Board Thread:New Ideas!/@comment-12325033-20130825135722

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New Ideas for a better gameplay..(includes guns and bows)

Hey guys....I am sure that Klei aint give a shit about my ideas..

However,I decided to post my ideas ,just for fun, and I wanted u guys to tell me ur opinions...



It would be a nice tool to see in game...Also It would be used as a weapon dealing a small amound of damage (about 15-20) since most of the characters deal 10 damage without weapons except Wolfang,however it would be used mostly in crafts...Finally it would be crafted by 1 flint,1 rock and 1 twig


Another classic one,being used to cut grass,saplings,and reeds way faster...100 uses perhaps..It would be crafted by 1 board,2 flint,1 knife...It would also be used as weapon dealing the small amount of 15 damage..

Guns Edit


A non so hard to craft ranged gun.It requires 2 boards,1 gold nugget,1 cutstones,2 gears and perhaps 1 pipe(being crafted by 2 cutstones) and a hammer to give it a shape..

The musket would deal about 40 damage (fair enough I guess..)and it would require Gunpowder to shot a bullet.Also in order to make some space in the inventory the gunpowder would be consumed in the musket..The musket would have as many uses as many are the gunpowders consumed..for example 1 gunpowder= 5%,allowing the weapon to consume 20 gunpowders,making it a fair weapon..

Bow and Arrows

This has to be wanted by gamers..Its really easy to craft..It requires 2 boards,1 rope,1 slurtle slime(in order to make the wood elastic) and 1 knife (to give it its shape).

Now for the arrows..Like the darts consume diffrent kinds of bird feathers,the arrows would require feathers..For example:

  • Stealthy Arrow2 Jet Feathers,1twig,1 flint.. This arrow is the stealthy one causing mobs in herds,like beefalo to not get hostile if a member of the herd is being attacked...The attacked mob would,however,defend itself..So this arrow helps a lot in order to kite mobs like beefalo...It deals 25 damage.
  • Fire arrow2 crimson Feathers,1 twig,1 charcoal,1 flint..Like the fire dart,it sets stuff on fire,but it also deals more damage.It deals 60 damage.Willow's favourite.
  • Explosive arrow:I know it sounds op and some guys might think that it is gonna ruin this game,however its just an idea..Also its not like hawkeye's explosive arrows..And I know it doesnt sound like 1920's but FUCK MY LIFE its just an Idea..It requires 2 azure feathers,1 nitre,1 charcoal and 1 gunpowder..
  • Classic arrow:1 flint,1 twig,1 rock,1 log..It deals 15 damage..

A poisonous arrow would be kinda op at the moment.Also,arrows are unstackable and they require a quiver to get stackable.A quiver,made of 3 pig skin,2 ropes and 1 twig can save up to 20 arrows of a kind ,at the time, that can be rappidly thrown like darts..

TNT Barrel

No more gunpowder stacks..Also it lets u know how much time u have to escape before the explosion..Requires 3 boards and 1 rope and then you are free to fill it with slurtle slime,or gunpowder.When filled,the rope is able to get lit on fire.Then the rope will get smaller and smaller and will dissapear into the barrel and cause the explosion to happen..



The Bear's stats will be same like Beefalo's.It also will not become hostile if u stay away from it..If u aproach it or attack it,it will act like a beefalo and will try to kill u...However,Bears will respawn from bear caves,not accessable by the player..When killed,it drops (50%) 3 meat,(25%) bear skin,(25%) tooth (hound's tooth actually)


Rarelly seen,the eagle has 100 hp and deals 20 damage to the player and 30 to other mobs.It has the ability to haunt( rabbits,and rarelly other birds).When captured and imprisoned in a cage it acts like a pet and it is getting trained,so it can haunt other smaller mobs.It follows the player like chester and it can survive days without food..However if not fed,it will fly away..(Not so good idea cuz it tottaly wastes the smallbirds)OP huh?

So,thats all for now,I guess..Excuse my bad english and I hope u guys liked it.Tell me what u think..Every commend is accepted...

~Deadpool~<ac_metadata title="New Ideas for a better game play. (Note this was wrote by DEADPOOL (TM)"> </ac_metadata>