Food Value

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Ui button variant 1 on.png
Ui button variant 1 off.png

Glommer's Flower.png See also: Food

To see what type of the Food is, please refer to: Food Type.

These "food values" measure how plentifully an ingredient can fulfill a recipe's need for certain food groups, plays in and only in Crock Pot. Combined ingredients' food values (in addition to recipe priority) are what determine an attempt's final dish; for example: Honey Ham requires a meat value greater than or equal to 2.0, so in addition to Honey, its ingredients can be 3 Jerky; 2 Jerky & 1 filler; or 1 Jerky & 2 Drumsticks, but 1 Jerky, 1 Drumstick, & 1 filler won't cut it.

The overall set of food values for an attempted dish is the sum of its individual ingredient values. In attempting a dish like Monster Meat.pngMeat.pngMeat.pngBerries.png, the component values are:

  • +1 meat, +1 monster
  • +1 meat
  • +1 meat
  • +0.5 fruit

When added up, the final dish's set of values will be 3.0 meat, 1.0 monster, and 0.5 fruit. resulting in Meaty Stew.

Some ingredients value for two food groups; for example: raw Tropical Fish provides 1.0 fish unit & 0.5 meat units (though Cooked Fish Morsel provides 0.5 fish units & no meat units).

Meat value

There are 13 basic Meat food items in-game. There is one additional Meat in the Reign of Giants DLC, 11 additional Meats in the Shipwrecked DLC, two additional Meats in the Hamlet DLC, and eight additional Meats in Don't Starve Together. Most meats are dropped by Mobs as loot, and fish can also be obtained from Ponds with a Fishing Rod. If a mob dies from burning, the cooked variant of meat will be dropped instead (if available). Many of the meats can be dried on a Drying Rack, resulting in Jerky, a much longer-lasting food item with different Hunger, Sanity, and Health bonuses.

Mobs such as Pigs, Spiders or Hounds will eat any form of dropped meat on the ground, including Pig Skins. Additionally, Bunnymen will be aggressive towards the player if they have any item on this list.

There are 10 Crock Pot recipes that require Meat. There are two additional recipes in the Reign of Giants DLC, four additional recipes in the Shipwrecked DLC, three additional recipes in the Hamlet DLC, and one additional recipe in Don't Starve Together. Warly's Portable Crock Pot also has a recipe that requires meat in Don't Starve Together. An Egg is counted as an egg in a Crock Pot, and as meat elsewhere. Fishes are counted as both fish and meat in a Crock Pot, and as meat elsewhere.

Different Meat ingredients have different meat values.

Foods with meat value of 0.5
Morsel.png Cooked Morsel.png Drumstick.png Fried Drumstick.png Frog Legs.png Cooked Frog Legs.png Small Jerky.png Fish.png Cooked Fish.pngCooked Eel.png Eel.png Moleworm.png Shark Fin.png Dead Dogfish.png Raw Fish.png Fish Steak.png Tropical Fish.png Purple Grouper.png Cooked Purple Grouper.png Pierrot Fish.png Cooked Pierrot Fish.png Neon Quattro.png Cooked Neon Quattro.png Roe.png Cooked Roe.png (Batilisk Wing.png Don't Starve Together icon.png)
Foods with meat value of 1.0
Meat.png Cooked Meat.png Jerky.png Monster Meat.png Cooked Monster Meat.png Monster Jerky.png

Icon Tools.png Usage

  • In the Reign of Giants DLC, Moleworms can be used in the Crock Pot but do not count as Meat in any other action.

Monster Meat value

Foods with monster meat value of 1.0
Monster Meat.pngCooked Monster Meat.pngMonster Jerky.pngDurian.pngExtra Smelly Durian.pngDead Jellyfish.pngCooked Jellyfish.pngDried Jellyfish.png

Fish/Seafood values

Fish & seafood come in three levels of fishiness: half, full, and double.

Foods with fish value of 0.5
Crabbit.png Fish Morsel.png Cooked Fish Morsel.png Limpets.png Cooked Limpets.png Mussel.png Cooked Mussel.png
Foods with fish value of 1.0
Fish.png Cooked Fish.png Eel.png Cooked Eel.png Shark Fin.png Dead Dogfish.png Jellyfish.png Dead Jellyfish.png Cooked Jellyfish.png Dried Jellyfish.png Rainbow Jellyfish.png Dead Rainbow Jellyfish.png Cooked Rainbow Jellyfish.png Raw Fish.png Fish Steak.png Tropical Fish.png Purple Grouper.png Cooked Purple Grouper.png Pierrot Fish.png Cooked Pierrot Fish.png Neon Quattro.png Cooked Neon Quattro.png Roe.png Cooked Roe.png
Food with fish value of 2.0

Fruit value

There are five basic Fruit food items in-game — each with a cooked version. There is one additional Fruit in the Reign of Giants DLC, two additional Fruits in the Shipwrecked DLC, and three additional Fruits in Don't Starve Together.

There are five Crock Pot recipes that require Fruit. There are two additional recipes in the Reign of Giants DLC and two additional recipes in the Shipwrecked DLC. Warly's Portable Crock Pot also has three recipes that require Fruit: two in Don't Starve Together, and one in both Shipwrecked and Don't Starve Together. Crock Pot recipes differentiate ingredients between Fruits and Vegetables. The cooked version of a Fruit always rots faster than the non-cooked version (except for Coffee Beans). Glow Berries can only be put in the Crock Pot in Don't Starve Together, and are considered Vegetables in all other versions of the game.

Berries and Cave Bananas can be found naturally in the world. However, the rest of the Fruits have to be Farmed by planting Seeds. Halved Coconuts are obtained by chopping down fully mature Palm Trees, then using a Machete to split obtained Coconuts. Coffee Beans are harvested from Coffee Plants. Juicy Berry Bushes have a chance to replace Berry Bushes in Don't Starve Together.

Fruit ingredients come in half-size & full-size.

Foods with fruit value of 0.5
Berries.png Roasted Berries.png Coffee Beans.png Juicy Berries.png Roasted Juicy Berries.png
Foods with fruit value of 1.0
Pomegranate.png Sliced Pomegranate.png Durian.png Extra Smelly Durian.png Dragon Fruit.png Prepared Dragon Fruit.png Cave Banana.png Cooked Cave Banana.png Watermelon.png Grilled Watermelon.png Cooked Coffee Beans.png Halved Coconut.png Roasted Coconut.png

Durian counts both as monster food and fruit.

Vegetable value

There are 12 basic Vegetable Food items in-game — eight with a cooked version, and then PetalsFoliage, Lichen and Glow Berries, which are also counted as vegetables. There are two additional Vegetables in the Reign of Giants DLC, two additional Vegetables in the Shipwrecked DLC, three additional Vegetables in the Hamlet DLC, and ten additional Vegetables in Don't Starve Together.

There are 11 Crock Pot recipes that require Vegetables. There are three additional recipes in Reign of Giants, three additional recipes in Shipwrecked, four additional recipes in Hamlet, and four additional recipes in Don't Starve Together. Warly's Portable Crock Pot also has nine recipes that require Vegetables: three in Shipwrecked and six in Don't Starve Together. Crock Pot recipes differentiate ingredients between Fruits and Vegetables. Petals, Foliage, Succulents, Cooked Mandrakes, Glow Berries cannot be used in a Crock Pot. The cooked version of a vegetable almost always rots faster than the non-cooked version, except for Mushrooms, Corn, and Seaweed. All farmable vegetables last the same amount of time when raw.

Corn, Pumpkin, Eggplant, Toma Roots, Potatoes, Peppers, Onions, and Garlic can only be found through Farming by planting Seeds, while the rest of the Vegetables can be found throughout the world. Carrots, Sweet Potatoes, Aloe, Asparagus, and Radishes can also be farmed.

Vegetable ingredients come in half-size & full-size.

Foods with vegetable value of 0.5
Red Cap.png Cooked Red Cap.png Green Cap.png Cooked Green Cap.png Blue Cap.png Cooked Blue Cap.png Kelp Fronds.png Cooked Kelp Fronds.png Dried Kelp Fronds.png
Foods with vegetable value of 1.0
Carrot.png Roasted Carrot.png Corn.png Popcorn.png Eggplant.png Braised Eggplant.png Pumpkin.png Hot Pumpkin.png Lichen.png Mandrake.png Cactus Flesh.png Cooked Cactus Flesh.png Cactus Flower.png Seaweed.png Roasted Seaweed.png Dried Seaweed.png Sweet Potato.png Cooked Sweet Potato.png Aloe.png Cooked Aloe.png Asparagus.png Cooked Asparagus.png Radish.png Cooked Radish.png Ripe Stone Fruit.png(Foliage.pngHamlet icon.png)

Egg value

Egg ingredients come in small & enormous.

Foods with egg value of 1.0
Egg.png Cooked Egg.png Doydoy Egg.png Fried Doydoy Egg.png
Foods with egg value of 4.0
Tallbird Egg.png Fried Tallbird Egg.png

Sweetener value

Sweeteners are Honeys & Royal Jelly.

Foods with sweetener value of 1.0
Honey.png Honeycomb.png
Food with sweetener value of 3.0
Royal Jelly.png

Dairy Product value Reign of Giants icon.png

Dairy includes Butter & Electric Milk.

Foods with dairy value of 1.0
Butter.png Electric Milk.png

Bug value Hamlet icon.png

Bugs are unique to the Don't Starve: Hamlet DLC.

Foods with bug value of 1.0
Bean Bugs.png Cooked Bean Bugs.png Gummy Slug.png Cooked Gummy Slug.png

Ice value

Ice is the only food that is in Ice value

Foods with ice value of 1.0

Inedibles value

Foods with inedible value of 1.0
Twigs.png Dorsal Fin.png Weevole Carapace.png

Decoration value

Foods with decoration value of 2.0
Butterfly Wings.png Butterfly Wings SW.png