Carrat Gym

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Exclusive to: Don't Starve Together icon.png
Only during the Event: Carrat Shrine Map Icon.png Year of the Carrat
Carrat Gym Structures are used to upgrade your Carrats.

Navigation Gym

WX-78 Portrait.png


A Navigation Gym Kit can be acquired in exchange for 4 Lucky Gold Nuggets at the Carrat Shrine.

It can be deployed into a Navigation Gym. A Carrat placed in the Gym will train for 90 seconds to increase its Navigation skill by 1 point. Carrats that trained in the Navigation Gym are heading more directly to Checkpoints.

Reflex Gym

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Reflexes are key in battle, and racing!


A Reflex Gym Kit can be acquired in exchange for 4 Lucky Gold Nuggets at the Carrat Shrine.

It can be deployed into a Reflex Gym. A Carrat placed in the Gym will train for 90 seconds to increase its Reflex skill by 1 point. Carrats that trained in the Reflex Gym are faster when the race begins.

Speed Gym

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Speed is no replacement for cleverness, but it helps.


A Speed Gym Kit can be acquired in exchange for 4 Lucky Gold Nuggets at the Carrat Shrine.

It can be deployed into a Speed Gym. A Carrat placed in the Gym will train for 90 seconds to increase its Speed skill by 1 point. Carrats that trained in the Speed Gym are faster.

Endurance Gym

Warly Portrait.png
Is that... a tiny jumping rope?


An Endurance Gym Kit can be acquired in exchange for 4 Lucky Gold Nuggets at the Carrat Shrine.

It can be deployed into an Endurance Gym. A Carrat placed in the Gym will train for 90 seconds to increase its Endurance skill by 1 point. Carrats that trained in the Endurance Gym are less likely to pause and rest when running.

Carrat Scale

Waxwell Portrait.png
I will only accept the finest Carrat.


A Carrat Scale Kit can be acquired in exchange for 1 Lucky Gold Nuggets at the Carrat Shrine.

It can be deployed into a Carrat Scale. The Carrat Scale will measure the prowess of the Carrats by their navigation skills, reflexes, speed, and endurance.