Board Thread:Fun and Games/@comment-25234323-20130823163643/@comment-25234323-20140429122858

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But here's something someone actually did say once.

I have a Suggestion to add extras parody game, that unlocked after you beat adventure mode, which make all character become friendly and available in game also hang out together in 1 world.It's good to see all character hang out together after the game finished and make it funny and the feel of accomplishment.[1]So, We start now:You will start as Wilson, the cook apprentice who has to work in Well's kitchen to repay his debt about [input magical number here] to Maxwell, the so called landowner, if you can't pay it for 365 days (1 year) he will mow down this world and turn it into luxury holiday camp or somethingYou start in peaceful pig village which has another character lurking around, and has a simple and fantastic sceneryAnd there it is, in the center of village, you will see Well's kitchenYou can enter it, like enter cave, there is table for costumer to sit and eat, and there is crock pot & ice box in the kitchenYour objective is to gather food ingredients and then open the Well's kitchen for dinner, the pigman or other character will be your customer, their will ask for random food, if you can make it and give it to them, you get money.Money can be used to buy weapons and armor and pay your debt.The world is not randomly generated, it has template, which give you the feel of being a part of the world, the village.Advanced suggestion :The Well's Kitchen merged with Wilson Farm, which make complicated programYou can farm gobler to get it's egg (gobler act as like chicken)Beefalo act as Cow, provide milk and fur (can be sell for money)Farm plot, you can farm plants, and you can buy seed in seed shop (Wendy is the shopkeeper )Woodie will be mining mandor in local cave , you can buy pick and mine rock for gold and gems (sell it for money)WickerBottom will be the fisherwoman, she will sell you fishing rod, also she sell healing itemsWolfgang will be succesful local farmer, who sell you chicken (gobbler) and Cow (beefallo)The Well's Kitchen has tier, tier 1 you will get old and broken restaurant, the customer will ask for bland food, and pay small amount of money(Cooker Morsel, Cooker Monster meat, roasted seeds, meatballs, fist of jams, etc)You can buy Tier 2 to WX-78 who is carpenterTier 2, the customer will ask for common food and bland food and will pay medium amount of money, (Honey nuggets, rattatouille, frog bunwich, fish tacos, meat jerky etc)Tier 3 , the customer will ask for common and fancy food and will pay for high price (Honey Ham, Bacon and eggs, Meaty stew, turkey dinner, etc )Food ingredients will not rot if you place it in ice box, the Well's Kitchen open only 3 days a week (Friday , saturday, sunday)


The point why it's not have don't starve style because it's like bonus addition after you beat the adventure, so you'll get a whole different athmosphere in game, it is not fun at all when you beat adventure mode and you just unlocked adventure mode version 2 ,which send you to uncompromising land again.

You can add your thought too into this, come on and feedback