Board Thread:Fun and Games/@comment-27819321-20160719044627/@comment-29374814-20160817175751

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C. Get their sanity back so that shadow creatures don't kill them.

The group attacks a spider den so that they can make dapper clothing. After they make it they decide to go get some flowers to increase their sanity even more. However they stumble upon a walrus camp. They did not spot the group, but Wilson (I am so sorry Wilson that you have to be the one that messes up), thinking that they are civilzed beings goes up to them waving his hands.

What happens?

A. The Hunter Family Of Much Nobility MacTusk & Son Walrus hunting party attacks Wilson

B. The Hunter Family Of Much Nobility MacTusk & Son Walrus hunting party attacks the whole group

C. The Hunter Family Of Much Nobility MacTusk & Son Walrus hunting party invite the group to their camp (Meh I needed a filler)

D. The Hunter Family Of Much Nobility MacTusk & Son Walrus hunting party will give them "Accepted fate"