Exclusive to: 
Only during the Event:
Hallowed Nights
The Hallowed Trinkets are only available during Hallowed Nights. They can be found scattered around the world, digging the Graves, or destroying the Ancient Pseudoscience Station. They can be traded with the Pig King for various amounts of Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies. If the player is wearing costumes, Pig King will give more Halloween Candies. Outside of the Hallowed Nights event, the Pig King will not give Halloween Candies. The Hallowed Trinkets stack up to 40 items. The Trinkets can also be used as a Catcoon toy.
Cubic Zirconia Ball
“I know someone who'd have a ball with this!”
“Just a big dumb ball.”
“Wolfgang does not like spooky magics.”
“When I gaze into the ball I see... nothing. Apropos.”
“Oh, I got my hopes up for a nice crystal ball.”
“I'd rather my future be a surprise.”
“Amateur magic for children.”
“Reveal mine destiny, öh great fates!”
“It's not bouncy. What's the point?”
“I see right through this sort of stuff.”
“It's not the real thing.”
“If I look inside what will I see?”
“Can see cute face in it!”
“Will it tell me my future?”
“It'll only show you one possible future.”
Cubic Zirconia Ball is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2016. It can be traded with the Pig King for 1 Gold Nugget and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Spider Ring
“I hope this doesn't attract spiders.”
“Ewww! Who would ever wear that!”
“Wolfgang not wear creepy finger-spider.”
“It's very fetching.”
“A decorative arachnid adornment! How darling!”
“The creature has been förever imprisöned upön the ring.”
“It's a friend for our finger!!”
“It wouldn't go with my look.”
“It's a plastic creepy crawly.”
“No fun! It won't fit over my claw.”
“Who ever seen such tiny Spiderfolk?”
“Aw, I thought it was a real spider...”
“I keep forgetting it's not real!”
Spider Ring is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2016. It can be traded with the Pig King for 1 Gold Nugget and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Monkey Paw
“Let's make a wish. For science.”
“Ughhh! That's so nasty!”
“Perhaps a curse could end our suffering.”
“The paw grants three wishes, with terribly ironic results. So the story goes.”
“That right there's a bad time waitin' to happen.”
“I'm done tampering with magical oddities, thank-you.”
“The monkey probably needed that.”
“I know better than to mess with this.”
“I wish for more wishes.”
“I like my claws much better”
“Seem safe, florp.”
“Nothing bad ever happened from wishing on a monkey's paw!”
“There's no need to be afraid of curses if you're clever enough to outsmart them.”
Monkey Paw is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2016. It can be traded with the Pig King for 1 Gold Nugget and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Empty Elixir
“Hard to find a good flask around here.”
“Hey Wes! Dare you to drink the last bit!”
“Little potion make Wolfgang mighty?”
“Neither half empty, nor half full.”
“Odorless. I believe it may have been sugar water.”
“Doesn't even have a label.”
“I'm not in the habit of imbibing strange liquids.”
“Twas a pöisön, möst assuredly.”
“I kinda wanna drink what's left, but he won't let me.”
“Whatever was inside is gone now.”
“Someone drank it already.”
“The drink's been drunk, so now it's junk!”
“Somebody drank it, florp.”
“Looks like someone already drank it.”
“Whatever it held, it's gone now.”
Empty Elixir is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2016. It can be traded with the Pig King for 1 Gold Nugget and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Faux Fangs
“I might need these after all that candy.”
“Pfft, they're not even sharp.”
“Now Webber and I can match.”
“Dunk those in boiling water before wearing them, dear.”
“More intimidating than beaver teeth.”
“Evidence öf the undead. Stay wary, my allies!”
“We've already got some, thanks.”
“Oh dear, how spooky!”
“Mine are much more impressive.”
“Those are just fakes, I want to see real vampire teeth!”
“I don't think it's a good idea to put things we find lying around here in our mouths.”
Faux Fangs is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2016. It can be traded with the Pig King for 1 Gold Nugget and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Broken Stake
“I might need these after all that candy.”
“Pfft, they're not even sharp.”
“Now Webber and I can match.”
“Dunk those in boiling water before wearing them, dear.”
“More intimidating than beaver teeth.”
“Evidence öf the undead. Stay wary, my allies!”
“We've already got some, thanks.”
“Oh dear, how spooky!”
“Mine are much more impressive.”
“Those are just fakes, I want to see real vampire teeth!”
“I don't think it's a good idea to put things we find lying around here in our mouths.”
Broken Stake is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2016. It can be traded with the Pig King for 1 Gold Nugget and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
“I might need these after all that candy.”
“Pfft, they're not even sharp.”
“Now Webber and I can match.”
“Dunk those in boiling water before wearing them, dear.”
“More intimidating than beaver teeth.”
“Evidence öf the undead. Stay wary, my allies!”
“We've already got some, thanks.”
“Oh dear, how spooky!”
“Mine are much more impressive.”
“Those are just fakes, I want to see real vampire teeth!”
“I don't think it's a good idea to put things we find lying around here in our mouths.”
Binoculars is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2017. It can be traded with the Pig King for 3 Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Lone Glove
“I wonder where the other one is?”
“Who needs just one glove?”
“One lonely half of a pair.”
“Oh, the gloves're comin' off now!”
“Tö arms! The gauntlet has been thröwn döwn!”
“It must be so lonely.”
“That just ain't right - it's left! Ha!”
“I don't usually wear gloves.”
“Keep one claw warm.”
“I guess my hands can take turns.”
“I don't think it's from this timeline...”
Lone Glove is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2017. It can be traded with the Pig King for 3 Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Snail Scale
“Holding it makes me feel like bartering.”
“Wolfgang has no use for tiny garbage.”
“The weight of the world rests upon me.”
“It's a snail-shaped scale, eh?”
“One hundred percent to scale.”
“I have nö use for such things.”
“Haha, it looks like a snail shell.”
“Not sure what to do with it. I'm weighing my options.”
“Snips and snails and puppydog scales.”
“This snail sleeping.”
“I don't know what we'd be measuring out here.”
“The needle moves rather sluggishly.”
Snail Scale is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2017. It can be traded with the Pig King for 3 Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Goop Canister
“It's a little warm to the touch.”
“It looks like ectoplasm in there.”
“This does not seem like it came from this world.”
“Got no idea what that's for.”
“I've no idea what that is.”
“Perhaps söme sört öf elixir lies within?”
“I'm not going to mess with it. It seems dangerous.”
“Not sure what this was for.”
“Without a doubt, the goop's spilled out.”
“Looks like a slime monster escaped.”
“This is definitely going to contaminate the timeline.”
Goop Canister is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2017. It can be traded with the Pig King for 3 Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Toy Cobra
“It's full of someone's childhood memories.”
“To frolic, to play, no more.”
“Better than meeting a real one, eh?”
“Cute little toy, hey?”
“Thank goodness this snake is just a fake.”
“It looks like someone mashed two toys together.”
“...But why does it have a mouse head?”
Toy Cobra is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2017. It can be traded with the Pig King for 3 Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Crocodile Toy
“It's not very good at jumping.”
“Yeesh. I can feel the nostalgia dripping off it.”
“I have put childish things behind me.”
“Get along, lil gator.”
“What use would I have of such a thing?”
“What manner öf creature be this?”
“C'mon little croc! Let's adventure!”
“What a fun little toy.”
“Oh joy, oh boy! A wheely toy!”
“Hee-hee it wear funny clothes!”
“Another toy that I'm way too mature for.”
Crocodile Toy is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2017. It can be traded with the Pig King for 3 Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Broken Terrarium
“It's some sort of plant specimen.”
“Some breaks cannot be mended.”
“It has fallen in battle.”
“The plant is so pretty!”
“Nope. Can't fix that.”
“There's cracks in it for pests to get into.”
“Someone broke plant house.”
“"Huh. I can't find that plant in my handbook.”
“Is that plant still alive?”
Broken Terrarium is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2017. It can be traded with the Pig King for 3 Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Odd Radio
“It's picking up frequencies from another world.”
“It's got kind of a dumb face, huh?”
“Wolfgang can barely hear this.”
“It is so colorful...”
“What sorta shows d'you think it gets?”
“At least it's not ragtime.”
“What störies might you tell, trapped spirit?”
“It doesn't get any good channels.”
“You'd have to be a real dupe to think you could get that working.”
“I'm not messing with anymore radios.”
“Though you may think me quite a loon, I swear I hear a little tune.”
“It doesn't pick up any of my favourite stations...”
“It keeps making strange sounds.”
Odd Radio is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2017. It can be traded with the Pig King for 3 Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.
Broken Hairdryer
“Maybe a tool for testing aerodynamics?”
“I never take my pigtails out anyway.”
“I simply do not know what is it.”
“I prefer to let mine air dry.”
“Some harebrained invention of the scientist's, perhaps?”
“Tis a suspiciöus cöntraptiön!”
“Hm, what's that? I spaced out.”
“That might be fun to take apart.”
“We don't have these on my plane.”
“It looks like something from outer space.”
“How did this get here?”
Broken Hairdryer is a Hallowed Nights exclusive item, which was introduced in 2017. It can be traded with the Pig King for 3 Gold Nuggets and 8-9 Halloween Candies, if traded during Hallowed Nights event.