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This page is confusing. It should be clearly stated that you need to actually edit the data\scripts\consolecommands.lua file and add this to the top of that file:

require "consolecommands"

The current wording makes it sound like the simple commands are in that file, and to enable them you go into the console and type the above command -- not true, you go into the file and type the command (also IMO it should say "edit this file and type", not, "To enable commands, do:" -- do what?

Finally, there *is* a console command to enable the commands in that file, you type (taken from ): 


Which is much easier for the average user. You just open the console, type the above RunScript command, then you can type c_godmode() etc.. and it will work without editing any files.

Pithong (talk) 23:48, June 27, 2014 (UTC)