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As I mentioned in the comments of Venom Gland, the article was--and still is even after your edit--plagiarism of a contribution I made to another site ( Although the facts presented in my post are within the scope of this wiki and not owned by me, the content of my post as a whole was created by me and used without permission. This is the basis of my bringing it to your attention.

I understand that the original wiki contributor who created the Venom Gland page did not likely have any malicious intent, but rather wanted to get the material documented. I also understand that none of the subsequent editors to the page corrected the plagiarism, since there was no indication that it had occurred. Having said that, the plagiarism nonetheless did occur, which is not only in poor taste and in some jurisdictions illegal, but also a violation of the Wikia Terms of Use (

My hopes in bringing this to the attention of the admins is to address and prevent plagiarism on this wiki. However, I do have a concern in that your edit to the Venom Gland page not only failed to attribute me as the original author, but in fact replaced some of what I said with "[Citation needed]" of all things, as though the content weren't already from an external source. This is unrepresentative of the content's origin and frankly, I find it personally offensive.

At this time, I do not wish to grant this wiki permission to use my post or any other that I may make on other websites in the future. What I do want is for the Venom Gland article to be rewritten and for future plagiarism to not occur.<ac_metadata title="Plagiarism"> </ac_metadata>