User:Adai1198/DST Dedicated Server

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多人版饑荒專用伺服器(DST Dedicated Server)是一個無圖形化使用者介面的 DST 遊戲主程式。

A Dedicated Server is an optimized version of Don't Starve Together (DST) that has been designed to be run for longer periods of time, with none of the graphical overhead. Users can host one themselves as shown or rent one from a Game Server provider that will host the server for them; thus becoming Game Server Administrators (GSAs).

The server is available through Steam and SteamCMD (appID 343050) on both Windows and Linux.

<tabview> User:Adai1198/DST_Dedicated_Server/Windows|Windows User:Adai1198/DST_Dedicated_Server/Linux|Linux User:Adai1198/DST_Dedicated_Server/OSX|OSX </tabview>