Board Thread:Fun and Games/@comment-25234323-20130614015015/@comment-5782867-20130725031116

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Givemepancakes wrote:
MrPedroNorris wrote:
Givemepancakes wrote:
they shod stop working on this game because it sucks heres y. i saw this bar with a hart on it i didnt no what to do i went on the purple a purple thing popped out it hit me the bar went down and suddenly i had to restart!!!!!!!!!!! y didnt dey tel me tha bar wit a hart on it wuz ur helth!!!!! so ya maxwel shud sho up nd tel u evryting
man if i didn't knew your reputatin in this wiki, and if we wasn't in a joke page i'd thougth you're serious 
Unfortunatly, on the forums there was a buzz regarding a user who tried to make that exact argument as to why Don't Starve sucks. And here's something else he said:

zomg u guis i had som mushrumz nd ai had dem cuked and i clikd on da fir agen bcuz i wanned 2 cuk it moar but it disappeard!!!!!!!!!!! dey shud ficks dat glich

God... The stupidity from that forums user... TOO MUCH STUPIDITY... TOO MUCH