Board Thread:Fun and Games/@comment-27523715-20170325203358

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This RP is simple. One: Choose a charcter. Two: Once at least Wilson and 2 others are taken, we start. Three: No off the wall, random, silly actions. Four: Everything must be logical or able to be done in the Don't Starve canon.

Characters (Note: Only the taken characters will be listed here, along with their status. People are limited to two characters, however you do not need two characters.)

Wilson: Myself - Alive

Wickerbottom: Myself - Alive

Woodie: Matejbozic - Wounded, Normal

Wolfgang: Itroad6666 - Wounded, Normal

Maxwell: Spiderian2 - Alive

Charlie: Master Jand - Alive, Queen

Wigfrid: Master Jand - Alive


1. Characters from other users may not be controlled without permission. Unless your character pourposely tries to kill it, you may not 'kill' the player if you are borrowing it.

2. You must wait for 2-3 comments until you comment again.

3. Players have be cool, no internet arguments.

4. 'Players are not able to, simply 'run into trouble'. You need them to have scouted ahead or gone exploring to do so.

<ac_metadata title="A Year in the World of Don't Starve"> </ac_metadata>