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ok so i have a dangerous thing going on i know there are alot of pigs near my home i hammerd down their houses and hoped that i could kill them before transfomation turns out that so many of them its no deal but their is a horde of beefalo i live nearby i have a hat (Mating protection) so i was wonder will they atack me or the beefalo if they atack me then... i think i'll run but listen up! its only day 6 so i got some time before they transform and its before matting season so what do i do!? please help! also can i run from them and live my days are long 30 seconds of dusk 30 seconds of night the rest day so if i can survive 30 seconds that's all i need because the next atack would be after mating season so the befalo would kill htem no prob then thanks for the help i'll need it alot! ;D