Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-11553474-20130730015153/@comment-12832422-20131230004655

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Rasukki wrote:
Slight problem now. Whenever I was starved I just hunted some beefalo but becuase the beefalo don't chase me as far during heat I' starving with no good food sources... HELP!

Please just make sure to have 10-15 berry bushes next to your base, and add manure. This will be a pretty stable food source for early days--Rabbits will also be good, aswell, so have a really big rabbit field IN or AROUND your base, and in later days get a Croc Pot, and just with a few common ingrediants you'll make Sanity, Health, and Hunger helping food. Also, MONITER YOUR HUNGER! If it's getting low 40/50's, start to hunt. Last note--It takes a while to die starving, as all your hunger and sanity have to drain. This should give you some time to hunt, while your at 0 hunger but you're still alive. Hope I helped.