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Are you serious? The title defines what's on the page. "Unimplemented/Speculated Characters" means that the page is about unimplemented or speculated characters. What i mean is, with this title, William does not need to be unimplemented(is on the game files but can't be played yet) or "SPECULATED by the developers to be added." to be listed like any other character on the page. He is speculated by people, and it's enough.

But guess what, it's not the best for the page. And yes, Skyte100, "Unimplemented Characters" is accurate since they're all Unimplemented Characters. They may be "SPECULATED by the developers to be added.", but it doesn't matter.

Damn man, just rename it back to "Unimplemented Characters" and put an end to this already. I'm getting tired of this.

BWT I explained my point in the Comments way before changing anything, and you read the Comments, replied to some, and just ignored me. So don't say it like i'm wrong, because i'm not.