Board Thread:New Ideas!/@comment-7694827-20131015083858

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What if, for multiplayer, instead of having 2 of the same character, one of them was the character itself and one was a shadow version of said character? To balance, the stats would be lowered to half or slightly above e.g. 100 sanity for wilson, 80 health etc. and all stats were shared except inventory and the held tool, e.g. if one eats something, the hunger of both is restored, and if one takes damage, the other takes the same amount, and if one turns into a werebeaver or something similar, so does the other.

It would solve the balance issue the game has about multiplayer, it fits relatively well into the storyline i think, and it wouldn't need much changing to the game beyond actually getting the players connected etc.

So, how terrible is my idea?<ac_metadata title="An idea for multiplayer."> </ac_metadata>