User:John joe jake

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John Joe JakeHealth: 150 Damage: 37-22.5 Perks: Grows a beard, Absorbs up to 50% of damage taken. Drops: Spear, Axe, Log Suit, Current inventory.

John joe jake is a neutral mob that will not harm you unless he is hurt first. He will generally help any neutral to passive player that comes around, but will either chase down or run from aggressive players.


John joe jake is a friendly being who will not fight unless he must. He fights with his spear and will resort to an axe if he must. He can and will hurt any aggressive mob or player he finds, regardless of health, insanity aura, or damage. If you outrun him with a walking cane or lazy explorer, he will run back to his base with out hesitation.

Set Piece:

John joe jake will spawn either roaming around, or in his set piece consisting of:

2 drying racks

1 crock pot

1-3 chests

a lightning rod

an alchemy engine

7 improved farms

and stone walls going around his base.