Board Thread:Fun and Games/@comment-37069885-20200908150028/@comment-46217869-20200925144928

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Dorumin wrote:
Well, I don't particularly enjoy these discussions myself, but with the advent of Discussions and such they're probably here to stay. Afterall, it's the "Fun and Games" board, and its existence lends towards some levity with what people can talk about

I don't get it - how is this "fun and games"? Being dissolute and annoying and see people hate you for this is funny? Really? (for example: one of the main shippers in this thread - this guy - is complaining on her page how she "get the feeling that I'm probably not going to be the most respected person, my opinions seem to be kinda unpopular most of the time"; SHE DOESN'T EVEN OWN THE GAME! All she does is watch youtube, make cringy art and talk in weird slang - oki, welp, etc)

What do the admins think?

I don't know other admins' opinions, but Bluegeist seems to be okay with such threads and even deleted my post about how this topic is not very pleasant because of "trolling", lol

1. The "fun and games" forums are more or less (in my opinion) are for discussing things that are somewhat connected to Don't Starve but less about the games' gameplay, in gerenral. i guess it's a bit hard for me to explain

2. I haven't said that I hate you, though I do think It might be a good idea if you just ignore us if you dislike what we are talking about.

3. Us being "dissolute and annoying" is your opinion. you calling my art cringy is also an opinion. most of the art on my message wall is at least a month old any ways and is some what outdated.

4. I'm not trying to complain, and I didn't mean for my description to seem like I was complaining. what I mean is that some times I say some thing I regret and wish I could take back. I can edit my description to make that more clear if that helps.

5. what does me not owning the game have to do with any thing?

6. I don't think that using "slang" matters as long as you can understand what I'm saying. like, it seems obvious to me that hai = hi, bai = bye, and oki = ok.

7. I do agree that we should proabably remove Wheeler from the topics

8. I'm a girl. I don't mind being called a "he." it's just that I would think that you would know I'm a girl since it says I'm female on my user page.