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Thank you, you just made my day! Month (or so) of being to busy to reply and I come back to see this as my first notification! Oh, man, I haven't laughed that hard in a while!

I'm not going to grammar-spam this, as the obvious troll is obvious. If there's one thing I pride myself on, it's my inability to be baited into an internet flame war. I will answer your questions, though, as you seem to want to know a little bit about me.

r u gayboi?; No, actually, I'm asexual. I'm more interested in focusing on getting a good education than on pursuing a relationship.

i bet u live wit ur mum; Yes, students tend to not have their own houses.

while i get 20 blowjbs a day from my 3 gfs; I'm glad that makes you happy, but I really didn't want to know.

yea i m a mormin and i practise palygamy so wut; I don't recall ever bringing up any religions in a negative light. Maybe you're offended by my username? Is that it? I don't mean to offend anyone with it, it's just an internet term for someone with a tendency to correct the grammar/puctuation/spelling/etc. of others. I'm sorry if it offends you.

u want 2 fite me; No, actually. I'm not the type of person who wants to pick a fight, but I will defend myself if necessary.

ill kill u so hard yull wish u wer dead; Please don't make death threats on the internet. I know this is a troll and all, but cops can track these sort of things on the intrnet, and I really on't want to see someone get arrested for a simple internet prank. Also, if you've "killed" me, how would I be "wishing" that I was dead? Wouldn't I already be dead?

Well, now that you know me a little better, maybe you could tell me a little about yourself. We could even be friends if you like, T-Swag.