Talk:Smallish Tallbird/@comment-6894632-20130311182833

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Once upon a time Wolfgang found 4 Tallbird eggs (their parents' legs were delicious) . First he thought "Omelet and Waffles". But then idea: "Boomerang hard to make tricky to catch - make eggs hatch - eat more bird and bunny meat". He set them near the fire and when eggs started hatching he put them on a shore where warm summer winds helped "puny birdies" be born.

After 5 warm days eggs hatched or as Wolfgang would say "After 7 beefalos on stick, 5 puppy paw sandwiches, 3 pans of meaty borsch and 10 sweetie hams birdies broken eggs". He named them after 4 things he liked most "Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Supper". Lunch was eaten by his 3 brethren at night. "Wolfgang sad. Wolfgang go to pig village for berries to feed birdies. Birdies followed". Wolfgang's birds were fed.

They had many happy days running around, pecking rabbits, redbirds and crows. "Wolfgang - bird army general". After awhile "birds got biggish". "I go and clean ugly spiders now" - said Wolfgang. Many spiders and Spider Queens were slain that night... that cold winter night when Breakfast and Supper were ripped apart and eaten alive by these monsters.

Wolfgang and Dinner sat sadly on the icy shore. "I not like when things die" - said Wolfgang. - "But they all go to birdie heavens. I feel so".

Wolfgang heard loud growls of Deerclop. Strong man tried protecting Dinner. But before his Dark Sword made a finishing blow Deerclops' clutches took Dinner's life away. "Farewell, brave birdie Soldier" - said Wolfgang shedding manliest tear this wild world has ever seen before.

"Need to escape, but take some eggs home" Wolfgang thought to himself looking into deerclops' eye. "Faithful and ever hungry friends - good hunters, better than chickens"