Board Thread:New Ideas!/@comment-

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Mr Skeltal:

Difficulty: Spoopy

Voice: Xylophone

Personality: All his lines are in lower case and comparing everything to bones. He is also shown to honestly care about his skeletal minions. Sometimes he brags about scaring people too. Examples:

Electric Milk: "is good 4 me"

Crock Pot Food: "i want halloween candy"

Bone Shards: "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah"

Log: "bones 4 tree"

Meat Effigy: "even this not as scry as me"

Appearance: A larger and bulkier Wilton, with cartoonish eyes in its sockets. Think like this guy:

Motto: "thank me"


  • Can spook enemies by pressing R while mouse is over them, which makes them panic and attack anything nearby (So, for example, you could spook a Spider Warrior and have it fight the rest of its nest). However, Bosses and Hounds are immune, and it costs HP to Spook.

  • Using Spook on a Skeleton will cause it to become animate, following the player forever. It is much weaker than the Pig, but stays with you forever and revives a week after its death. You can only have 5 Skeletons. 

  • On a Full Moon the skeletons surround you in a star shape, and begin dancing. Beams connecting all the skeletons appear to create a pentagram shape, and anything that dies in the pentagram grants a decaying stat bonus to Mr Skeltal. Mr Skeltal starts with a decaying stat bonus of 89 Points.

  • Has 5 more inv slots


  • Has lower health

  • Freezes quicker

  • Has 31 Sanity

  • Attracts more hounds

  • Werepigs are attracted to him during Full Moon

  • During the Full Moon, the dancing skeletons can't be attacked, but they also can't attack