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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png

Wilson Portrait.png
A picture of a sculpture. We'll need somewhere to make it.


Sketches are Don't Starve Together exclusive items, introduced in A New Reign. They can be given to a Potter's Wheel to unlock a specific Chess Piece for crafting. Once the sketch is given to a Potter's Wheel, the figure becomes available to any player near the Potter's Wheel. Note that destroying a Potter's Wheel which has taken any Sketches will also drop the Sketches. Sketches can be erased at a Cartographer's Desk to get one Papyrus. All Sketches have a fuel value of 15 seconds.

To obtain Sketches for Pawns and Queenly Figures, one needs to mine Marble Statues. For Kingly Figure Sketch, Maxwell Statue. For Rook, Bishop, and Knight Figure Sketches, Marble Sculpture of matching type (Note that Marble Sculptures need Suspicious Marble to be repaired and then to be mined at Full Moon or New Moon to drop the sketch).

Performing each of the above actions will unlock the respective chess piece in the world. This allows for the matching trinket or sketch to be found in Tumbleweeds. Chess piece trinkets may be traded with the Pig King to obtain its corresponding sketches.

The Boss Monster Sketches are dropped when the corresponding Boss Monster is killed. Except that Frostjaw Sketch is dropped when traded with heavy Ocean Fish.

The Sketch itself is just about the shape of the piece to be crafted, the color of the crafted pieces will be determined based on the materials used to craft it, where using Marble results in a white piece, using Cut Stone results in a black piece, and using a Moon Shard results in a glassy blue piece.

Marble.png Available Figures

The following Chess Pieces can be unlocked from their corresponding Sketches:

Sketch Obtained by Sketch as Item
Pawn Figure (Marble).png Mining Marble Pawn.png, Tumbleweed.png
Queenly Figure (Marble).png Mining Marble Comedy.png,Marble Tragedy.png, Tumbleweed.png
Kingly Figure (Marble).png Mining Maxwell Statue.png, Tumbleweed.png
Rook Figure (Marble).png Reanimating Sculpture Rookbody Repaired.png, exchanged White Rook.pngBlack Rook.png with Pig King.png
Knight Figure (Marble).png Reanimating Sculpture Knightbody Repaired.png, exchanged White Knight.pngBlack Knight.png with Pig King.png
Bishop Figure (Marble).png Reanimating Sculpture Bishopbody Repaired.png, exchanged White Bishop.pngBlack Bishop.png with Pig King.png
Anchor Figure (Marble).png Crafted inDecorations Filter.png,Seafaring Filter.pngfilter at Think Tank.png and cost 1 Papyrus.png Anchor Figure Sketch.png
Moon Moth Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Celestial Station Icon.png filter at Celestial Altar.png/Celestial Tribute.png/Celestial Sanctum.png or Celestial Orb.png (after defeating Celestial Champion), and cost 1 Papyrus.png Moon Moth Figure Sketch.png
"Moon" Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Celestial Station Icon.png filter at Celestial Altar.png/Celestial Tribute.png/Celestial Sanctum.png or Celestial Orb.png (after defeating Celestial Champion), and cost 1 Papyrus.png "Moon" Figure Sketch.png
Deerclops Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Deerclops.png
Bearger Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Bearger.png
Moose Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Goose.png
Dragonfly Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Dragonfly.png
Malbatross Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Malbatross.png Malbatross Figure Sketch.png
Crab King Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Crab King.png Crab King Figure Sketch.png
Toadstool Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Toadstool.pngMisery Toadstool.png
Ancient Fuelweaver Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Ancient Fuelweaver.png
Klaus Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Klaus.png
Bee Queen Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Bee Queen.png
Antlion Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Antlion.png
Ancient Guardian Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Ancient Guardian.png
Celestial Champion Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Celestial Champion Phase 3.png Celestial Champion Figure Sketch.png
Eye of Terror Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Eye of Terror Phase 1.png
Twins of Terror Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Retinazor.pngSpazmatism.png
Nightmare Werepig Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Nightmare Werepig.png Nightmare Werepig Sketch.png
Scrappy Werepig Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Scrappy Werepig.png
Armored Bearger Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Armored Bearger.png
Crystal Deerclops Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Crystal Deerclops.png
Possessed Varg Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Possessed Varg.png
Great Depths Worm Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Great Depths Worm.png
Frostjaw Figure (Marble).png Dropped by Frostjaw.png after trading with heavy large Ocean Fish Frostjaw Sketch.png
Hound Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Offerings Station Icon.png at Varg Shrine.png and cost 8 Lucky Gold Nugget.png Hound Figure Sketch.png
Varg Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Offerings Station Icon.png at Varg Shrine.png and cost 16 Lucky Gold Nugget.png Varg Figure Sketch.png
Carrat Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Offerings Station Icon.png at Carrat Shrine.png and cost 8 Lucky Gold Nugget.png Carrat Figure Sketch.png
Beefalo Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Offerings Station Icon.png at Beefalo Shrine.png and cost 8 Lucky Gold Nugget.png Beefalo Figure Sketch.png
Catcoon Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Offerings Station Icon.png at Catcoon Shrine.png and cost 8 Lucky Gold Nugget.png Catcoon Figure Sketch.png
Kitcoon Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Offerings Station Icon.png at Catcoon Shrine.png and cost 8 Lucky Gold Nugget.png Kitcoon Figure Sketch.png
Bunnyman Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Offerings Station Icon.png at Bunnyman Shrine.png and cost 8 Lucky Gold Nugget.png Bunnyman Figure Sketch.png
Start Tower Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Offerings Station Icon.png at Dragonfly Shrine.png and cost 8 Lucky Gold Nugget.png Start Tower Figure Sketch.png
Gilded Depths Worm Figure (Marble).png Crafted in Offerings Station Icon.png at Depths Worm Shrine.png and cost 8 Lucky Gold Nugget.png Gilded Depths Worm Figure Sketch.png

Craftable Sketches

Hound Figure Sketch

Only during the Event: Map Icon Varg Shrine.png Year of the Varg
The Hound Figure Sketch can be acquired at the Varg Shrine in exchange for 8 Lucky Gold Nuggets. It can then be given to a Potter's Wheel to be able to sculpt Hound Figure.

Clay Varg Figure Sketch

Only during the Event: Map Icon Varg Shrine.png Year of the Varg
The Clay Varg Figure Sketch can be acquired at the Varg Shrine in exchange for 16 Lucky Gold Nuggets. It can then be given to a Potter's Wheel to be able to sculpt Varg Figure.

Carrat Figure Sketch

Only during the Event: Carrat Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Carrat
The Carrat Figure Sketch can be acquired at the Carrat Shrine in exchange for 8 Lucky Gold Nuggets. It can then be given to a Potter's Wheel to be able to sculpt Carrat Figure.

Beefalo Figure Sketch

Only during the Event: Beefalo Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Beefalo
The Beefalo Figure Sketch can be acquired at the Beefalo Shrine in exchange for 8 Lucky Gold Nuggets. It can then be given to a Potter's Wheel to be able to sculpt Beefalo Figure.

Kitcoon Figure Sketch

Only during the Event: Catcoon Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Catcoon
The Kitcoon Figure Sketch can be acquired at the Catcoon Shrine in exchange for 8 Lucky Gold Nuggets. It can then be given to a Potter's Wheel to sculpt Kitcoon Figure.

Catcoon Figure Sketch

Only during the Event: Catcoon Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Catcoon
The Catcoon Figure Sketch can be acquired at the Catcoon Shrine in exchange for 8 Lucky Gold Nuggets. It can then be given to a Potter's Wheel to sculpt Catcoon Figure.

Bunnyman Figure Sketch

Only during the Event: Bunnyman Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Bunnyman
The Bunnyman Figure Sketch can be acquired at the Bunnyman Shrine in exchange for 8 Lucky Gold Nuggets. It can then be given to a Potter's Wheel to sculpt Bunnyman Figure.

Start Tower Figure Sketch

Only during the Event: Dragonfly Shrine.png Year of the Dragonfly
The Start Tower Figure Sketch can be acquired at the Dragonfly Shrine in exchange for 8 Lucky Gold Nuggets. It can then be given to a Potter's Wheel to sculpt Start Tower Figure.

Gilded Depths Worm Figure Sketch

Only during the Event: Depths Worm Shrine.png Year of the Depths Worm
The Gilded Depths Worm Figure Sketch can be acquired at the Depths Worm Shrine in exchange for 8 Lucky Gold Nuggets. It can then be given to a Potter's Wheel to sculpt Gilded Depths Worm Figure.

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • The actual drawing on many Sketches' icons is of an unmined Bishop Sculpture. The Clay Varg figure sketch was introduced with a unique icon, and of all sketches introduced since then, only the Eye of Terror and Twins of Terror figure sketches have the same generic icon as earlier sketches.
  • Sketches were introduced in the Arts and Crafts update.