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Here's why the old system made sense: In-universe, for the science machine, you toss in things that make sense to go together, and you get the result; for the alchemy engine, it slightly warps the space around it somewhat so that you can see how things go together to create new things that you wouldn't necessarily have thought of before; and the shadow manipulator, being powered by a purple gem (which contains the mysteries of the universe) and ten nightmare fuel, as well as the somehow-mystical living logs, can warp the space around it to a much futher degree, revealing how things can go together to create new and impossible things - I like to think of it as, the purple gem glows and its light reveals what can go with what to create stuff.

That made sense. This hat thing does not. Combined with what I said in the two comments below this one, I see every reason why this contraption should not have happened. >.>