Talk:Guides/Character guide - Wolfgang, The Strongman/@comment-

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Sanity drain on him as only a 1.1 multiplier. That means his sanity drains only 10% faster than other characers. That means that with a tent and a top hat you wont have trouble mantaining it. Getting the Shanter completely nullifies this problem.  That said, his damage bonus means you will stay potentally half as much near sanity draining monsters than other characters. The drain is over time, not instant that means that to be affacted the same as the other his sanity should drain twice as fast. So Wolfgang still loses less sanity against mobs than other characters do,even with hs sanity handicap. That means the Dark Sword is not that bad for him either as you'll keep it equipped less. Which i favor over the Thulecite Bat due to the difference in damage while full beeing too big.

For sanity gain i'd go with Small Jerky or Taffy over Jerky. Both are easier to get than meat and the health dmg for taffies is negligible.

The Marble Suit is better for him as he;s better off tanking. That means he won't have to move, making the slower speed not a problem. And for caves the lantern is better than the miner hat as you'll get to use the Shanter and keep sanity in check.

Also you should clarify that his damage multiplier goes down like his max health goes down. That means that at 295 hunger you'll have something like a x1.9 multiplier. Too many people get cunfused by this.

Last, for healing, since it's health between stats changes on percantage it's better to heal while Wimpy and take damage while Mighty. For instance lets say you're wimpy at 100 health and go mighty with pumpkin cookies : Healing with a Healing Poultice while mighty will take his health from 200 to 230. A 30 HP increase And when you go back to wimpy you'll have 115 health.a 15 HP increase. Instead healing with it while wimpy will heal you from 100 to 130. 130 health that when going mighty will turn into 260. Double the health gain you'd have if you waited to heal after turning Mighty.