turned on in world settings.
August 13, 2021
Rev. 474860 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when embarking on a boat.
Rev. 474838 (Release)
- Anchors now don’t completely stop a boat if you have active sails.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a server crash if you disconnected under the canopy.
- Fixed a bug causing some repairable objects to not be repairable in certain circumstances.
- Fixed issue where Curious for Starting Items weren’t getting applied.
- Fixed a crash caused by certain shaders failing to work on older hardware.
- Fixed assorted skins texture bugs.
August 12, 2021 - Waterlogged
Rev. 474674 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when a mast gets destroyed while being raised or lowered.
- Fixed a crash when crafting the Spectackler Box with a skin.
- Fixed bugs in various skins textures.
- Fixed wrong Belonging skins names and descriptions.
- Fixed a crash when you tried to steer a steering wheel on land.
Rev. 474494 (Release)
Left adrift at sea in the sweltering heat, our Survivors thought they were surely done for. And perhaps they would have been if luck hadn’t landed them beneath the protective boughs of an enormous tree. A tree that, remarkably, seemed to spring from the ocean itself. Believing themselves to be saved, the Survivors began collecting the bounty of fruit and materials the great tree had to offer, not realizing that they were not the only ones to have found safe harbor beneath the canopy...
Don't Starve Together: Waterlogged changes:
Added the Waterlogged ocean biome
- Great Tree Trunk
- Knobbly Trees
- Fig, with new recipes
- Grass Gator
- Sea Strider
Added a 64-bit version of the game!
Boat Changes:
- All boats will now eventually come to a stop, regardless of whether it has an anchor or not.
- Doubled the top speed of boats.
- Increased the turning speed for boats.
- Greatly improved the performance on worlds with lots of boats.
- Boats will now properly collide with all objects while offscreen.
- When logging back in, players will now respawn on the boat they logged off on, regardless of whether it has moved since they logged off.
- Each oar has a different top speed for rowing.
New Skins!
We also have two new sets of skins for you in this update.
Seaside Chest ($5.99usd), contains the following belongings skin items: Shellacked Tackle Box, Shellacked Spectackler Box, Lighthouse Think Tank, Beach Tent, Peliclet, Pufflet, and Narwalrus Chester.
Fresh Verdant Chest ($9.99usd), contains the second addition to the Verdant skin series. Contains skins for: Walter, Warly, Webber, Wendy, Wortox, Wilson, and Wolfgang.
I don’t know about you, but I think these swell skins are going to make some waves. Why not net one today and seafare yourself?
New Twitch Drops
The Fishy Bat Ham Bat skin has been added to the Nautical Collection. For a list of participating streamers, please see the spoiler below.
What's Next?
Good question. The Team has been hard at work on the next few updates. It's almost time to introduce you to Wanda, the new character DLC that will come to the game in the first half of September. We also have a new special thing we have never done before that we're pretty excited about for October that is super secret. Ok, so I just realized I can't really talk about anything we have coming up next, but things are about to get interesting.
We also have some exciting new stuff planned for Klei Rewards, so save up those points!
Update 474494 Patch Notes:
Other Boat Changes:
Technical Details:
- Boats speed calculations are now more consistent, so your speed won’t fluctuate up and down.
- The following of platforms(boats) is now handled in the engine instead of in lua.
- When boats are drifting(moving without a player on them) they will do a scan around them to turn on the physics of nearby objects.
- When boats entity sleep all sails on a boat will get closed.
- In the engine, platform following now properly supports rotation(as in objects would rotate around a boat when a boat is rotated), this however is not yet used in the base game.
- Embarking can now fail if the embarked position gets too far away from the player(IE two boats moving at top speed past each other and trying to hop would now fail)
Notes For Modders
- The walkableplatform and boatphysics component have been significantly changed, mods modifying these components will probably need to be rewritten.
- Mods can enable boats to rotate from the steering wheel by calling BoatPhysics:SetCanSteeringRotate(true)
- Several events that boats used to push for all entities on a boat are now only pushed for players.
- For any entity that can get attached to a platform, EntityScript:GetCurrentPlatform() should be used instead of TheWorld.Map:GetPlatformAtPoint(...)
Beta Bug Fixes
- Grass Gators should not surface on land now
- Fixed a crash with mods using sheltering items
Notes for Modders
- Made several changes to support very large worlds.
Waterlogged Beta (since July 26, 2021)
August 9, 2021
Rev. 474113 (Test)
Bug fix:
- Fixed an error when loading Above-Average Tree Trunks from the previous version.
Rev. 473928 (Test)
- The leafy canopy provides protection from overheating due to the world temperature.
- The Above-Average Tree Trunk grows some Mossy Vines now.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed how the Waterlogged light rays work for clients
- Fixed a bug causing the tree canopy to not show up for multiple players.
- Fixed a couple bugs related to improperly drowning when you're actually on a boat.
- Fixed a bug causing the boat camera to not work properly when you connect to a server on a boat.
- Fixed a bug causing anchors to not slow you down properly in certain circumstances.
- Sailing mechanics have been slightly tweaked in relation to the above fix.
- Other leafy canopies will show up properly after an Above-Average Tree Trunk is cut down.
August 3, 2021
Rev. 473471 (Test)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing the game’s performance to drop if you were getting less than 60fps.
- Grass Gator won’t crash when burnt now
- Sea Striders now attack walls under the same conditions as other spiders.
- Boats can now be built beneath Sea Strider Nests and Mossy Vines.
- Fixed the bug that stopped the Hermit Crab’s quest to clean up the water from being completable.
- Added some missing examine strings.
- Maxwell’s Shadow Puppets will now ignore Knobby Trees and Above-Average Tree Trunks.
Notes for Modders
- Made several changes to support very large worlds.
July 27, 2021
Rev. 472802 (Test)
Boat Changes
- Further tweaked the rowing, so rowing in a direction different from your current movement applies the full rowing force.
- Lowered the top speed of rowing a bit.
- These two changes should make rowing still awesome for moving in tight spaces, while still giving sails the spotlight for the open seas.
- Increased the turning speed for boats at lower speeds.
- Increased the top speed of the basic mast.
- Decreased the force applied from waves, Malbatross, ect[sic] to account for the adjusted boat physics.
- Lowered the velocity gained when colliding with the world or other objects(when paddling in rivers it should be much more controllable).
- Increased the speed threshold required to damage the boat a tiny bit.
- Webber's Webby Whistle now works on Sea Strider Nests.
Bug Fixes
- Enriched Knobby trees can be chopped down now.
- Grass Gators team up to defend properly now.
- Sea Striders have an inventory image.
- Fixed a potential crash related to Sea Strider movement.
- Knobby tree art fixed when they are chopped down
- Updated the transition art for enriched Knobby trees.
July 26, 2021
Rev. 472648 (Test)
- Buffed the anchors stopping power.
- Slightly nerfed the force applied to the boat when rowing.
- Adjusted the bait preferences for the Sweetish Fish.
Bug Fixes
- Tree canopy shadows work on the client
- Knobby Tree enrichment time corrected
- Shadow spawns properly on a client
- Fixed the minimap icon for the Above-Average Tree Trunk
- Fixed a bug causing the vines to not appear for players on dedicated servers.
- Fixed a bug causing the row action to not appear sometimes.
- Fixed a crash if you launched the game for the first time where the game wrongfully said it couldn’t write to the config directory.
Rev. 472550 (Test)
The next update, Waterlogged, is up on the beta branch. Enjoy some shaded reprieve from the heat. Mind the bugs.
Go here to learn how to enter into the beta branch.
Added the Waterlogged ocean biome
- Great Tree Trunk
- Knobbly Trees
- Fig, with new recipes
- Grassgator
- Sea Strider
Added a 64 bit version of the game.
Boat Changes:
- All boats will now eventually come to a stop, regardless of whether it has an anchor or not.
- Doubled the top speed of boats.
- Greatly improved the performance on worlds with lots of boats(depending on the number of boats, as much as a 50% improvement in total performance).
- Boats will now properly collide with all objects while offscreen.
- When logging back in, players will now respawn on the boat they logged off on, regardless of whether it has moved since they logged off.
Technical Details:
- Boats speed calculations are now more consistent, so your speed won’t fluctuate up and down.
- The following of platforms(boats) is now handled in the engine instead of in lua.
- When boats are drifting(moving without a player on them) they will do a scan around them to turn on the physics of nearby objects.
- When boats entity sleep all sails on a boat will get closed.
- In the engine, platform following now properly supports rotation(as in objects would rotate around a boat when a boat is rotated), this however is not yet used in the base game.
- Embarking can now fail if the embarked position gets too far away from the player(IE two boats moving at top speed past each other and trying to hop would now fail)
Notes For Modders:
- The walkableplatform and boatphysics component have been significantly changed, mods modifying these components will probably need to be rewritten.
- Mods can enable boats to rotate from the steering wheel by calling BoatPhysics:SetCanSteeringRotate(true)
- Several events that boats used to push for all entities on a boat are now only pushed for players.
- For any entity that can get attached to a platform, EntityScript:GetCurrentPlatform() should be used instead of TheWorld.Map:GetPlatformAtPoint(...)
July 8, 2021
Rev. 470691 (Release)
- Webber can now pick up follower Spiders
- Nurse Spiders no longer heals enemy spiders
- Abigail no longer damages friendly Spiders
Bug Fixes
- Spiders now sink when dropped into the water
- Fixed a bug where Webber’s followers would still target friendly players
- Fixed a bug causing Pan Flutes to lose their skin when floating.
- Fixed a bug causing smoldering items to not get this bug fix that was in the last hotfix:
- Fixed a bug causing fire protection devices(Ice Flingomatic, Waterballoon, Ice Staff, ect) to not prevent burnable things from immediately catching back on fire.
July 6, 2021
Rev. 470262 (Release)
- This year’s Midsummer Cawnival has come to an end. It can be enabled at any time in the world settings.
- Dangling Depth Dwellers now have HD art.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing the game to crash when picking up certain spiders.
- Spiders no longer return to destroyed dens
- Spider Eggs no longer display decorations while placing them.
- Fixed a save/load bug with followers.
- Fixed a bug causing fire protection devices(Ice Flingomatic, Waterballoon, Ice Staff, ect) to not prevent burnable things from immediately catching back on fire.
June 30, 2021
Rev. 469733 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Spiders no longer return to burning or frozen dens
- Mutating a spider in a backpack no longer crashes the game
- Fixed some animation flows when feeding spiders
- Fixed a potential memory leak issue with the spider buffs
- Fixed a looping sound issue when dens burned
- Fixed a bug where spiders would get stuck on the wrong sleep state when dropped from the inventory
- Bedazzled or follower spiders no longer have a negative sanity aura on non-Webber players
- Players can no longer shave dead, burning or frozen spider dens
- Fixed a bug where Bedazzled spiders would still attack players unprovoked
- Fixed Webber not being faster on Webbed tiles on the client
- Fixed a bug where any character could pickup sleeping spiders by pressing space
- Fixed some missing symbols on the spiderden
- Webber can now eat raw meat with no penalty
- Fixed some symbol issues with Webber’s idle when he wore a hat
- Nurse spiders no longer heal dead spiders
- Fixed a sound issue with the Healing Glop
- Fixed a bug causing Malbatross to be unsummonable after reloading the world unless you went fishing.
- Followers will now retain their loyalty to you upon reconnecting to the world if you are close enough to them when rejoining.
- The Attack button will no longer target spiders as Webber.
- Fixed a crash when unloading mods with custom world setting groups.
- Fixed a bug causing modded world setting icons to not appear until you scrolled the world settings page a tiny bit.
- Fixed a texture issue with Silk Robes when using the pickaxe.
June 25, 2021
Rev. 469426 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a couple crashes triggered by decorating the a tier 3 Spider Den in specific situations
- The Spider Queen no longer spawns if Webber is sleeping in the Den
- Players can now use the Switcher Doodles on Spiders in their inventory
- Feeding a Switcher Doodle to a non following Spider should now cause it to follow the player
- Spiders are properly affected by eating food now, allowing them to heal and other effects
- Spiders can be fed in inventory, preventing them from dying
- The Den Decorating Set art should now be HD
- Only Webber can use the Spider Whistle
- The Nurse Spider can now heal Webber as well
- Fixed a crash triggered by trying to decorate non-standard dens
- Pacified and follower Spiders no longer attack walls
- Fixed missing boat jump animation on the Spitter, Hider and Shattered spiders
- Fixed a bug where dens would no longer be upgradeable after shaving off the decorations
- Webber should wake up normally from the Den when morning comes
- Fixed a bug that caused Tumble weeds to drop Warrior Costume Pattern instead of a random blueprint from the Fight crafting menu
- Fixed the positioning of the rear view of Webber’s head in some skins.
- Fixed and added various strings.
- Fixed issue that caused skins on certain items to not change correctly when the Clean Sweeper was used on them while they were floating.
- Fixed a bug that prevented Malbatross from respawning after getting killed without restarting your game.
June 24, 2021 - Webber Character Update
Rev. 468984 (Release)
The next character refresh has arrived! As always we also have some new skins and streaming drops!
Along Came a Spider
Listen well children, and mind the warnings of your parents... naughtiness always comes back to bite you in the end.
Here are the details.
- Webber can now craft a Webby Whistle to help him control his Spiders. When used the whistle can:
- Wake spiders up
- Summon spiders from dens
- Put following spiders in “defensive” mode
- Webber can craft the Shoo Box, which dismisses following Spiders and pacifies attacking ones. Can only be used by Webber.
- Webber can craft a Den Decorating Set. Once decorated the Spider Den will pacify the Spiders in range and make them friendly towards regular players
- Webber can craft a Healing Glop, an AOE healing item that only affects spiders
- Webber can craft Switcher Doodles which mutate spiders into a different type once fed to them
- Spider Changes:
- Spiders can wear hats now
- Spiders can be put in the inventory from traps or by Webber when they’re asleep
- Attack is no longer the default action against spiders when playing as Webber
- Webber can sleep inside Tier 3 dens now
- Webber can shave dens down to downgrade them
- Webber gets a speed boost when on sticky ground
- The Spiderqueen now spawns a new type of Spider: the Nurse Spider
New Skins!
Webber Deluxe Wardrobe ($10.99), including Webber’s new The Farmspider skin.
Homespun Chest ($3.99), includes Homespun Garden Hoe, Homespun Watering Can, and Homespun Seed Pouch.
New Streaming Drops!
We are adding the Rockjaw Sail to the Nautical collection. For more information on streaming drops and how to get them, check out our support topic here.
What's Next?
The team is continuing to do some work on content and changes before heading into a new content arc. One of our designers describes the next update as "A new biome that pops up in a couple places on the ocean. It's sort of chill... there are some water spiders." So, there's that. Which is nice. We'll have more details as we get closer to the next update. Have fun out there!
Patch Notes:
Bug FIxes
- Fixed a bug causing the Malbatross spawn timer to reset if it was finished when the game reloaded.
- Maxwell’s Shadow Loggers will no longer chop down the Crawnival Tree
- Fixed a bug where Pigmen would attack their last target after reloading a world that auto saved after a full moon.
- Mutant birds in inventory won’t stop the swarm.
- Willow’s master fueler perk works with the Deck Illuminator now.
- Lunacy won’t stick on when leaving moonstorms now.
June 10, 2021
Rev. 467172 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash when a mast gets destroyed while being raised or lowered
- Fixed a crash when chopping down the Cawnival Tree while the Cawnival is not active.
- Fixed some minor visual issues while placing the Cawnival Tree and games.
- Fixed a bug where the camera would get stuck when the survivor dies in wilderness mode (for example: while on a boat or playing a Cawnival game).
Fixed a bug causing the Malbatross spawn timer to reset if it was finished when the game reloaded.- Fixed a bug where the Lord of the Fruit Flies would still spawn when changing the world settings to None after creating the world.
- Disabled plant regrowth on Ancient Stonework tiles.
- Fixed a bug causing certain creatures to not act as if they were in darkness.
- Fixed a bug that caused summer to be darker than it should have been.
- Fixed a bug where Ice could remain at 0% spoilage forever (existing 0% ice will be left in the world for the players to dispose of).
June 4, 2021
Rev. 466644 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when using the Celestial Portal to change characters while the cawnival theme music is playing.
- Fixed a bug where the theme music (working, farming, cawnival, etc) might not turn back on after changing characters.
- Fixed a crash when a Scrambling Egg is tossed into the ocean as the game is ending.
- Fixed a crash when examining a Carrat on the Carrat Scale while the Year of the Carrat event is not active.
- Fixed a Chester bug when picking up the Eye Bone while on a boat.
- Crow Kids will no longer block the placement of structures
June 3, 2021 - Midsummer Cawnival
Rev. 466501 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed some bugs with summoning the Corvus Goodfeather to the Carnival Trees.
- Fixed a bug where some items would not display their inventory icon while held with the mouse
Rev. 466444 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash when placing cawnival games with a specific camera rotation.
Rev. 466240 (Release)
Don’t Starve Together is celebrating summer with the "Midsummer Cawnival!". Our survivors have been greeted by the enigmatic Corvus Goodfeather, who needs a bit of help preparing the festivities for his crow compatriots. Decorate, try your luck at the Cawnival games, and maybe even win some prizes! Event Ends June 24th.
Patch Notes:
- Start of the annual Midsummer Cawnival event.
- The master of ceremonies, Corvus Goodfeather can be found near the Florid Postern.
- Buy the Cawnival Tree, games and Game Tokens from Corvus Goodfeather.
- Earn Prize Tickets from playing games and exchange them for decorations and other goods at the Prize Booth.
- Place decorations near the Cawnival Tree and more feathered spectators will come join the festivities.
Login Bonus For a limited time DST players will recieve the Cawnival Endtable Free upon login of the game. Simply login to DST to claim!
New Twitch Drop Campaign: We will begin a new twitch Drop Campaign for the Leviathan Chest starting June 3rd until June 24th (PDT). Streamers that will have drops available can be found in the spoiler below. Note that this will be the last campaign of this type, further campaigns will be done through our advocates program.
Return of Them (since May 16, 2019)
This list only contains updates that were transferred from the Return of Them beta to the main branch. For a detailed overview of the beta updates, see Return of Them's Version History.
May 20, 2021
Rev. 464835 (Release)
Bug Fix:
- Fixed not being able to build the Incomplete Experiment after reloading the game under some circumstances
May 17, 2021
Rev. 464301 (Release)
Bug Fix:
- Fixes an issue where some people would get stuck in permanent night after starting or stopping the moon storms.
Notes for Modders
- fixed an issue where the facing direction wasn't properly inherited for entities that didn’t use the FollowSymbol to follow animstate symbols.
May 14, 2021
Rev. 464183 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed Walter’s missing avatar icon.
- Fixed evergreens regrowing in summer ignoring the evergreen regrowth multiplier.
- Fixed moonstorm sometimes disappearing when reloading the world.
- Fixed the Enlightened Crown disappearing with low sanity.
- Enlightened Crown will now remember if it has been closed by the current wearer.
- Fixed a crash when it starts raining when fighting antlion.
May 11, 2021
Rev. 463593 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed bug causing invisible floating hats when using the Clean Sweeper.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain objects that emit light in your inventory to not properly display for other players.
- Fixed a bug that caused certain wearable items to be invisible when dropped on the ground.
- Fixed an optimization issue with skinner components.
- Improved the look of the Fist Shake emote with Wendy’s Supernatural skin.
- Curio Collector won’t show up outside of the Year of the Beefalo Event.
- Fixed the orientation of fx when casting spells.
- Fixed a bug causing certain light sources to not properly move with the player.
May 7, 2021
Rev. 463347 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Misshapen Birds and Moonblind Crows are hauntable now
- The Celestial Champion no longer goes out of its way to attack small animals like birds and Moon Moths.
- Fixed missing state on Skitter Squid.
- Fixed Moongleams from burning in fires.
- Fixed a memory leak in the moonstorms.
- Removed the pond minimap icon from the Charged Glassy Rocks.
- Fixed a reload problem with the Moon Dial
May 6, 2021
Rev. 463073 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a crash with the moonstorm ground lightning.
- Fixed invisible Gift Wrapped items.
- Fixed Bundle Wraps from losing their skin information when cancelling the wrapping.
- Fixed Chester’s Woolly Chester skin.
- Fixed a crash caused by shaders not compiling for min spec hardware.
- Bearger Vest, Dapper Vest and Rain Coat are tradeable now.
- Deaths by bile will be recorded as the Misshapen Bird.
May 5, 2021 - Eye of the Storm Update
Rev. 462849 (Release)
With the three lunar altars now complete, the truth at the center of this ancient mystery will finally come to light...
They've been here all along.
Don't Starve Together: Return of Them - Eye of the Storm is now available for all players. With this conclusion of the Return of them Story Arc, worlds collide as old threats and familiar faces make themselves known.
As this chapter comes to an end, we are left to wonder to what end will Charlie's machinations bring our survivors. And what does she still have planned?
Major Changes:
- Added Moonstorm Event
- You're just going to have to see for yourself
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing stuff to drop off boats during lag or an autosave.
- Lichen can now be fed to beefalo, pigs, ect.
- Fixed a bug causing a crash if you hovered over the mole trail fx while holding the beefalo bell.
- Fixed a bug causing the spawning time to not queue for a number of things (Wobster Den, Splumonkey Pods, ect) if they were offscreen when the spawn time finished.
- Fixed a bug causing the Celestial Sanctum to have no mini map icon.
- Greatly improved performance for worlds with lots of lights in the world.
New Skins
This Cottage Cache Chest contains the following skin items: Pastoral Chest, Parchment Paper, and Woolly Chester. This pack is $4.99, (10 RMB).
These drops will be available only from select streamers. For more details see this post.
New Login Bonus!
We have a new login bonus for you too! The Paper Lantern skin will be yours just for logging in to the game.
Official Klei Discord!
Yep, it's about time! We quietly soft launched our Klei Discord last week and we're already over 3k members! If Discord is your thing, come hang out with the Klei Community over at: See you there!
Reward points!
It wouldn't be a proper update without some reward points. And you certainly wouldn't let us forget it! Click the link for 1700 reward points. This link is good for 7 days, so be sure to claim them now!
New gameplay trailer,
To Celebrate the end of "Return of them", We made a new gameplay trailer for Don't Starve Together.
And that's it!
The team has been hard at work on the next set of updates. In June we're going to see a couple of cool updates. A new summer event we're calling "The Midsummer Cawnival" and another character refresh. This next character refresh not many people are interested in, so we're not going to make a big deal of it. But if you want to be spoiled, I'll give you a little teaser work in progress art in the spoiler below. Can you guess who it is?
I lied. It's gonna be awesome.
April 6, 2021
Rev. 458972 (Release)
Update Information:
- Fixed infinitely loading worlds that were caused by to the previous Battle Helm crash
- Fixed a bug causing some spawners (spiders, merms, monkeys, ect) to not spawn entities.
- Fixed Wes being able to talk to plants with controllers.
April 2, 2021
Rev. 458765 (Release)
Update Information:
- Fixed a Battle Helm crash when picking it after using the Clean Sweeper on it
- Restored the custom sounds when Wes inflates up balloons
- Fixed a bug that caused Wes to become invisible while miming on a beefalo.
- Fixed Pan Flute skinning.
- Fixed water ripples for the Inflatable Vest while it is in the ocean.
- Added Pantomimed Oar and Driftwood Oar skins.
- Fixed hidden Pantomimed skins when they are floating.
- Notes for Modders: Recipes can now define "buildingstate" to specify which stategraph state the player will use when crafting that item
For worlds stuck in an infinite load
We have identified the source of the problem and are working on a fix so it will not happen again. We also have a plan to automatically restore the worlds affected by this but it will probably not be ready until Monday. Until then, if you feel tech savvy, you can follow the instructions below to restore your worlds. And remember to backup your save files first. Thank you to everyone who provided bug reports on the issue.
- In the host server screen, click on the open folder button (it is above the delete button)
- < ! Backup this folder or you run the risk of losing your world permanently ! >
- Within the Cluster folder, navigate to Master/save/session/xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx/
- xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx is a 16 digit series of numbers and letters. If you have multiple folders, you can search the server_log.txt to see which number is referenced.
- In this folder:
- write down the highest number of the files located here (not including the folders). Eg: 0000000032 and 0000000032.meta
- Delete the other number files (do not delete the folders or GemCoreTileData if it exists)
- Now navigate to Caves/save/session/yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy/
- yyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy is a different 16 digits from what is in master
- In this folder:
- Find the highest number of the files located here and change the filename to match the numbers that were in master. Eg: 0000000032 and 0000000032.meta
- Delete the other number files (do not delete the folders or GemCoreTileData if it exists)
- Restart DST
- You should now be able to load your world. If it does not work, then restore your backed up files and try again.
April 1, 2021 - Wes Character Update
Rev. 458638 (Release)
Update Information:
- Fixed a crash caused by Wigfrid’s Battle Helm
- Fixed a crash when giving Abigail Elixirs
- Fixed the rotation of Wooden Gates
- Fixed an issue causing items drops to fail to be opened correctly
- Notes for modders: Child objects now inherit their parent’s rotation
Rev. 458469 (Release)
Today we have our next character refresh! We also have some new skins and a new short. No foolin'!
Don't Starve Together: C'est La Vie
Some people just seem to attract more than their fair share of bad luck... and even those people are grateful they aren't Wes.
Last year Wes received a character refresh that was largely divisive among members of the community. While our intention was to give him the proper attention he deserves, we didn't sufficiently focus on changes that really emphasize the essence of who Wes really is.
Here are the details:
- Wes now has a Balloonomancy crafting tab where he can inflate various types of balloons
- Balloon - The same old balloons, now with a few more shapes
- Speedy Balloon - An overly inflated balloon to help become lighter on your feet, but don’t let go!
- Party Balloon - Gather some friends and pop these to host a small party
- Inflatable Vest - Acts as a life jacket, preventing damage from falling in the ocean.
- Balloon Hat - Just a little dapper with some rain protection, and completes your balloon outfit
- Now has the lowest stats of all the survivors
- Hounds waves will focus more on Wes than the other survivors.
- Is more susceptible to overheating and freezing
- Takes longer to recover from grogginess
- Has a higher chance of being struck by lightning
- Is less efficient at mining, chopping, and hammering
- Tools and weapons used by Wes will not wear out as fast
- No longer suffers from an increase in hunger drain
- Removed the 100 balloon per world limit
More details:
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash if a dead Wurt joined a world with the Merm King active.
- Fixed a crash if the player died to electrocution damage.
- Fixed a bug causing the beefalos that deplete all the saltlicks around them to start losing domestication at a rate as if no salt licks were ever around them.
- Fixed a bug causing beefalos to lose domestication 10 times faster than they should.
- The Sea Fishing Rod, Trusty Slingshot, Tackle Box and Spectackler Box can now be eaten by Eyeplants.
- Fixed a bug causing certain creature spawners (Hound Mounds, Beehives, Spiderdens, ect) to not always spawn their respective creatures.
Notes for Modders:
- AnimState:SetSortOrder() now takes a range of -3 to 3
- AnimState:SetFinalOffset() now takes a range of -7 to 7
- Added the component “efficientuser” to allow players to modify the amount of uses consumed on the equipped item when performing actions.
- Added the component “houndedtarget” to allow weighted selection when assigning spawns during a Hound or Depths Worm wave.
- Added loyaltyeffectiveness to the leader component which scales the duration an NPC will follow the player for when fed
- Recipes can now define “dropitem = true” to cause crafted items to be dropped instead of going into the player’s inventory.
New Skins!
Wes Deluxe Wardrobe ($10.99): The Deluxe wardrobe contains the Fool, Guest of Honor, Triumphant, Survivor and Roseate skins for Wes.
The Fool's Tool Chest contains skins for the Walking Cane, Top Hat, and Pan Flute. $3.99 (8 CNY)
Streaming Drops!
In case you missed it, we're offering a new set of streaming drops over on Check out this post for details.
Login Bonus!
We thought that it would be appropriate to do a login bonus centered around how much everybody feels about Wes, so for a limited time, players that login during this time will receive nothing.
Still Salty?
The Salt Box Shaker has been added to Klei Rewards. Here is a link for 1200 points, Valid until May 1st.
Coming Up!
I can't get into details right now. But the team is working toward finishing the Return of Them arc. Obviously this means a lot of things and more info will come soon, but I thought it would be nice to reveal the hidden image from the roadmap. What is it? Who made it? Why does it matter? You'll find out soon.
March 23, 2021
Rev. 457283 (Release)
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing merms that die while on fire to drop ash instead of cooked fish.
- Fixed a crash when you quit the game.
- Fixed a crash when hosting a game(but also in a lot of other cases also).
March 22, 2021
Rev. 457125 (Release)
- Added an “Insane” option to the world generation slider, greatly increasing the amount of objects generated in the world.
- Greatly reduced the loading times when traveling between worlds on the same server.
- Greatly reduced all loading times when you have lots of mod enabled.
- The Mods Warning Screen now has an option to make the screen not show up again.
- Domesticated beefalo will no longer go into heat.
- The “Clean All” button on the mods screen will no longer delete non workshop mods.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed Griefer Spawn Protection not providing the appropriate level of protection.
- Fixed an issue where Pipspook could cause mouse detection to break.
- Fixed a bug causing Tallbird Nests to respawn Tallbirds immediately after its Tallbird got killed.
- Fixed a bug causing a crafted Leaky Shack to immediately respawn Merms after its Merm got killed.
- Fixed a crash if you baited a trap with a stack of items, and then left the server.
- Fixed a bug causing Abigail's Flower to have the wrong inventory icon.
- Fixed a bug causing Salamanders to have the wrong hurtbox size.
- Fixed a bug causing Merm Flort-ifications to lose their upgrade when reloading the game while the Merm King is alive.
- Fixed a bug causing Pigs to stop chopping trees prematurely.
- Fixed a bug causing Merms and Merm Guards to stop chopping trees or mining rocks prematurely.
- Fixed a bug causing Spider Queens to still spawn from Spiderdens when they are turned off in World Settings.
- Fixed a bug causing mods on the older workshop API to fail to download if the file path had unicode characters in it.
- Fixed a crash that could occur if steam’s API is too old.
- Fixed a bug causing salt licks to stop working sometimes.
- Fixed a bug causing the Bats World Setting to not appear on Caves worlds
- Fixed a bug causing Crab King to not spawn.
March 16, 2021
Rev. 456207 (Release)
- Added a Klei Points counter and link to the Curio Cabinet
- Dedicated servers will now store v2 mods in <install_directory>/ugc_mods/<ClusterDirectory>/<ShardDirectory> (ClusterDirectory and ShardDirectory are the values defined via -cluster and -shard respectively) should you wish to change this, you can add the command line argument -ugc_directory <path to directory to store v2 mods>.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a crash if you had a burnt container(anything that can store items) in your world.
- Fixed klaus sack spawning outside of winter with winters feast off.
- Fixed Pig Houses, Bunny Hutches, Molehills and Rabbit Holes not spawning their respective mob.
- Fixed a crash that could sometimes occur if you tried to modify the world generation preset when the preset mode was linked.
- Force enabling v2 workshop mods on dedicated servers will now work, NOTE: you shouldn’t be doing this in most cases, mods should be enabled via modoverrides.lua instead.
- Fixed a bug causing dedicated servers to crash if SteamGameServer_Init failed.
March 15, 2021
Rev. 456020 (Release)
- Lord of The Fruit Flies world setting can now be changed in the caves.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing some mod assets to fail to load.
- Fixed a bug causing the timers for Ancient Gateway, Antlion Rage, Dragonfly, Grass Gekko Morphing, and Salt Formation Regrowth to reset upon restarting the game.
- Fixed Lord of The Fruit Flies never spawning.
- Fixed a bug causing mod configuration overrides from mod overrides to get applied after every single mod info is loaded, instead of just once after all modinfo’s have been loaded.
- Added logging for when a steam workshop mod fails to download.
- Added logging for dedicated servers when downloading mods.
- Fixed a crash on mac and linux when the path length for workshop mods was greater than 256 characters.
- Fixed the mods downloading notification not going away when mods finished downloading.
- Fixed a bug causing pigs to respawn immediately upon restarting the game.
March 12, 2021
Rev. 455744 (Release)
- Further optimizations to mod asset loading, this should decrease load times when lots of mods are enabled by a significant amount.
- Replaced the restriction to purchase chests with a warning when the contains skins for an unowned character.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed texture issue with Wormwood’s Cabriole Legs.
- Fixed a bug causing starting inventory to not work if you have no inventory slots(like in the forge mod)
- Fixed a crash when meteor showers were set to never
- Fixed a crash when editing or deleting presets in the linked preset mode.
- Fixed a crash when worldgenoverride.lua contained an invalid preset id.
- Fixed season settings not working properly.
- Fixed file reading/writing not always working.
- Fixed a bug causing mod assets to load with a lower priority than game assets.
- Setting rain to “more”, “less”, or “default” after setting rain to “never” or “always” will work properly now.
- Fixed a crash in the plant registry.
- Fixed a bug causing the world settings menu to not properly display your world settings until you scrolled it a bit.
- Fixed a crash when opening the gorge recipe book.
- Fixed a bug causing repeating inventory actions with a controller (like cooking and eating) to not work when you're not the host.
- Fixed various texture bugs with Wormwood’s heads and hats.
March 11, 2021 - March 2021 QoL Update
Rev. 455519 (Release)
- Mod file loading has been changed, this should result in a significant speed up, with the speedup being more noticeable the more mods were enabled.
- Beefalo no longer run away when dismounting them.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed controller support issue when trying to change Skin filter options.
- Fixed a bug causing performance issues on the host game screen/mods screen.
- Fixed a bug with the friendly fruit flies AI causing it to stutter.
- Fixed salt stacks not having map icons.
- Fixed versioning for leveldataoverrides.lua.
- Fixed the beef bell crafting recipe not prototyping properly.
- Fixed a bug causing beefalo to duplicate in the caves.
- Fixed a bug causing beefalo to lose their speed modifier when traveling from forest to caves.
- Just as a reminder, to set world settings for dedicated servers, you must be using worldgenoverrides.lua, any other method is unsupported and could break at any time. Information regarding worldgenoverrides.lua can be found here.
Notes for Modders
- Modinfo will now only reload if the version string is different from the version string of the modinfo it had already loaded.
Rev. 455433 (Release)
Hey everybody.
We're back with another QOL update, this update contains some changes to world options, they have been split into two categories, world settings (things affect the world after it has been generated), and world generation options (things that affect world generation). By default, saving and loading presets will work as before, or can choose to unlink the world settings and generation options and manage their presets separately. If you host a dedicated server, the method for applying world options is unchanged and will continue to work just fine.
- Containers can now be opened by multiple players at the same time.
- All actions can be repeated by clicking and holding the action button.
- All crafting recipes can be repeated by double clicking and holding the crafting button.
- Setting world generation options to “More” will no longer generate more of that object in every biome, it will now only generate more of that object in biomes where that object already exists.
- World settings, (things that affect game behavior after the world has been generated) can now be changed after a world has been generated.
- The preset menu has been overhauled to allow custom presets to be named.
- Added over 20 new world generation options.
- Added over 60 new world settings.
- The server commands menu (eg. roll back, regenerate the world, etc) is now accessible via the “Server Commands” button in the not-a-pause pause menu.
- The rescue command has been added to the Server Commands menu.
- The player listing screen (scoreboard) can now also be accessed via the not-a-pause pause menu
- Added world settings to assist players when joining someone’s server. These settings should only have an impact on public servers. If you are locally hosting your own private world that only you and some friends play on, your experience will not be affected.
- Extra Starting Resources. New players joining a world after day 10 will start with a few extra resources to make up for the starting area being most likely picked clean.
- Seasonal Starting Items. New players joining a world that is not in autumn will receive a basic seasonal clothing item to help them survive long enough to get started.
- Spawn Protection. When a player spawns in, if there are too many structures near the spawn point or if there are hostile creatures, the player will gain a temporary buff that allows them to walk through structures and prevents them from being targeted.
- Drop Items on Despawn. Sets whether a player will drop only irreplaceable items or drop all their items when they leave the server.
- Year of the Beefalo has ended.
- Beefalo bell has been moved into the tools crafting menu,
- Beefalo groomer has been moved into the structures crafting menu. Recipe changed a little.
- The Year of the Beefalo skins are available all the time now.
Bug Fixes
- Ice now floats
- Lesser Glow Berries now have a different animation on the ground.
- Fixed a bug causing birchnut trees to update when they shouldn’t
Notes For Modders
- The worlddeciduoustreeupdater component is now deprecated
- You can see this post for the modding api changes made in this update.
Workshop API Upgrade
The Steam Workshop API has been upgraded, this provides the following improvements:
- Mods will be smaller in file size, along with downloading faster.
- Updates won’t require redownloading the whole mod, instead only the changes are downloaded.
- The File limits imposed by the previous API are gone.
- Mods will be automatically updated by the steam client without the game even needing to be open.
- The Mods Tab should perform better due to using the faster API for getting mod info.
More Victorian Skins!
The gang's all here! The rest of the survivors get the Victorian treatment in the Latecomers' Victorian Chest for $7.99 or you can get the Complete Victorian chest for $24.99usd. I don't know about you, but I need that Wortox skin, like now.
New Login Bonuses!
We have a new login bonus for you. The worm Riddled Chest contains the Snaggletooth Wormhole, Lureplant Wormhole, Arachnoid Wormhole and Glow Berry Bush skins just for logging in to the game.
And this week's Klei Rewards link!
Twitch drops are still on Hiatus but hopefully, we'll have some news pretty soon about their return. But for now, have 1700 points and get something cool. (Link expires on 3/18/2021)
And that's it for now.
We're not quite ready to show you what we're working on just yet, but we will post something as soon as we've got something ready. Until then, have fun out there!
February 11, 2021
Rev. 451587 (Release)
Changes from 451587:
- Fixed a bug causing all sketches to turn into pawn sketches.
Rev. 451473 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Adding Settings option to disable Moving Head Icons.
- Fixed a bug causing stumps that decay to remove all the relevant items, instead of leaving one of each item behind.
- Fixed Bundling Wrap from losing skin information when entering and exiting Caves.
- Updating legacy Lunar and Valentine skins to Timeless rarity.
- Beefalo no longer duplicate during a rollback while a player is riding them.
- Beefalo no longer duplicate during a rollback if the Beefalo Bell is in a backpack.
- Fixed a crash when attempting to Hitch a Beefalo while not bonded to a Beefalo.
- Fixed a crash on load if you had Amberosia in your inventory.
- Fixed an issue causing sketches to always give you the pawn figure, sketches that you gave to the sculpting table that turned into pawn sketches are unfortunately not able to be properly fixed.
February 9, 2021
Rev. 451074 (Release)
Gameplay Change:
- Beefalo now wake up to follow their bonded player if they go too far away at night, like Chester and Glommer.
- Beefalo in heat cannot be hitched
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed the groomer and sewing machine burnt animations.
- Ridden Beefalo’s costumes work properly if their main build changes now.
- Hitched Beefalo won’t teleport to the owner.
- Traps can now be picked up properly while riding a Beefalo.
- Smoldering objects can now be smothered while riding a Beefalo.
- Domesticated Beefalo will no longer turn feral if their Beefalo Bell bond is broken.
- Fixed player badges from being missing in the server browser.
- Fixed the Redeem Codes text entry box from failing to accept certain codes.
- Fixed Wigfrid’s Merrymaker hair clipping issue.
- Fixed a crash after playing the contest several times.
- Fixed a crash if there are more than 8 posts in a contest.
- Fixed a crash at the end of a contest if you pick a fight with contestants.
- Fixed a crash if the Beefalo got unhitched just as a player tried to groom it
February 5, 2021
Rev. 450741 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- The contests posts won’t get stuck waiting to be marked if the event is aborted now
- Adjust new Victorian wall skins textures so they are less tilted.
- Fixed a texture bug with the Lovely Chest.
Gameplay Change:
- Contestant Beefalo won’t fight their trainers when in heat now.
February 4, 2021 - Year of the Beefalo
Rev. 450585 (Release)
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a possible crash when ending a contest.
- Fixed a bug when a beefalo dies in the contest.
- Fixed a bug causing statue figures to use the wrong animation.
- Fixed a crash when riding Woby.
- Fixed an issue with Winona’s hair in the character selection grid.
- Fixed a crash with no NPCs in the pageant.
- Fixed a crash in the Item Collection when Willow hugs Ashley.
- Fixed a crash when using the Winter’s Feast Lantern.
Rev. 450466 (Release)
Update Note:
- Start of Year of the Beefalo.
- Added the Beefalo Shrine.
- Added a Beefalo Bell to name and befriend Beefalo.
- Added the Beefalo Grooming Station to select Beefalo Costume Skins.
- Added Beefalo Pageant
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug causing the world generation on windows to behave differently from mac and linux.
- Fixed another bug causing you to join the wrong shard sometimes after a rollback.
- Fixed an exploit allowing spider nests, lureplants, and fossil pieces to be placed in the same location over and over again.
- Spider nests on boats no longer regenerate spiders.
Notes for Modders
- Added a new system for displaying popups to clients:
- Mods can add popups with the function AddPopup(NAME_OF_POPUP)
- Then doing POPUPS.NAME_OF_POPUP.fn = function(inst, show, …) show/hide your popup end
- And then to show/hide a popup: player:ShowPopup(POPUPS.NAME_OF_POPUP, true/false) if true, shows the popup, if false hides it.
- You can find the implementation of our popups in popupmanager.lua
January 6, 2021
Rev. 446681 (Release)
- Emoticons rendering has been fixed.
Rev. 446448 (Release)
- Winter’s Feast has ended.
- Wormwood’s plant trail will no longer spawn on boats or the ocean.
- Fixed a rare crash when retrofitting worlds for the Forgotten Knowledge update.
- Fixed a bug causing your character to go to the wrong location after a rollback sometimes.
- Fixed some visual glitches when it's snowing.
- Fixed various skin texture bugs.
- Fixed an issue causing Wormwood to flicker when transitioning bloom stages.
- Lowered the drop rate of seeds from birds.
- Reduced the collision size of the archive pillar to allow players to walk past them.
- Carol Emote is now an ensemble reward for Merrymaker skin sets in addition to the Snowfallen skin sets.