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Hey. ThimothyOfSilver redirected me to you in this thread . The issue was that I didn't know how to upload the Shipwrecked DLC tracks to the wiki. Anyway, I converted the .mp3 files to .ogg files and figured out how to add them to the soundtrack page on my own. So, they are ready to be added. But here's the thing:

Timothy mentioned something about the strict legality of the page. As you can see, I have 0 knowledge about this thing, you know, copyright stuff... I don't know what would happen if I upload these tracks to the page just like that. Maybe I shouldn't upload them until the official Shipwrecked soundtrack hits the market? Should I upload them and put a copyright thing to each one of them, like they did with the other tracks like this one , so the problem would be solved? I'm not pretty sure what should I do. Like I said, I know nothing about this stuff. I see you've been in this wiki since a long time ago and you must have experience about this. Maybe could you give me a hand? Maybe some advices?

P.S.: I know, my english sucks. Anyway, I hope you didn't have too much problem to understand it all.<ac_metadata title="Shipwrecked Soundtrack & Copyright"> </ac_metadata>