Lurking Nightmare

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
The Lurking Nightmare is a Shadow Creature exclusive to Don't Starve Together.

During the Nightmare Phase, the Lurking Nightmare has a 14% chance to spawn from a Nightmare Light or Nightmare Fissure, regardless of the player's Sanity. It has a special horn attack.

Shadow Rift

This content is available only after activating the Map Icon Shadow Rift.png Shadow Rift
If the Shadow Rift exists, the Lurking Nightmare spawn chance increases to 31.5%. It gets Planar Entity Protection and its attacks deal extra Planar Damage. During Shadow Rift, its horn attack will Knockback the player and knock the player off the Beefalo.

Prototype.png Tips

  • Defeat Lurking Nightmares mixed with large groups of other Nightmare Creatures is almost impossible for a single player, the best way to deal with it is to stay away from areas where Nightmare Light or Nightmare Fissure are and wait for the Nightmare phase to end.

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