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sory that was mean and uncalled for. i am just sour about not being able to keep my pronoun change on the webber page. mostly because like. theres more than enough evidence that the spider is still alive, theres many examination quotes that are very obviously the spider speaking. they use "we" to describe themselves in like, almost all their examination quotes. it only changes to "i/me" sometimes when the human or spider is speaking directly. also in the past, webber used to be in the same gender catergory as wx-78, meaning they canonically used "they/them". in adventure mode the game also uses "it/it's" to describe webber !! i myslef use multiple pronouns, i like to use they/them and she/her occasionally! so i see no issue with webber having multiple pronouns because many real life people do as well.

i am unsure why you are so adamant about keeping he/him, as the other characters who use he/him are pretty much always just referring to the human part of webber. if we are discussing webber as a whole, they are dual-minded but with a shared body. think like... garnet from steven universe, almost! or kindred from league of legends! 

hehe also, to back up the other claim of the spider being female, i recieved an ask on tumblr that borught up some good points! check it here

anyways pwease revert the page back to my edit pwease ill do anything pwease