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2 shark gills? The fact that there are 2 implies that either the 'giant' relating to this will actually be 2 giants with half the health of a normal one (so 1000-1500 each) or the gills will drop in a random quantity of 1-2 from the giant, like how the Moose/Goose drops down feathers. That's assuming that there is a giant you need to kill for this to be crafted, but that's the most obvious assumption seeing that this is basically an Eyebrella and it's a 'god-tier' headwear item. It's also easy to assume that the giant needed for the shark gills will spawn during hurricane season because boss loot is supposed to prepare you for the season/s ahead (e.g. hibearnation vest is for Winter; eyebrella is for Spring and Summer; and the luxury fan is for Summer) and this particular bit of loot gives water resistance for monsoon season and heat resistance for Summer. 

Maybe the giant that drops the gills IS Twister (the giant with 3000 health mentioned in the cutlass supreme files), and Twister is actually a shark of some kind. 

IDFK maybe I'm thinking too much...