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The exchange rate is 5.72 Thulecite per Green Gem, when duping Thulecite via Thulecite Suits.

It costs 12 Thulecite and 11 Green Gems to craft 6 Construction Amulets and 5 Deconstruction Staves, assuming you use up one of the Amulets to make the 5 Staves. Then with the remaining 5 Construction Amulets and 5 Deconstruction Staves, you can Craft and Deconstruct 25 Thulecite Suits, which grants you 75 Thulecite, which is a return of 63 Thulecite on your original investment.

This means a single use of a Green Gem (63 Thulecite divided by 11 Gems divided by 5 uses per gem)  is worth 1.14 Thulecite.

Obviously, you don't have to wait until you have 11 Green Gems to start duping; you can do so as soon as you get 2 of them. The point of all of the above is to explain why you should never use an Amulet or Staff on something made of Thulecite if you only expect to earn/save 1 Thulecite from it.