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The names of the Shipwrecked seasons in this article at the time of this post are Calm, Hurricane, Monsoon and Volcano. The internal names for these seasons, respectively, are Mild, Wet, Green and Dry. Did the names in the article come from an official source, or were they created by players? If the latter, I'd like to rename the articles to match the internal season names. --GuyPerfect (talk) 17:31, December 7, 2015 (UTC)

It's been brought to my attention that scripts/strings.lua lists season names for the world configuration menu. They are, in order: Wet, Hurricane, Monsoon and Dry--just as the article now specifies. --GuyPerfect (talk) 23:06, December 19, 2015 (UTC)
You actually got it wrong, partially. The string names for Shipwrecked seasons in the strings.lua are: Mild, Hurricane, Monsoon, and Dry.--LaDestitute (talk) 23:14, December 19, 2015 (UTC)