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Siesta Lean-to Build.png Gone16 is taking a break from Don't Starve Wiki.
Although they may occasionally be able to do some editing, messages will not be replied to swiftly.

I may not contribute to the wiki a lot, but I am an admin for the Video Game Adventures Wiki. Check it out sometime.

Here's the Book!

I am in fact writing a book related to Don't Starve. I'll give a portion of it below.

“It be a tigershark!”,Woodlegs called out. Wilson wanted to call him ‘stumpy’ but he decided to keep his mouth shut. Woodlegs rolled on the deck trying to turn the boat. “Turn the sail scurvy dogs!” BOOM! The tigershark exploded out of the water. It looks just like a giant house cat with tiger stripes.

“Fire!”,Warbucks shouted. Him and Wilson fired at the monster while Woodlegs hopped on one leg to a secret compartment. He pulled out a cannon and laid it on the deck.

“Avast, Maty!”,he called as he yanked the rope. BOOM! A giant cannonball wizard towards the creature. KA-SPLOOSH! The tigershark fell into the water. A giant wave came over the two boats. Willow looked up at the huge wave.

“Oh…” SPLOOSH! The boat flew out of the water doing backflips. Warbucks a Wendy were sort of surfing peacefully while Wilson was hanging on for dear life. Willow and Woody flew right out of the boat while Woodlegs crawled inside the compartment where the cannon used to be. Now, the cannon flew off its position and came for Wilson. He ducked right before it knocked his head off. The pirate ship was spinning a bit faster now and came right towards land.

CRASH!!! The boat hit the sand sending debris everywhere. The hull broke off while the sail shattered next to Wilson’s face. The lantern of front broke sending a trail of gunpowder from the cannon on fire. The boat was still rolling when it came into the jungle. Crash! Smash! Crack! The boat was breaking down every tree while every tree was breaking apart the boat. The boat came skidding out of the jungle onto the sand where Wilson looked and saw a big rock in front of them.

“No no no no no no no!” KA-CRACK! The boat exploded from the rock and the gunpowder. A huge fireball came out of the boat. Wilson was forcefully and unwillingly, thrown out of the boat onto his face in the sand. He looked up out of the sand to see a crab. It looked at him before walking to its burrow. Wilson tried to get up but he couldn’t. He tried to call someone but his mouth was too dry and couldn’t speak.

“Who are you?”,Wilson heard voice say.

“Stay here. I’ll be back.”

I also create cat shirts!

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