Maxwell/Quotes/Reign of Giants

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The dapperest of them all.


Say pal, you don't look so good...

This page lists Maxwell's Quotes which are spoken when the player examines an in-game item or object. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them.

Due to the amount of text catalogued, this page only contains Maxwell's quotes for items found in Reign of Giants. For items exclusive to other expansions, see the pages listed above.

Icon Light.pngLights

  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire- "How comforting."
  • Endothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire Pit- "A fire pit."
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire (high)- "That will keep Charlie away for now."
  • Endothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire Pit (high)- "A roaring, cold fire."
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire (normal)- "Cold and firey."
  • Endothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire Pit (normal)- "It's cold."
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire (low)- "It needs fuel."
  • Endothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire Pit (low)- "It's getting low."
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire (embers)- "I'm going to lose it."
  • Endothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire Pit (embers)- "I should attend to that."
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire (out)- "That's not coming back."
  • Endothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire Pit (out)- "It's gone warm."
  • Moggles.pngMoggles- "No wonder they can dig for hours."

Icon Survival.pngSurvival

  • Insulated Pack.pngInsulated Pack- "Its contents are hibernating."
  • Luxury Fan.pngLuxury Fan- "Is it windy out or is it just my fan?"
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to- "Rustic, but excellent shade."
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (can't sleep)- "It's sleep-time, not siesta-time."
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (monsters)- "They're hot on my heels!"
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (hungry)- "Traditionally, a siesta comes after eating, not before."
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (in cave)- "It's a bit creepy out for that."
  • Tent.pngTent (overheating)- "
  • Tent Burnt.pngTent (burnt)- "That's a bit burned for my taste."
  • Siesta Lean-to Burnt.pngSiesta Lean-to (burnt)- "So much for the shade thing."
  • Thermal Stone.pngThermal Stone- "A pocketful of stone and temperature."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 1.pngThermal Stone (frozen)- "It's almost too cold to hold."
  • Thermal Stone.pngThermal Stone (cold)- "Pleasantly cool."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4.pngThermal Stone (warm)- "Comfortably lukewarm."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5.pngThermal Stone (hot)- "It's almost too hot to hold."
  • Pretty Parasol.pngPretty Parasol- "It's more pretty than dapper."

Icon Food.pngFood

  • Crock Pot Burnt.pngCrock Pot (burnt)- "A bit overdone for my tastes."
  • Bee Box Burnt.pngBee Box (burnt)- "Honey roasted."
  • Farmplot Burnt.pngBasic and Improved Farm (burnt)- "A harvest of ashes."
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (drying in rain)- "Moist and staying that way."
  • Drying Rack Burnt.pngDrying Rack (burnt)- "It's too brittle to hang meat on now."
  • Bucket-o-poop.pngBucket-o-poop- "Much better than carrying manure in my hands."

Icon Science.pngScience

  • Science Machine Burnt.pngScience Machine (burnt)- "The fire learned how to burn it down."
  • Alchemy Engine Burnt.pngAlchemy Engine (burnt)- "Flames have swallowed it whole."
  • Thermal Measurer Burnt.pngThermal Measurer (burnt)- "Who cares?"
  • Rainometer Burnt.pngRainometer (burnt)- "The rain did not come in time."
  • Ice Flingomatic.pngIce Flingomatic (off)- "Quiet before the storm."
  • Ice Flingomatic.pngIce Flingomatic (on)- "Begone, fire!"
  • Ice Flingomatic.pngIce Flingomatic (low fuel)- "Not much fuel left."
  • Electrical Doodad.pngElectrical Doodad- "I don't understand how it works, but it does."

Icon Fight.pngFight

  • Scalemail.pngScalemail- "That's some fly mail."
  • Morning Star.pngMorning Star- "Good morning."
  • Weather Pain.pngWeather Pain- "Wind power."

Icon Structures.pngStructures

  • Pig House Burnt.pngPig House (burnt)- "Let's see you hide in there now."
  • Rabbit Hutch Burnt.pngRabbit Hutch (burnt)- "Cleverness killed the carrot."
  • Hay Wall Build.pngHay Wall (burnt)- "I told you so."
  • Wood Wall Build.pngWood Wall (burnt)- "Not tough, nor flammable."
  • Chest Burnt.pngChest (burnt)- "It won't store anything now."
  • Scaled Chest.pngScaled Chest- "Those scales sure are nifty."
  • Sign Burnt.pngSign (burnt)- "Somehow, it says even less now."

Icon Magic.pngMagic

  • Meat Effigy Burnt.pngMeat Effigy (burnt)- "I won't be using it any longer."
  • Prestihatitator Burnt.pngPrestihatitator (burnt)- "It was too hot to handle."
  • Shadow Manipulator Burnt.pngShadow Manipulator (burnt)- "Research complete."
  • Old Bell.pngOld Bell- "More bell."

Icon Dress.pngDress

  • Cat Cap.pngCat Cap- "Dead head."
  • Fashion Melon.pngFashion Melon- "This is one way to keep cool. And sticky."
  • Ice Cube.pngIce Cube- "Strap some ice on your head."
  • Rain Coat.pngRain Coat- "Out out, rain!"
  • Rain Hat.pngRain Hat- "Not the most dapper of hats, but quite necessary."
  • Summer Frest.pngSummer Frest- "Safety before dapperness."
  • Floral Shirt.pngFloral Shirt- "The dapperest of them all."
  • Eyebrella.pngEyebrella- "Eye to the sky."
  • Hibearnation Vest.pngHibearnation Vest- "See my vest."

Eyeplant.pngNature - Plants

  • Birchnut Tree.pngBirchnut Tree- "I've heard them described as 'leafy'."
  • Birchnut Tree Stump.pngBirchnut Tree (stump)- "That's not about to grow back."
  • Birchnut Tree.pngBirchnut Tree (burning)- "Oops."
  • Birchnut Tree Burnt.pngBirchnut Tree (burnt)- "Bathed in fire."
  • Birchnut Sapling.pngBirchnut Tree (sapling)- "Huh, it seems to belong in the ground."
  • Sapling Withered.pngSapling (withered)- "Nothing survives in this heat."
  • Grass Tuft Withered.pngGrass Tuft (withered)- "You'd think grass could withstand this heat..."
  • Berry Bush Withered.pngBarren Berry Bush 2.pngBerry Bush (withered)- "Too hot for that little bush."
  • Withered Plant.pngPlant (withered)- "It wasn't hardy enough for the heat."
  • Birchnut.pngBirchnut- "A more outdoorsy type might be able to make something of this."
  • Cactus.pngCactus- "Puffer plant."
  • Cactus Picked.pngCactus (picked)- "Cactus? More like flat-tus!"
  • Tumbleweed.pngTumbleweed- "Tumble on, weed."

Harp Statue.pngNature - Objects

  • Ice.pngIce- "Baby glaciers."
  • Mini Glacier.pngMini Glacier- "I could get a chip of ice off the old block."
  • Mini Glacier Melted.pngMini Glacier (melted)- "It's just a puddle."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (spring, lost trail)- "Can't follow it in these conditions!"
  • Burrow.pngBurrow- "Burrow deep, I'm coming for you."
  • Rabbit Hole Collapsed.pngRabbit Hole (collapsed)- "The entrance has collapsed in on itself."
  • Rundown House Burnt.pngRundown House (burnt)- "It burns just as well as the pigs' version."
  • Pig Head Burnt.pngMerm Head (burnt)- "Roasted merm head. Delicious."
  • Pig Head Burnt.pngPig Head (burnt)- "Pig roast!"
  • Hollow Stump.pngHollow Stump- "Vermin housing."
  • Dead Hollow Stump.pngHollow Stump (empty)- "Well, I guess that's that."
  • Glommer's Statue.pngGlommer's Statue- "Hey, that's not a statue of me!"
  • Glommer's Statue Mined.pngGlommer's Statue (mined)- "That'll teach it to not be me."
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton (self)- "The master becomes the student."
  • Sunken Boat Burnt.pngSunken Boat (burnt)- "All things are doomed in time."

Grass Turf.pngTurfs

  • Deciduous Turf.pngDeciduous Turf- "Turf."
  • Sandy Turf.pngSandy Turf- "It appears to be some turf."

Spider.pngMobs - Monsters

  • Varg.pngVarg- "The alpha!"
  • Poison Birchnut Tree.pngPoison Birchnut Tree- "Shut your maw!"
  • Birchnutter.pngBirchnutter- "A nut with legs! How terrifying!"

Pig.pngMobs - Neutral Animals

  • Buzzard.pngBuzzard- "Carrion connoisseur."
  • Catcoon.pngCatcoon- "Catty vermin."
  • Cat Tail.pngCat Tail- "Tale of tails."
  • Volt Goat.pngVolt Goat- "What's it always chewing on?"
  • Charged Volt Goat.pngVolt Goat (charged)- "Chaaarge!"
  • Volt Goat Horn.pngVolt Goat Horn- "It'd make a nice horn."

Rabbit.pngMobs - Passive Animals

  • Glommer.pngGlommer (normal and sleeping)- "A flying goop factory."
  • Glommer's Flower.pngGlommer's Flower- "Flower power."
  • Dead Glommer's Flower.pngGlommer's Flower (Glommer dead)- "Flower power forever."
  • Ashes.pngGlommer's Flower (ashes)- "There's always another Glommer."
  • Glommer's Wings.pngGlommer's Wings- "They're sticky."
  • Glommer's Goop.pngGlommer's Goop- "Well, that's rank."
  • Depths Worm Burrowed.pngRaised Dirt (underground Moleworm)- "Do you pick up what I'm laying down? Do you dig what I'm burying?"
  • Moleworms.pngMoleworm (aboveground)- "I'll take that as a yes."
  • Moleworm.pngMoleworm (held)- "End of the line."

Spider Queen.pngMobs - Bosses

  • Bearger.pngBearger- "Take anything you want."
  • Thick Fur.pngThick Fur- "This would make a nice rug."
  • Goose.pngMoose/Goose- "It's definitely from the North, whatever it is."
  • Goose Egg.pngEmpty Goose Nest.pngMoose/Goose Egg and Nest- "Ride the lightning, you big egg."
  • Mosling.pngMosling- "That's a fluffy... thing."
  • Down Feather.pngDown Feather- "I could use a pillow filled with these."
  • Dragonfly.pngDragonfly- "A fiery fly."
  • Scales.pngScales- "Fiery."
  • Lava Spit (hot)- "Spitfire."
  • Lava Spit (cool)- "It's cold and dry now."

Abigail.pngMobs - Other

  • Bigfootprint.pngBigfoot- "Now that is surely fuel for nightmares."

Dragon Fruit.pngFood - Fruits

  • Watermelon.pngWatermelon- "It's mostly water. Fibrous, sweet water."
  • Grilled Watermelon.pngGrilled Watermelon- "Grillermelon."

Carrot.pngFood - Vegetables

  • Cactus Flesh.pngCactus Flesh- "It would be unwise to put that in my mouth."
  • Cooked Cactus Flesh.pngCooked Cactus Flesh- "Cactus comestible."
  • Cactus Flower.pngCactus Flower- "This part of the cactus is always nice."

Ratatouille.pngFood - Crock Pot

  • Flower Salad.pngFlower Salad- "Leafy goodness."
  • Guacamole.pngGuacamole- "There's a mole in the mix."
  • Ice Cream.pngIce Cream- "Sundae, sundae, sundae!"
  • Melonsicle.pngMelonsicle- "The case is cold on the melon."
  • Spicy Chili.pngSpicy Chili- "Hot as heck!"
  • Trail Mix.pngTrail Mix- "Nuts and berries. No bolts."

Rot.pngFood - Other

  • Roasted Birchnut.pngRoasted Birchnut- "Over an open fire."
  • Electric Milk.pngElectric Milk- "It's charged with nutrients."
  • Watermelon Seeds.pngWatermelon Seeds- "I could probably plant these."

Trinkets.pngMisc Items

  • Webberskull.pngWebber's Skull- "Don't think you'll be able to escape that easily."
  • Bone Shards.pngBone Shards- "Grind them bones."
  • Old Bell.pngBlueprint (rare).pngOld Bell Blueprint- "Never sell your sole for forbidden knowledge."


  • Lightning miss- "Can't touch this!"
  • Overheating- "My heart can't stand the heat!"
  • Tree Shelter- "Protect me, cursed tree!"
  • Wetness (low)- "Damp is not dapper."
  • Wetness (medium)- "Water'll ruin a good suit, you know?"
  • Wetness (high)- "I don't think I'll ever be dry again."
  • Wetness (highest)- "Wetter than water itself."
  • Dropping tool while wet- "Slip-sliding away."
  • Smoldering item- "Won't be long before it lights on fire."
  • Burnt- "It burns!"
  • Trying to sleep on fire- "That might not be the best idea."


  • Tree Shelter- "Protect me, tree!"

Placeholder.png Trivia

  • His quote for Ice Cream ("Sundae, sundae, sundae!") may be a reference to a demolition-derby promoter's typical catchphrase, "Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!"
  • His quote for the Rain Coat ("Out out, rain!") is possibly a reference to the "Tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow" passage in Shakespeare's play, Macbeth.
  • His quote for the Old Bell ("More bell.") is a reference to a famous Saturday Night Live sketch, "More Cowbell."
  • His quote for the Hibernation Vest is a reference to the song of the same name from the "The Simpsons" episode "Two Dozen and One Greyhounds".
  • His quote for avoiding a lightning strike ("Can't touch this!") is a reference to the MC Hammer song "U Can't Touch This".
  • His quote for the Roasted Birchnut ("Over an open fire.") may be a reference to The Christmas Song ("Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire").