Thread:Mr. KisE/@comment-29374814-20160731205721

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Dear KisE.

Sorry to interrupt you but I struggle to (Read: I stopped after 3 minutes) find answer to this: If I find a piece of trivia that 1. Fits into the article but it is locked (for example one of wolfgangs quotes on the directional sing : "I can practise my letters with it" which clearly points out that he cant read well) 2.if I have some trivia that Im not sure if to add (for example the bishop chess piece is reffered as a "shooter" in some languages and the clockwork bishop attack is ranged) where should I post it? For now I will stick to adding quotes with the new system, but they will run out soon :(

Sorry for taking your time. Thanks in advance. -Mikhali

P.S-or should I just do quotes and leave pages alone?<ac_metadata title="A question"> </ac_metadata>