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Directory: 物品食物可種植的水果

Wilson Portrait.png
Red berries taste the best.

威爾森,when examining Berries.

Willow Portrait.png
Red berries taste the best.

薇洛,when examining Berries.

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Is tasty!

沃爾夫岡,when examining Berries.

Wendy Portrait.png
These berries are tart.

溫蒂,when examining Berries.

WX-78 Portrait.png

WX-78,when examining Berries.

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Some Ardisia crenata berries, I think.

薇克伯頓,when examining Berries.

Woodie Portrait.png
I have a heartier appetite than that.

伍迪,when examining Berries.

Waxwell Portrait.png
Sigh. If I have to.

麥斯威爾,when examining Berries.

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Fruits. I dön't like 'em.

薇格弗德,when examining Berries.

Webber Portrait.png
Juice sacks.

韋伯,when examining Berries.

Walani Portrait.png
These are the edible kind, right?

瓦拉尼,when examining Berries.

Warly Portrait.png
Fresh fruit!

沃利,when examining Berries.

Woodlegs portrait.png
Stains me blouse.

伍德莱格,when examining Berries.

Winona Portrait.png
A handful of loose berries.

薇諾娜,when examining Berries.





Wilson Portrait.png
I don't think heat improved them.

威爾森,when examining Roasted Berries.

Willow Portrait.png
Red berries with fire somehow taste even better.

薇洛,when examining Roasted Berries.

Wolfgang Portrait.png
Is more tasty!

沃爾夫岡,when examining Roasted Berries.

Wendy Portrait.png
More balanced flavor, but they won't last long.

溫蒂,when examining Roasted Berries.

WX-78 Portrait.png

WX-78,when examining Roasted Berries.

Wickerbottom Portrait.png
Roasted Ardisia crenata, just in case.

薇克伯頓,when examining Roasted Berries.

Woodie Portrait.png
Tastes like warm berries.

伍迪,when examining Roasted Berries.

Waxwell Portrait.png
A little more refined, at least.

麥斯威爾,when examining Roasted Berries.

Wigfrid Portrait.png
Warm red mush.

薇格弗德,when examining Roasted Berries.

Webber Portrait.png
Warm juice sacks.

韋伯,when examining Roasted Berries.

Walani Portrait.png
They're all sticky now. Heh heh, gross.

瓦拉尼,when examining Roasted Berries.

Warly Portrait.png
Could use a pinch of sugar...

沃利,when examining Roasted Berries.

Woodlegs portrait.png
Could use a crust o'bread ta spread o'er.

伍德莱格,when examining Roasted Berries.

Winona Portrait.png
A bit charred in places, but I don't mind.

薇諾娜,when examining Roasted Berries.

烤漿果(Roasted Berries)是透過將漿果烹煮過後得來的,比起生的漿果可以回復更多的生命飢餓值。


Reign of Giants icon.png 巨人王朝


Icon Tools.png 用途

Inventory slot background.pngBerries.pngFire Pit.pngInventory slot background.pngRoasted Berries.png
Inventory slot background.pngBerry.pngPig Icon.pngInventory slot background.pngManure.png
Inventory slot background.pngButter.pngInventory slot background.png All eggs.pngInventory slot background.pngBerry.pngInventory slot background.pngPlaceholder.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngWaffles.png
Inventory slot background.pngRoasted Birchnut.pngInventory slot background.png Berry.pngInventory slot background.pngFruit.pngInventory slot background.pngPlaceholder.pngCrock Pot.pngInventory slot background.pngTrail Mix.pngReign of Giants icon.png 填充物不可為肉類或是乳製品

Placeholder.png 你知道吗

  • Wickerbottom states that berries are from Ardisia crenata plant. These berries, while unconfirmed, are suspected to be poisonous.
  • The Berries may be more specifically based on Redcurrants based on their close proximity to each other on their stem and their edibility.

小肉烤小肉)• 大肉肉排)• 怪物肉怪物肉排)• 葉肉烤葉肉)• 鹿角怪眼球雞腿烤雞腿烤魚)• 鰻魚烤鰻魚)• 青蛙腿烤青蛙腿)• 無尾象鼻無尾象鼻排冬象鼻)• 肉乾小肉乾怪物肉乾)• 蝙蝠翅膀烤蝙蝠翅膀)• 犀牛角
Shipwrecked icon.png 虎鯊之眼龍心
Hamlet icon.png糖蛞蝓 (烤糖蛞蝓)
魚類 烤魚)• 鰻魚烤鰻魚
Shipwrecked icon.png 螃蟹狗魚劍魚小魚肉烤小魚肉)• 水母死水母烤水母圈海蜇皮)• 帽貝烤帽貝)• 貽貝烤貽貝)• 霓虹魚烤霓虹魚)• 小丑魚烤小丑魚)• 紫石斑魚烤紫石斑魚)• 死彩虹水母烤彩虹水母)• 大魚肉大魚排)• 魚子烤魚子)• 鯊魚鰭熱帶魚龍蝦死龍蝦美味龍蝦
怪物食物 榴槤特臭榴槤)• 怪物肉怪物肉排
Shipwrecked icon.png 水母死水母烤水母圈海蜇皮
生物掉落 蝴蝶翅膀黃油煎蛋)• 高腳鳥蛋煎高腳鳥蛋孵化中的高腳鳥蛋)• 蜂蜜膿鼻涕
Reign of Giants icon.png 活力牛奶
Shipwrecked icon.png 渡渡鳥蛋煎渡渡鳥蛋
Hamlet icon.png捕蝇草茎花蜜
Don't Starve Together icon.png 蜂王漿
蔬菜 胡蘿蔔烤蘿蔔)• 玉米爆米花)• 茄子燉茄子)• 蕨葉光莓菌藻曼德拉草烤曼德拉草)• 南瓜熟南瓜)• 紅蘑菇烤紅蘑菇)• 綠蘑菇烤綠蘑菇)• 藍蘑菇烤藍蘑菇)• 花瓣惡魔花瓣
Reign of Giants icon.png 仙人掌肉烤仙人掌肉)• 仙人掌花
Shipwrecked icon.png 海帶烤海帶海苔)• 紅薯烤紅薯
Hamlet icon.pngAloe (Cooked) • 芦笋 (Cooked) • 豆虫 (Cooked) • 荨麻Radish (Cooked) • Tuber (FriedBloomingFried Blooming
Don't Starve Together icon.png 較弱光莓多肉植物土豆
水果 漿果烤漿果)• 火龍果火龍果切片)• 榴槤特臭榴槤)• 石榴石榴切片)• 香蕉烤香蕉
Reign of Giants icon.png 西瓜烤西瓜
Don't Starve Together icon.png 多汁漿果烤多汁漿果
Shipwrecked icon.png 劈開的椰子烤椰子)• 咖啡豆烘焙咖啡豆
乳製品 黃油
Reign of Giants icon.png 活力牛奶
烹飪鍋 培根蛋蝴蝶瑪芬火龍果派魚塔可魚排蛙腿三明治果醬泥水果拼盤蜂蜜火腿蜂蜜肉塊烤肉串曼德拉草湯肉丸子燉肉湯怪物千层饼波蘭餃子粉末蛋糕南瓜餅乾蔬菜雜燴釀茄子太妃糖火雞大餐鰻魚壽司鬆餅失敗料理
Reign of Giants icon.png 花瓣沙拉鼴梨沙拉醬冰淇淋西瓜冰辣椒燉肉綜合堅果
Shipwrecked icon.png 香蕉冰棒濃湯加州壽司捲魚子醬酸橘汁醃鱼咖啡果凍冰棒龍蝦濃湯龍蝦大餐海鮮秋葵湯魚翅湯海陸大餐馬賽熱帶魚湯鮮果可麗餅韃靼怪物肉馬賽貽貝湯紅薯舒芙蕾 Portable Crock Pot.png
Hamlet icon.png芦笋汤黑豆饭软糖蛋糕硬壳塔可冰茶荨麻卷蛇骨汤辣菜刺清蒸火腿三明治
Don't Starve Together icon.png 雷根糖奶油土豆泥 • 花式迴旋塊莖 • Salsa Fresca • Stuffed Pepper Poppers (蘆筍冷湯骨頭湯藍帶魚排光莓慕斯恐怖國王餅熱龍椒沙拉海鮮雜燴馬鈴薯舒芙蕾閃電羊肉凍Portable Crock Pot.png
其他 腐爛物腐壞的蛋種子烤種子農作物種子
Reign of Giants icon.png 白樺堅果烤白樺堅果)•
Shipwrecked icon.png脂肪腦物質覆蓋膽汁的泥漿
Hamlet icon.png荆棘球茎魔力泉水碎叶Seed Pod (Cooked)
