Talk:Guides/Character guide - Wolfgang, The Strongman/@comment-

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Just started a world as Wolfgang, and JESUS CHRIST is he a pain to feed early game. However, once you get a dragon fruit farm, werepig farm (i.e. feed pigs 4 monster meat, kill the werepig and get 2 meat + 1 pig skin every time), and some spider dens (at least 2) then I can see how he's such a good character.

I never used to like Wolfgang, probably because I never used to be very good at gathering food (plus, I knew f*ck all about crockpot recipes except for dragonpie) and I'd starve constantly.

I think Wolfgang would be a great character to play as when resetting a world using the Wooden thing, you'll have a headstart for food/making a base/etc. Otherwise, I definitely prefer Woodie because even though Werebeaver isn't as powerful as mighty mode, it's so damn easy to get 'health' back by eating living logs (which you'll be getting a lot of with the whole lumberjack thing), which restores 50 LM per log. Plus, Woodie has the standard hunger drain and has Lucy, which is a useful tool early game.