Board Thread:General Discussion/@comment-25082345-20150331201951

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What is this nonsense?! They've stripped Willow of everything that made her a unique, worthwhile, fun character! For those of you who don't know what they've done to the poor, poor firestarter...

- Willow’s fire damage reduction is now 50% (down from 100%)  - Willow’s lighter now lasts for 20 clock segments (down from forever)  - Willow’s lighter can now be crafted  - Willow no longer lights fires when her sanity is low  - Willow now takes 10% increased effects from sanity auras 

(From the DST update history)

Seriously, what is this crap?! They turned her lighter into a longer-lasting torch? Sure, it's still 10 minutes, but it's still dumb! The whole perk was it being INFINTE! MORE SANITY DRAIN?! 120 is hard enough to handle already! Willows MADE for cave exploration, and running around in the dark! This just constricts her from doing what she does best!

And she TAKES FIRE DAMAGE NOW?! Seriously! The firestarter can't even TRUELY enjoy (read: stand in the middle of a burning forest while laughing manaically) her one true love any more!!

I DEMAND this be fixed! Or at least buffed! WHO'S WITH ME?! ALL ABOARD THE OUTRAGE TRAIN!! CHOO-FRICKIN'-CHOO!<ac_metadata title="DST Willow Outrage"> </ac_metadata>