Board Thread:News and Announcements/@comment-26411013-20190203210751/@comment-24539665-20190217230407

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Bluoni0 wrote:
What I liked about the first one was that it felt like a map or paper on the dusk sun. Orange with tan; I liked it. I don't know how I feel about this one. The purple seems out of touch, though it is unique to the over-used (but likable) blue. I doubt the dark purple.

To me, I would switch to the warmer colors. The plateau has purples, yes, but the rainforests have pink & magenta, not to mention the Aporkalypse & the rainforest floor is a hazy & ominous red.

I don't know. Maybe the dark plum needs to be lighter? Look at me, first I had a solid thesis, now I don't know anymore. I would just lighten the dark plum or use warmer colors...?

I agree, although I see alot of people like it. When I see it, it has a really negative impact on my mood for some reason(I guess I was a sucker for the nicer warmer colours of the old wiki). Although the negative effect isn't as bad, I still find it hard to look at and process. For some reason, it's now the only thing I can see and I find it really hard to concentrate on the content I'm reading, but that's just me and a lot of people seem to love it which is good!