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What I mean by it being high priority work is that your site's traffic in mobile is very high, and that there are millions of page views on mobile devices every month. It's important to make sure that the thing at the top of the page looks as good as it possibly can on mobile devices. The fact you haven't heard much noise about it from users is probably because mobile users -- the ones who would most likely complain -- don't actually edit much.

To answer your first question, the portable infoboxes I made you the last time are still here. They're just in the last revision of the various templates' history. So it wouldn't be something that would take a lot of time; it'd be a series of single-click operations. I'd guess it'd take about five minutes to return the portable infoboxes to the wiki.

Since you already know -- and were enthusiastic about -- what the portable infoboxes look like through that first forum discussion, would it be a bad idea to just take the five minutes to re-deploy them? Or did you have another idea?