Wortox/Quotes/Reign of Giants

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Let's play, let's play!



This page lists Wortox's Quotes which are spoken when the player examines an in-game item or object. The player can alt-click items and objects to examine them.

Due to the amount of text catalogued, this page only contains Wortox's quotes for items found in Reign of Giants. For items exclusive to other expansions, see the pages listed above.

Icon Light.pngLights

  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit- "Brrrning brrrright."
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (high)- "Chilly! So chilly."
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (normal)- "Brisk fire. That's new."
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (low)- "It burns so low, so low!"
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (embers)- "Soon to extinguish."
  • Endothermic Fire.pngEndothermic Fire Pit.pngEndothermic Fire and Fire Pit (out)- "And out it goes."
  • Moggles.pngMoggles- "It lets me see on every plane!"

Icon Survival.pngSurvival

  • Insulated Pack.pngInsulated Pack- "Chilly, chilly, to be sure!"
  • Luxury Fan.pngLuxury Fan- "It makes a big gust. What's all the fuss?"
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to- "I could catch a wink, I think."
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (can't sleep)- "No honorable imp would siesta at night."
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (monsters)- "Why sleep when there's fun afoot?"
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (hungry)- "I'm too soul-famished to siesta."
  • Siesta Lean-to.pngSiesta Lean-to (in cave)- "An imp must stay on guard when underground."
  • Tent Burnt.pngTent (burnt)- "Burnt down, down to the ground."
  • Siesta Lean-to Burnt.pngSiesta Lean-to (burnt)- "Burnt down, down to the ground."
  • Thermal Stone.pngThermal Stone- "My goodness! A rock!"
  • Thermal Stone Stage 1.pngThermal Stone (frozen)- "Frozen hard as a rock! Hyuyu."
  • Thermal Stone.pngThermal Stone (cold)- "Slightly chilled, to be sure."
  • Thermal Stone Stage 4.pngThermal Stone (warm)- "Quite cozy!"
  • Thermal Stone Stage 5.pngThermal Stone (hot)- "So cozy it's almost unpleasant."
  • Pretty Parasol.pngPretty Parasol- "A tool to keep the rain away."

Icon Food.pngFood

  • Crock Pot Burnt.pngCrock Pot (burnt)- "I don't understand how to make mortal food."
  • Bee Box Burnt.pngBee Box (burnt)- "Mayhaps it's caramelized within!"
  • Farmplot Burnt.pngBasic and Improved Farm (burnt)- "A silly prank to be sure."
  • Drying Rack.pngDrying Rack (drying in rain)- "It's undrying day."
  • Drying Rack Burnt.pngDrying Rack (burnt)- "A silly prank to be sure."
  • Bucket-o-poop.pngBucket-o-poop- "Hyuyu! That's some poo!"

Icon Science.pngScience

  • Science Machine Burnt.pngScience Machine (burnt)- "Well, that was fun."
  • Alchemy Engine Burnt.pngAlchemy Engine (burnt)- "Well, that was fun."
  • Thermal Measurer Burnt.pngThermal Measurer (burnt)- "I do suppose it's hot out today!"
  • Rainometer Burnt.pngRainometer (burnt)- "A silly prank to be sure."
  • Ice Flingomatic.pngIce Flingomatic (off)- "Dead to the world."
  • Ice Flingomatic.pngIce Flingomatic (on)- "It is ready to fling at a moment's notice."
  • Ice Flingomatic.pngIce Flingomatic (low fuel)- "It hungers for souls! Or fuel."
  • Electrical Doodad.pngElectrical Doodad- "I do not know what this does."

Icon Fight.pngFight

  • Scalemail.pngScalemail- "Ooo, I've always wanted to be scaly."
  • Morning Star.pngMorning Star- "Shed some light on any fight."
  • Weather Pain.pngWeather Pain- "Swirl and twirl, let cruel winds unfurl!"

Icon Structures.pngStructures

  • Pig House Burnt.pngPig House (burnt)- "Fare thee well, hideous house."
  • Rabbit Hutch Burnt.pngRabbit Hutch (burnt)- "Burnt down to the ground."
  • Hay Wall Build.pngHay Wall (burnt)- "A silly prank to be sure."
  • Wood Wall Build.pngWood Wall (burnt)- "A silly prank to be sure."
  • Chest Burnt.pngChest (burnt)- "Oh no, our treasure!"
  • Scaled Chest.pngScaled Chest- "Chest to impress."
  • Sign Burnt.pngSign (burnt)- "A silly prank to be sure."

Icon Magic.pngMagic

  • Meat Effigy Burnt.pngMeat Effigy (burnt)- "Delayed gratification imp banishment."
  • Prestihatitator Burnt.pngPrestihatitator (burnt)- "That's one way to nullify magic."
  • Shadow Manipulator Burnt.pngShadow Manipulator (burnt)- "That's one way to nullify magic."
  • Old Bell.pngOld Bell- "I believe it might bring forth delight."

Icon Dress.pngDress

  • Cat Cap.pngCat Cap- "It's a stripey horn concealer."
  • Fashion Melon.pngFashion Melon- "Sticky horns await."
  • Ice Cube.pngIce Cube- "Horns on ice!"
  • Rain Coat.pngRain Coat- "The puddles wait out there for me!"
  • Rain Hat.pngRain Hat- "Splish and splash!"
  • Summer Frest.pngSummer Frest- "It's bright like my personality."
  • Floral Shirt.pngFloral Shirt- "Oh no, that's not really my style."
  • Eyebrella.pngEyebrella- "A cyclops' sight stretched mighty thin."
  • Hibearnation Vest.pngHibearnation Vest- "Sometimes you want to wear someone else's fur."

Eyeplant.pngNature - Plants

  • Birchnut Tree.pngBirchnut Tree- "Fanciful tree of papery bark."
  • Birchnut Tree Stump.pngBirchnut Tree (stump)- "A funny tree prank."
  • Birchnut Tree.pngBirchnut Tree (burning)- "Twiddle dee dee, a burning tree!"
  • Birchnut Tree Burnt.pngBirchnut Tree (burnt)- "Well, that was fun."
  • Birchnut.pngBirchnut- "It's nutty, like me!"
  • Birchnut Sapling.pngBirchnut Tree (sapling)- "You know how to grow!"
  • Sapling Withered.pngSapling (withered)- "Feeling down, are you?"
  • Grass Tuft Withered.pngGrass Tuft (withered)- "Feeling down, are you?"
  • Berry Bush Withered.pngBarren Berry Bush 2.pngBerry Bush (withered)- "Feeling down, are you?"
  • Withered Plant.pngPlant (withered)- "It does not seem to be in the highest spirits."
  • Cactus.pngCactus- "Spiny and mean, just how I like them."
  • Cactus Picked.pngCactus (picked)- "To pick a cactus, you just need some prac-tus!"
  • Tumbleweed.pngTumbleweed- "Does it know where it wants to go?"

Harp Statue.pngNature - Objects

  • Ice.pngIce- "It's such a novelty, hyuyu."
  • Mini Glacier.pngMini Glacier- "Who knew water could do that!"
  • Mini Glacier Melted.pngMini Glacier (melted)- "Ooo, a puddle."
  • Animal Track.pngAnimal Track (spring, lost trail)- "Sabotaged by this realm's mushiness."
  • Burrow.pngBurrow- "Peering inside it makes my brow furrow."
  • Rabbit Hole Collapsed.pngRabbit Hole (collapsed)- "You'll not be hopping through that hole!"
  • Rundown House Burnt.pngRundown House (burnt)- "Goodbye, ugly domicile."
  • Pig Head Burnt.pngMerm Head (burnt)- "So long, repulsive head."
  • Pig Head Burnt.pngPig Head (burnt)- "Goodbye, revolting pighead."
  • Hollow Stump.pngHollow Stump- "A home for friends."
  • Dead Hollow Stump.pngHollow Stump (empty)- "Yoohoo! Anybody home?"
  • Glommer's Statue.pngGlommer's Statue- "The moon will bring a friend my way."
  • Glommer's Statue Mined.pngGlommer's Statue (mined)- "Whoopsie doopsie!"
  • Skeleton.pngSkeleton (self)- "%s's soul is long gone thanks to %s."

Grass Turf.pngTurfs

  • Deciduous Turf.pngSandy Turf.pngAll Turfs- "Floor or ceiling, depending on your perspective."

Spider.pngMobs - Monsters

  • Varg.pngVarg- "I'll not be a feast for that beast!"
  • Poison Birchnut Tree.pngPoison Birchnut Tree- "It is no longer bound to the earth!"
  • Birchnutter.pngBirchnutter- "Tiny forest children of hate!"

Pig.pngMobs - Neutral Animals

  • Buzzard.pngBuzzard- "It doesn't want to feed on death. It just has to."
  • Catcoon.pngCatcoon- "I prefer playing with smarter mortals."
  • Cat Tail.pngCat Tail- "Better yours than mine."
  • Volt Goat.pngVolt Goat- "Your horns aren't so great."
  • Charged Volt Goat.pngVolt Goat (charged)- "That one got zapped recently."
  • Volt Goat Horn.pngVolt Goat Horn- "It's okay."

Rabbit.pngMobs - Passive Animals

  • Glommer.pngGlommer- "What thoughts lurk within that curious noggin?"
  • Glommer.pngGlommer (sleeping)- "If only I were a sleep demon."
  • Glommer's Flower.pngGlommer's Flower- "A flower that attracts a friend."
  • Dead Glommer's Flower.pngGlommer's Flower (Glommer dead)- "Oh no, oh dear!"
  • Ashes.pngGlommer's Flower (ashes)- "The planar hop has destroyed this flower!"
  • Glommer's Wings.pngGlommer's Wings- "How dainty!"
  • Glommer's Goop.pngGlommer's Goop- "This stuff's so funny!"
  • Depths Worm Burrowed.pngRaised Dirt (underground Moleworm)- "The mole is sheltered in its hole."
  • Moleworms.pngMoleworm (aboveground)- "The mole has left its hole!"
  • Moleworm.pngMoleworm (held)- "Careful, I don't want to accidentally touch you."

Spider Queen.pngMobs - Bosses

  • Bearger.pngBearger- "Do not eat me, oh please, oh please!"
  • Thick Fur.pngThick Fur- "You won't be eating me today!"
  • Goose.pngMoose/Goose- "What manner of beast are you?"
  • Goose Egg.pngEmpty Goose Nest.pngMoose/Goose Nest (full and empty)- "The egg of that most fearsome creature."
  • Mosling.pngMosling- "The whirlwind of youth."
  • Down Feather.pngDown Feather- "This feather may help one brave hot weather."
  • Dragonfly.pngDragonfly- "Fear me! I'm a scary imp!"
  • Scales.pngScales- "I prefer fur to scales."
  • Lava Spit (hot)- "If I don't get bit I'll burn in spit!"
  • Lava Spit (cool)- "It cannot hurt my hooves now!"

Abigail.pngMobs - Other

  • Bigfootprint.pngBigfoot- "Do not step on little old me!"

Dragon Fruit.pngFood - Fruits

  • Watermelon.pngWatermelon- "I do not want it."
  • Grilled Watermelon.pngGrilled Watermelon- "Goodness, gracious, no no no!"

Carrot.pngFood - Vegetables

  • Cactus Flesh.pngCactus Flesh- "I don't want to eat anything prickly."
  • Cooked Cactus Flesh.pngCooked Cactus Flesh- "The prickles are gone, but I still don't want to eat it."
  • Cactus Flower.pngCactus Flower- "How pretty! I fear to touch it."

Ratatouille.pngFood - Crock Pot

  • Flower Salad.pngFlower Salad- "I don't really like eating."
  • Guacamole.pngGuacamole- "I don't like to eat, unless I have to."
  • Ice Cream.pngIce Cream- "I could probably stomach that."
  • Melonsicle.pngMelonsicle- "Looks stomachable."
  • Spicy Chili.pngSpicy Chili- "I don't "digest" well."
  • Trail Mix.pngTrail Mix- "Looks chewy. I hate chewing."

Rot.pngFood - Other

  • Roasted Birchnut.pngRoasted Birchnut- "I'll only eat it if I have to."
  • Electric Milk.pngElectric Milk- "Please, no thanks."
  • Watermelon Seeds.pngWatermelon Seeds- "Grow a seed and you shall feed!"

Trinkets.pngMisc Items

  • Webberskull.pngWebber's Skull- "Hm. There's two souls wedged inside."
  • Bone Shards.pngBone Shards- "Fragmented, like my thoughts!"
  • Old Bell.pngBlueprint (rare).pngOld Bell Blueprint- "What might it make? Oh let us see!"


  • Lightning miss- "Hyuyu! Can't catch me!"
  • Overheating- "Hot, hot, hot!"
  • Tree Shelter- "Ah, much better!"
  • Wetness (low)- "The world is giving me a shower!"
  • Wetness (medium)- "There is wet imp smell in my future."
  • Wetness (high)- "I am the soggiest imp!"
  • Wetness (highest)- "I AM DRENCHED!"
  • Dropping tool while wet- "Whoops-a-doodle, hyuyu!"
  • Smoldering item- "Some fiery fun is about to begin!"
  • Burnt- "Too hot for my impish paws!"
  • Trying to sleep on fire- "I'd prefer not to singe my fur."