Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-16722520-20140311193410/@comment-16722520-20140313170121

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Lastahumaani wrote:
TheFamerGamer wrote:
Lastahumaani wrote:
What if Whatrgitr is a releative to winnie, like a mom or a sister or something.
They aren't from the same time period, though.  Or location at least.
Yeah at first i thought they were from a diffrent time period but im kinda thinking shes the final version in winnies development or theyre sisters or cousins, but i dont think theyd make a origin or enything to winnie and her if winnie is added, remember they did not any other origin videos after wilsons.

I do not understand when I say "she's based of Winnie", you try to tell me she is in fact based of winnie. Why would you do that it is totally pointless and a bit of waste of time for the both of us.