Talk:Unimplemented/Speculated Characters/@comment-

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Webber: loses sanity in daytime instead of night, permanent spiderhat effect, (thus friends with spiders but hated by just about everything else), can eat monster foods without penalty, sleeps during day instead of night? Might be OP, if you have drawbacks go ahead. Winnie: perhaps friends with animals, (like rabbits do not run away, beefalo heat immunity, etc), but suffers sanity loss for murdering krampus-innocent animals (5 or ten per naughtiness point), more afraid of dark and monsters, but passive sanity regen (1.3/min) during day Wortox: highly comfortable with darkness, monsters, but loses 2 sanity a minute in daylight, allowed to be naughty, lower hunger (113) Wilton- no hunger, 75 hp maximum, 120 sanity maximum? (No real idea) Wilbur: friendly towards Splumonkeys, 113 max health, less comfortable with scary things, 15% faster, can throw manure (20 damage- in effect a weaker blowdart) and guano (20 damage still) No idea at all for Waverly or Wallace Tell me what you think about these.