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This is how {{food infobox}} looks now, in its unconverted, non-portable state. Notice how the drumsticks aren't on the background squares, and how the columns don't align.

Hey again :)

Just wanted to stop by again and see what you were currently thinking about converting your infoboxes to the portable code. As you can see from the image of the current, non-portable infobox on the right, there are some genuine issues with your infoboxes as they currently exist. The portable infobox code I showed you a few months ago solved these issues, and didn't depart from their look on desktop.

It's really awfully important that we move to infoboxes that can be seen on a wide variety of devices. Otherwise, this community's work will be seen by dramatically fewer people -- a fact that'll be more true over time.

You approved the boxes in the initial round of discussions, so I wonder how you would recommend that we proceed with implementation of the new infoboxes. Can we just return to the revisions of the various affected templates and MediaWiki pages? Any advice you can give would be greatly appreciated.<ac_metadata title="Portable infoboxes"> </ac_metadata>