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wilson: idk

willow: came to the don't starve world after 1920, probably stated the voxola fire

wolfgang: was in the circus with wes, but is too stupid to remember (see the william carter puzzles and wolfgangs quotes on the maxwell statue)

wendy: maxwell is her uncle

abigale: probably killed by them, to stop maxwell from showing the codex umbra to jack

WX-78: was built by robert wagstaf, and is a prototype, that he worked on in secret (winona's quotes on WX-78, WX-78's quote on fully fueled firepit)

wikerbottom: was killed mysteriously, in the real world. the reason I belive is that she found a book writen by cyclum, like maxwell found metheus's book. the book had info on how to kill them, so they killed her. she was then revived by someone, posibly maxwell (see maxwell's quote on ghost wickerbottom)

woodie: idk

wigifrid: idk

webber: is robert wagstaffs son (see webbers quotes on the old licence plate, divinig rod, and broken hairdryer)

winona: idk

Robert Wagstaff: probably jacks boss, as winonas description of wagstaff matches webbers description of his dad, and also matches jacks description of his boss<ac_metadata title="Character backstory info I have found"> </ac_metadata>