Great Depths Worm

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Nothing goes extinct here.


The ancestor of the Depths Worm is dangerous to attack while it's in motion.

-Scrapbook Description

The Great Depths Worm is a Don't Starve Together exclusive hostile Mob found in the Caves that spawns during Cave Worm Attacks. When Great Depths Worm appears, it replaces the whole wave of Depths Worms. The chance of it to appear will increase with each Cave Worm Attacks until it spawns and then the chance resets. Only one Great Depths Worm will show up per wave if there are multiple players.

The Great Depths Worm Won’t arrive until after day 25.

Brain.png Behavior

When the Worm is engaged with a player, it'll chase them and attempt to bite them. Its movement speed is very similar to a default character's speed, so this chase sequence tends to last a while. If it hits, it does 30 thorn damage to the character. If it hits any structures on the way, player built or not, it'll destroy them. If it bites into any items or certain enemies on the way, it'll pause to eat them, the eating time depends on whether it was an item or an enemy. If it eats certain player-sized enemies like Pigs, Merms and Bunnymen, it will pause for a while to digest them, producing 3 Manure in the process and having a massive window for damage or healing during the "stun".

If it eats irreplaceable objects such as Pearl's Pearl or The Eye Bone, it will try to chew on them and ultimately throw them up. It can eat multiple players, enemies or items at once, this does not result in a longer stun nor more manure production.

If the player has too little health left to survive the series of attacks the worm inflicts on them as the player passes through the digestive system, the player will have 1 health remaining.

When killed, its head drops 3-5 Monster Meat and 1 Glow Berry. The rest of its body drops random items from the table below.

Bone Shards.png 21.37%
Rocks.png 17.09%
Flint.pngNitre.pngMonster Meat.png 12.82%
Gold Nugget.png 3.42%
Broken Shell (DST).pngTentacle Spots.pngLight Bulb.pngGlow Berry.pngGuano.pngRed Gem.pngBlue Gem.pngPurple Gem.png 1.71%
Bent Spork.pngDessicated Tentacle.pngOrange Gem.pngYellow Gem.pngGreen Gem.pngThulecite.pngFossils.png 0.85%

Prototype.png Tips

  • Player can drop items in front of the worm or on top of its emerging spot to make it forcefully eat them, making a small window for damage or healing
  • When playing as Wanda it's significantly more dangerous as the digestion attack can kill her, due to her health mechanics.
  • However, Wanda can outrange the thorn effect the worm has with her alarming clock, so she can get damage in at any time as long as she avoids the digestion attack.
  • Because of its perpetual Wet status, electric damage will always have a 2.5x damage multiplier against a Great Depths Worm.
  • While highly risky, WX-78 can equip 3 Electrification Circuits and intentionally get swallowed a few times. This results in the worm taking massive damage. The same works with the Bramble Husk (but needs a few of them) and Fugu Hutch.
  • Having the worm eat a teammate or a follower may be helpful as it stays still for significantly longer.
  • The Great Depths Worm cannot go on Spelunker's Bridge. The player can stay on the bridge and use range weapons like Gloomerang to kill it.
  • If the worm eats Gunpowder that's on fire, it'll take the damage the gunpowder would've done while its inside it.
  • The worm cannot sleep, nor be frozen or teleported.
  • Great Depths Worms are the only renewable source of Fossil Fragments.

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